
143 lines
7.6 KiB
Common Lisp
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(in-package #:live-chat-ui)
(defvar *default-prefix* "/lisp-chat")
(defun set-subpath-prefix (prefix)
(setf *default-prefix* prefix))
(defun subpath-prefix (path)
(format nil "~a~a" *default-prefix* path))
(defun static-asset-string (path)
:live-chat #P"static/"))))
;; Render chat messages
(defun generate-html-message (content)
(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
(:div :class "block"
:hx-swap-oob "afterbegin:#chat-messages"
(:div :class "box"
:style "overflow: auto; white-space: nowrap;"
(cl-who:str content)))))
(defun render-chat-messages ()
"Render the list of chat messages as HTML."
(let ((messages (fetch-messages)))
(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :indent nil)
(loop for msg in messages
collect (cl-who:str (generate-html-message msg))))))
;; Render chat UI
(defun render-chat-ui ()
"Render the main chat page with HTMX integration."
(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent nil)
(:html :lang "en"
:class "has-navbar-fixed-bottom"
(:meta :charset "utf-8")
(:meta :name "viewport" :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1")
;; (:meta :http-equiv "Content-Security-Policy"
;; :content "default-src *; style-src self unsafe-inline; script-src self unsafe-inline unsafe-eval")
(:title "Live Chat")
(cl-who:str (static-asset-string #P"bulma.min.css")))
;; (:link :rel "stylesheet"
;; :href ""
;; :integrity "sha512-RpeJZX3aH5oZN3U3JhE7Sd+HG8XQsqmP3clIbu4G28p668yNsRNj3zMASKe1ATjl/W80wuEtCx2dFA8xaebG5w=="
;; :crossorigin "anonymous"
;; :referrerpolicy "no-referrer")
(cl-who:str (static-asset-string #P"htmx.min.js")))
;; :integrity "sha512-dQu3OKLMpRu85mW24LA1CUZG67BgLPR8Px3mcxmpdyijgl1UpCM1RtJoQP6h8UkufSnaHVRTUx98EQT9fcKohw"
;; :src ""
;; :crossorigin "anonymous"
;; :referrerpolicy "no-referrer")
(cl-who:str (static-asset-string #P"ws.min.js"))))
;; :src ""
;; :integrity "sha512-1OIiXEswZd/etj60BUwFmyoi0OhrWdoYlzayJpSBivoMV0pQPIQr+vtAn3W3htsbWtLRU8DrBl0epdK4DQbj/w"
;; :crossorigin "anonymous"
;; :referrerpolicy "no-referrer"))
(:section :class "section"
(:div :class "container"
(:div :class "container"
:id "chat-messages"
:hx-get "/chat-messages"
(cl-who:str (render-chat-messages)))))
(:nav :role "navigation"
:class "navbar is-fixed-bottom is-spaced has-shadow"
2024-10-13 01:26:33 -04:00
:aria-label "main navigation"
(:div :class "navbar-brand"
(:a :class "navbar-item"
:href ""
(:img :src "/favicon.png"
:alt "icon"))
(:div :class "navbar-item"
(:div :class "columns is-mobile"
(:div :class "column"
(:button :class "button is-link"
:onclick "moreInfo();"
"More Info 1"))
(:div :class "column"
(:button :class "button is-link"
:onclick "moreInfo();"
"More Info 2"))
(:div :class "column"
(:button :class "button is-link"
:onclick "moreInfo();"
"More Info 3"))))
2024-10-13 01:26:33 -04:00
(:a :role "button"
:class "navbar-burger"
:aria-label "menu"
:aria-expanded "false"
:data-target "navbarBasicExample"
(:span :aria-hidden "true")
(:span :aria-hidden "true")
(:span :aria-hidden "true")
(:span :aria-hidden "true")))
(:div :class "navbar-menu is-active"
:id "navbarBasicExample"
2024-10-13 01:26:33 -04:00
(:div :class "navbar-start"
:style "display: none;")
(:div :class "container navbar-middle"
(:div :class "navbar-item is-expanded"
:hx-ext "ws"
:ws-connect (subpath-prefix "/ws-chat-messages")
(:form :class "form is-expanded"
:style "width:100%;"
:id "chat-form"
:name "chat-form"
:ws-send ""
;; :method :post
;; :action (subpath-prefix "/post-message")
;; :hx-post (subpath-prefix "/post-message")
;; :hx-target "#chat-messages"
(:div :class "field has-addons is-expanded"
(:div :class "control is-expanded"
(:input :class "input is-expanded"
:id "chat-input"
:form "chat-form"
:autocomplete "off"
:placeholder "Enter your message..."
:type "text" :name "message"))
(:div :class "control"
(:button :class "button is-link is-light"
:id "submit-button"
:form "chat-form"
:type "submit" "Send"))))))
2024-10-13 01:26:33 -04:00
(:div :class "navbar-end"
:style "display: none;")))
(:script (cl-who:str (js-snippet (subpath-prefix "/ws-chat-messages"))))))))
(defun js-snippet (path)
(format nil (static-asset-string #P"chat.js") path))