
61 lines
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2024-10-11 16:45:22 -04:00
(in-package #:live-chat)
(defvar *handler* nil
"The clack chat server app.")
;; to wrap with multiple middlewares at once, use lack's builder macro
(defparameter *app*
(:static :path "/public/"
:root #P"/static-files/")
;; (lambda (app)
;; (lambda (env)
;; (prog1 (funcall app env)
;; (do-before-responding))))
(:mount "/ws-chat-messages" #'live-chat-ws:make-websocket-server)
;; Start the chat server
(defun start-chat-server (&rest args &key (address "localhost") (port 8080) &allow-other-keys)
"Start the Clack chat server."
(setf *handler*
(apply #'clack:clackup *app*
:port port :host address args))
(when *handler*
(format t "Chat server started on ~A port ~A~%" address port)))
(defun stop-chat-server (&rest args)
(declare (ignore args))
(when *handler*
(clack:stop *handler*)
(setf *handler* nil)))
(unless *handler*
(format t "Chat server stopped.~%")))
(defun restart-chat-server (&rest args)
(apply #'stop-chat-server args)
(apply #'start-chat-server args))
(defun main (&rest args &key (foreground nil) &allow-other-keys)
(setf (cl-who:html-mode) :html5)
(apply #'restart-chat-server args)))
(defun wait-for-hunchentoot-listener (name)
(lambda (th)
(prefixp name (bt:thread-name th)))
(defun prefixp (prefix sequence &key (test #'eql))
"Does PREFIX match a prefix of SEQUENCE?"
(let ((mismatch (mismatch prefix sequence :test test)))
(or (null mismatch) (= mismatch (length prefix)))))