Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building and Card Inventory Management web interface written in Common Lisp, utilizing HTMX.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

  1. (in-package #:cl-user)
  2. (defpackage #:cl-deck-builder2.app
  3. (:use #:cl)
  4. (:import-from #:mito-attachment
  5. #:*storage*
  6. #:s3-storage
  7. #:disk-storage
  8. #:disk-storage-mount-path)
  9. (:import-from #:lack.builder
  10. #:builder)
  11. (:import-from #:ppcre
  12. #:scan)
  13. (:import-from #:cl-deck-builder2.web
  14. #:*web*
  15. #:make-chat-server)
  16. (:import-from #:cl-deck-builder2.config
  17. #:config
  18. #:productionp
  19. #:*public-directory*
  20. #:*static-directory*)
  21. (:import-from #:cl-deck-builder2.toolkit
  22. #:git-revision)
  23. (:documentation "The package the app file executes in. Passed to ~CLACK:CLACKUP~ function."))
  24. (in-package #:cl-deck-builder2.app)
  25. (defparameter *git-revision* (git-revision))
  26. (setf *storage*
  27. (if (productionp)
  28. ;; Store files in AWS S3 for production environment
  29. (make-instance 's3-storage
  30. :bucket "mito-attachment-example"
  31. :endpoint "s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com"
  32. :access-key (uiop:getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
  33. :secret-key (uiop:getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY"))
  34. ;; Store files in local filesystem for development environment
  35. (make-instance 'disk-storage
  36. :bucket "mito-attachment-example"
  37. :directory (merge-pathnames "attachment" *public-directory*))))
  38. (builder
  39. (:static
  40. :path (lambda (path)
  41. (if (ppcre:scan "^(?:/img/|/css/|/js/|/webfonts/|/robot\\.txt$|/favicon\\.(ico|png)|/manifest\\.json$)" path)
  42. path
  43. nil))
  44. :root *static-directory*)
  45. (:static
  46. :path "/public/"
  47. :root *public-directory*)
  48. (if (productionp)
  49. nil
  50. :accesslog)
  51. (if (getf (config) :error-log)
  52. `(:backtrace
  53. :output ,(getf (config) :error-log))
  54. nil)
  55. :session
  56. :csrf
  57. (when (typep *storage* 'disk-storage)
  58. `(:mount ,(disk-storage-mount-path *storage*) ,*storage*))
  59. (:clack-errors :debug t)
  60. (if (productionp)
  61. nil
  62. (lambda (app)
  63. (lambda (env)
  64. (let ((datafly:*trace-sql* t))
  65. (setf (getf djula:*default-template-arguments* :git-revision) *git-revision*
  66. (getf djula:*default-template-arguments* :server-name) "phntsm.ddns.net")
  67. (funcall app env)))))
  68. (:mount "/label-maker" cl-deck-builder2.web.label-maker:*web*)
  69. (:mount "/tinymce" cl-deck-builder2.web.tinymce:*web*)
  70. (:mount "/chat-server" #'cl-deck-builder2.web.sse:make-chat-server)
  71. *web*)