41 lines
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41 lines
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![]() |
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function tinymce_init(element, id) {
selector: element + '#' + id,
auto_focus: id,
highlight_on_focus: true,
skin: '{{ skin | default:'oxide' }}',
content_css: '{{ css | default:'dark' }}',
min_height: {{ min_height | default:500 }},
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style_formats_autohide: true,
style_formats_merge: true
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
// If you want to make the editor accept Markdown or Org mode:
// https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/content-behavior-options/#text_patterns
// you can add text_patterns:
tinymce_init('{{ element }}', '{{ id }}');
/* https://stackoverflow.com/a/74274127 */
document.addEventListener('htmx:afterRequest', function(evt) {
tinymce_init('{{ element }}', '{{ id }}');