# Backend Changes - [Done] Abritrary drag and drop (e.g. from main deck -> extra deck) - [Done] optimum qty - cards in decks - [Done] The "Optimum Qty" is "The number of times the card appears in each deck (e.g. 3) times the number of decks it appears in times 5". I think that's just SELECT COUNT(PASSCODE) ? And for constructed decks it would be the same. - [In Progress] Constrcuted-Deck-Overview - [In Progress] Storing / Saving / Updating optimum Qty - [In Progress] Number in inventory of this card - what is this? The total SUM count from all YGO-SET-ITEMs? - [In Progress] Created / Sold status - I think this is done already... - [In Progress] Inverse Priority system (more cards = sell more, less cards = hold more) - [ ] Arbitrary inventories (Secondary Inventory, ...) # Categories - [In Progress] Better UI - [ ] Show Decks from "subcategories" of current Category # Database - [Done] Yu-Gi-Oh - [Not Implemented] Images from CrystalCommerce We just got API access too. - [Not Implemented] Attach card image to specific card Nobody seemed to want to upload card images individiually. - [Done] Qty of card: number of times card appears in decks x multiplier (default x1) This is implemented but it doesn't display on the web frontend. - [ ] Pokemon - [ ] Magic # Constructed Deck Overview - [ ] TODO # Inventory We deleted the Crystal Commerce stuff. Maybe it will make a comeback. # UI Improvements - [In progress] Many, many, many, subtle UI bugs... - [ ] Deck-Overview shows: - [ ] constructed Decks based on this deck - [ ] sold decks - [ ] Use this information x a multiplier to construct "optimal qty." of cards to keep in stock. - [ ] Deck Builder Sub children category # Other - [ ] Constructed Deck Overview Panel - [ ] when its sold and how often it sells based on deck sells - [ ] Remove Category removes decks from category - [ ] Peronsalized decks via inventory qty - [ ] CC API for DB Connect - [ ] Output to text / CSV - [ ] Environment variable for translation WITH-LOCALE # Not Implemented Yet - [ ] Import new stuff from Crystal Commerce on the Web UI - [ ] Export to CSV for TCGPlayer Card Sorting Machines - [ ] Sync with our App - TCG Machines? I looked into their stuff. It looks very proprietary. Perhaps I should take a look at it. Check your notepad for notes