Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building and Card Inventory Management web interface written in Common Lisp, utilizing HTMX.
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135 Zeilen

  1. ################################################################################
  2. # Target Host Architecture
  3. ARCH ?= x86_64
  4. # docker / podman
  5. DOCKER ?= podman
  6. DOCKER_COMPOSE ?= podman-compose
  7. # Other programs
  8. LISP ?= sbcl
  9. RM ?= rm -f
  10. ################################################################################
  11. # Git Revision Info
  12. GIT_REV ?= $(shell git rev-parse master)
  13. # Influences the Docker Image Name
  14. IMAGE_NAME ?= cl-deck-builder2-$(GIT_REV)
  15. # For bind to this external address for docker-run
  16. EXTERNAL_ADDR ?= 5005
  18. # Platform passed to Dockerfile
  19. PLATFORM.x86_64 ?= linux/amd64
  20. PLATFORM.aarch64 ?= linux/arm64/v8
  22. ################################################################################
  23. # Code Borrwed from openbookstore <https://gitlab.com/myopenbookstore/openbookstore>
  24. # List lisp files, unless they contains a #
  25. SRC += $(shell find src/ -name '*.lisp' -a ! -name '*#*')
  26. HTML += $(shell find templates/ -name '*.html' -a ! -name '*#*')
  27. DEPS += $(SRC) $(HTML) $(wildcard *.asd)
  28. # list of supported locales
  29. LOCALES := en_US
  30. # Example of how the variable should look after adding a new locale:
  31. # LOCALES := en_US en_GB fr_FR es_ES
  32. # list of .po files (computed from the LOCALES variable)
  33. PO_FILES := $(foreach locale,$(LOCALES),locale/$(locale)/LC_MESSAGES/cl-deck-builder2.po)
  34. # list of .mo files (computed from the LOCALES variable)
  35. MO_FILES := $(foreach locale,$(LOCALES),locale/$(locale)/LC_MESSAGES/cl-deck-builder2.mo)
  36. ################################################################################
  37. all:
  38. docker-build: Dockerfile test
  39. $(DOCKER) buildx build --platform $(PLATFORM) -t $(IMAGE_NAME) .
  40. docker-run:
  41. $(DOCKER) run --platform $(PLATFORM) \
  42. --rm -it -P -p $(EXTERNAL_SLYNK_ADDR):4005 -p $(EXTERNAL_ADDR):5005 \
  43. --userns=keep-id -v $(HOME)/public:/home/quicklisp/public:z $(IMAGE_NAME)
  44. docker-clean:
  45. -$(DOCKER) image rm -f $(IMAGE_NAME)
  46. clean-fasl:
  47. -find -name '*.fasl' | xargs $(RM) -fv
  48. clean: clean-fasl
  49. -find -name '*~' | xargs $(RM) -fv
  50. $(RM) -rf bin/
  51. # I use a feature flag, bc using djula:*recompile-templates-on-change*
  52. # requires to load Djula before our app, and it isn't exactly the same meaning.
  53. build-lisp-image: ${MO_FILES}
  54. $(LISP) --non-interactive \
  55. --eval '(ql:quickload "deploy")' \
  56. --load cl-deck-builder2.asd \
  57. --eval '(push :djula-binary *features*)' \
  58. --eval '(ql:quickload :cl-deck-builder2)' \
  59. --eval '(asdf:make :cl-deck-builder2)'
  60. # This must use a custom-built SBCL with a special parameter,
  61. # see linux-packaging README.
  62. # I have it under ~/.local/bin/bin/sbcl
  63. build-package:
  64. $(LISP) --non-interactive \
  65. --load cl-deck-builder2.asd \
  66. --eval '(ql:quickload :cl-deck-builder2)' \
  67. --eval '(setf *debugger-hook* (lambda (c h) (declare (ignore h)) (format t "~A~%" c) (sb-ext:quit :unix-status -1)))' \
  68. --eval '(asdf:make :cl-deck-builder2)'
  69. # build-gui:
  70. # $(LISP) --non-interactive \
  71. # --load cl-deck-builder2.asd \
  72. # --eval '(ql:quickload :bookshops/gui)' \
  73. # --eval '(asdf:make :bookshops/gui)'
  74. test:
  75. $(LISP) --non-interactive \
  76. --load cl-deck-builder2.asd \
  77. --load cl-deck-builder2-test.asd \
  78. --eval "(ql:quickload '(:cl-deck-builder2 :cl-deck-builder2-test))" \
  79. --eval "(asdf:test-system :cl-deck-builder2)"
  80. .PHONY: tr
  81. tr: ${MO_FILES}
  82. PO_TEMPLATE_DIR := locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES
  83. PO_TEMPLATE := ${PO_TEMPLATE_DIR}/cl-deck-builder2.pot
  84. # Rule to extract translatable strings from SRC
  85. ${PO_TEMPLATE_DIR}/lisp.pot: $(SRC)
  86. mkdir -p $(@D)
  87. xgettext -k_ -kN_ --language=lisp -o $@ $^
  88. # Rule to extract translatable strings from djula templates
  89. ${PO_TEMPLATE_DIR}/djula.pot: $(HTML) src/i18n.lisp
  90. $(LISP) --non-interactive \
  91. --eval '(ql:quickload "deploy")' \
  92. --eval '(asdf:load-asd (truename "cl-deck-builder2.asd"))' \
  93. --eval '(push :djula-binary *features*)' \
  94. --eval '(ql:quickload :cl-deck-builder2)' \
  95. --eval '(cl-deck-builder2.i18n:update-djula.pot)'
  96. # Rule to combine djula.pot and lisp.pot into cl-deck-builder2.pot
  97. ${PO_TEMPLATE}: ${PO_TEMPLATE_DIR}/djula.pot ${PO_TEMPLATE_DIR}/lisp.pot
  98. msgcat --use-first $^ > $@
  99. # Rule to generate or update the .po files from the .pot file
  100. locale/%/LC_MESSAGES/cl-deck-builder2.po: ${PO_TEMPLATE}
  101. mkdir -p $(@D)
  102. [ -f $@ ] || msginit --locale=$* \
  103. --no-translator \
  104. -i $< \
  105. -o $@ \
  106. && msgmerge --update $@ $<
  107. # Rule to create the .mo files from the .po files
  108. locale/%/LC_MESSAGES/cl-deck-builder2.mo: locale/%/LC_MESSAGES/cl-deck-builder2.po
  109. mkdir -p $(@D)
  110. msgfmt -o $@ $<