Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building and Card Inventory Management web interface written in Common Lisp, utilizing HTMX.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines

  1. (in-package #:cl-deck-builder2.web.flash-message)
  2. (defvar *flash-messages* '())
  3. (defclass flash-message ()
  4. ((body :accessor flash-body-of
  5. :initarg :body)
  6. (class :accessor flash-class-of
  7. :initarg :class)
  8. (title :accessor flash-title-of
  9. :initarg :title)))
  10. (defun flash (class title body)
  11. "Essentially HASH-TABLE-PUSH: helper function to PUSHNEW a VALUE associated with KEY to *SESSION* HASH-TABLE."
  12. (let ((obj (make-instance 'flash-message
  13. :class class
  14. :title title
  15. :body body)))
  16. (push obj *flash-messages*)
  17. (flash-body-of obj)))
  18. (defun flash-gethash ()
  19. (let ((messages *flash-messages*))
  20. (setf *flash-messages* '())
  21. (reverse messages)))
  22. ;; error -> is-danger
  23. (defun flash-error (msg)
  24. (flash "is-danger" "Error" (princ-to-string msg)))
  25. ;; message -> is-success
  26. (defun flash-message (msg)
  27. (flash "is-success" "Success" (princ-to-string msg)))
  28. ;; info -> is-info
  29. (defun flash-info (title msg)
  30. (flash "is-info" title (princ-to-string msg)))
  31. ;; link -> is-link
  32. (defun flash-link (title msg)
  33. (flash "is-link" title (princ-to-string msg)))
  34. ;; primary -> is-primary
  35. (defun flash-primary (title msg)
  36. (flash "is-primary" title (princ-to-string msg)))
  37. ;; warning -> is-warning
  38. (defun flash-warning (msg)
  39. (flash "is-warning" "warning" (princ-to-string msg)))