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2016-03-30 16:28:59 -04:00
# Maki
# ----
# Discord bot by MrDetonia
# Copyright 2016 Zac Herd
# Licensed under BSD 3-clause License, see LICENSE.md for more info
import discord
import asyncio
import time
import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
# file in this directory called "secret.py" should contain these variables
from secret import email,pwd
# reported bot name
name = "Maki"
# bot version
version = "v0.4"
# text shown by .help command
helptext = """I am a bot written in Python by MrDetonia
My commands are:
.help - displays this text
.bots - prints basic info
.source - show a link to my source
.whoami - displays your user info
.seen <user> - prints when user was last seen
# IDs of admin users
admins = ['116883900688629761']
# number of times Ben has mentioned his meme boards
ben_ck_count = 0
ben_fit_count = 0
# log of users' last messages and timestamps
history = {'test': ('test message',time.time())}
# this instance of a Discord client
client = discord.Client()
# converts a datetime to a string
def strfromdt(dt):
return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# converts a timestamp to a datetime
def dtfromts(ts):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
# called when client ready
def on_ready():
# info on terminal
print('User: ' + client.user.name)
print('ID: ' + client.user.id)
# set "Now Playing" to print version
game = discord.Game(name = version)
yield from client.change_status(game, False)
# called when message received
def on_message(message):
# print messages to terminal for info
print(message.author.name + ': ' + message.content)
# do not parse own messages
if message.author != client.user:
# log each message against users
history[message.author.name] = (message.content, time.time())
# parse messages for commands
if message.content.startswith('.bots'):
# print bot info
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'I am ' + name + ', a Discord bot by MrDetonia | ' + version + ' | Python 3.4 with discord.py')
elif message.content.startswith('.help'):
# print command list
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, helptext)
elif message.content.startswith('.source'):
# link to source code
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'These are my insides: http://27b-a.xyz/mrdetonia/Maki')
elif message.content.startswith('.die') and message.author.id in admins:
# exit discord and kill bot
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'y tho :(')
yield from client.logout()
print('exited via die command')
elif message.content.startswith('.whoami'):
# show info about user
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'User: ' + message.author.name + ' ID: ' + message.author.id + ' Discriminator: ' + message.author.discriminator + '\nAccount Created: ' + strfromdt(message.author.created_at))
elif message.content.startswith('.seen'):
# print when user was last seen
target = message.content[6:]
if target in history:
# user logged, print last message and time
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'user ' + target + ' was last seen saying "' + history[target][0] + '" at ' + strfromdt(dtfromts(history[target][1])))
# user not logged
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'user not seen yet')
# Ben meme trackers
elif '/ck/' in message.content and message.author.name == "Ben.H":
ben_ck_count += 1
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'I have seen Ben reference /ck/ ' + ben_ck_count + ' times now.')
elif '/fit/' in message.content and message.author.name == "Ben.H":
ben_ck_count += 1
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, 'I have seen Ben reference /fit/ ' + ben_fit_count + ' times now.')
# Run the client
client.run(email, pwd)