class Spell def self.spells spells = [] spells << :name => "Marionette", :life => 2, :practice => "Ruling", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Resolve", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Medicine", "Athletics", "Expression"], :authors => ["Dark Archon"], :rules_text => "The Shaman can control the body of a mundane living thing. At the base level for the Duration of the spell the shaman can only command base life processes such as sleep, hunger, sweat, lacrimation, etc. Doing so may be obvious magic or an Act of Hubris depending upon the situation.", :reaches => [ [1, "Marionette can hijack living supernatural creatures."], [2, "The shaman takes over direct control over the muscles and nerves of a life form, forcing it to perform whatever physical tasks the Shaman desires for the Duration. If conscious, the subject is fully aware of the fact that their body is acting outside of their control. This may cause Dissonance if the subject is a Sleeper. The willworker cannot have the target perform Social or Mental tasks."] ] ) spells << :name => "It Takes One To Know One", :death => 1, :practice => "Unveiling", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Medicine", "Survival", "Empathy"], :authors => ["Dark Archon"], :rules_text => "Having visited or gazed upon Stygia, Moroi have the most death-like experience outside of actually dying. Being experienced with death and transition, they know how to find the marks that death leaves. For the spell's duration, the caster can measure the amount of contact with the death the target has with a glance. Most people have only a very minor death aura, but a veteran coroner's aura could be startling.", :reaches => [[1, "The caster can distinguish between those who witnessed death and those who have caused it directly. She can also accurately guess how many people have been killed by the target."]] ) spells << :name => "Witch Razor", :forces => 3, :practice => "Weaving", :primary_factor => "Potency", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Weaponry", "Crafts", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage brings forth a melee weapon of pure telekinetic force. The spell creates a simple weapon with no moving parts made of pure expression of crushing or shearing force, shining softly, sketched out in the air by the Mage’s will. Its equipment bonus is equal to Potency (exceeding 5 takes a point of Mana) and it deals bashing damage, because it is too sharp to actually sever – flesh cut just largely recoheres, leaving hair-thin red lines.", :reaches => [ [1, "The weapon may contain simple moving parts (e.g. flail or three section staff.)"], [1, "If the weapon deals damage to a living target, it applies an instance of the Bleeding Tilt upon the target."], [1, "The weapon ignores the Durability of mundane objects."], [1, "The weapon is transparent and quiet. Mundane means of seeing or hearing it automatically fail, but supernatural ones do not provoke a Clash of Wills."] ] ) spells << :name => "Grim Grinning Ghost", :death => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Potency", :withstand => "Rank", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Medicine", "Crafts", "Brawl"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "Older and more traumatic ghosts often warp with time, making the corpus-based implements of their death and weapons they possess more prominent and terrifying. Fingers become claws, teeth become fangs, and threflection of a murdered serial killer’s blade becomes vicious and sharp.\n\nThis spell mimics and bolsters this facet of the ghost-existence, granting it up to Potency extra points of damage rating for its natural attacks for the Duration of the spell.", :reaches => [ [1, "The Mage adds an additional tag to the ghost's weapon that is fitting to the character of the ghost; a dead bouncer might gain the Stun tag, while a pedophile shade might gain Grapple"], [1, "The ghost enjoys 9-again on natural attacks"] ] ) spells << :name => "Witch Razor", :forces => 3, :practice => "Weaving", :primary_factor => "Potency", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Weaponry", "Crafts", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage brings forth a melee weapon of pure telekinetic force. The spell creates a simple weapon with no moving parts made of pure expression of crushing or shearing force, shining softly, sketched out in the air by the Mage’s will. Its equipment bonus is equal to Potency (exceeding 5 takes a point of Mana) and it deals bashing damage, because it is too sharp to actually sever – flesh cut just largely recoheres, leaving hair-thin red lines.", :reaches => [ [1, "The weapon may contain simple moving parts (e.g. flail or three section staff.)"], [1, "If the weapon deals damage to a living target, it applies an instance of the Bleeding Tilt upon the target."], [1, "The weapon ignores the Durability of mundane objects."], [1, "The weapon is transparent and quiet. Mundane means of seeing or hearing it automatically fail, but supernatural ones do not provoke a Clash of Wills."] ] ) spells << :name => "Longer Leash", :death => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Rank", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Crafts", "Persuasion", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "This spell multiplies the distance a ghost may stray from its Anchor by Potency + 1." ) spells << :name => "Shut Down", :forces => 2, :practice => "Ruling", :primary_factor => "Potency", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Weaponry", "Expression", "Computer"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "This disables a specific targeted electronic device, or all electronic devices within an area of effect. The Scale factor determines how many specific devices may be disabled, or how wide the area of effect is." ) spells << :name => "Overclock", :forces => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Potency", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Computer", "Crafts", "Intimidation"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "Making the silicon heart dance to the tune of the divine fire within, the Mage invigorates the calculating power of a given device. Mechanically, this is represented as improving the equipment bonus of the device by one per Potency.", :reaches => [ [1, "The Mage also expands the RAM or cache memory, giving it the 9-Again property in addition to its equipment bonus."] ] ) spells << :name => "Invoke Doom", :fate => 1, :practice => "Compelling", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Resolve", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Crafts", "Expression", "Intimidation"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The fates of some individuals recoil and tear before some things, and this spell forces it to happen in a clear manner.\n\nThis spell forces a person with Destiny to avoid their Doom even more fastidiously than normal. The Destined must spend a point of Willpower to even come within the area of influence of its Doom (described by the Area factor of the spell), and cannot touch it at all. If the fated person is already within the proscribed area and fails the roll, they must flee immediately." ) spells << :name => "Cliche-Defying Contempt Aegis", :fate => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Academics", "Brawl", "Intimidation"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage exudes disgust at repeated narrative, denying the majesty of recurring themes and utterly ignoring what he finds distasteful.\n\nThe Mage may employ the aegis to shield against repetitive actions. The same emotional structure, weapon, or event unfolding again during the Duration of this spell is violently repelled – mundane events of this sort levelled at the target outright fail, whereas mystic ones force a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Empty Sapphire Mirror / Empty Ruby Mirror", :mind => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Composure", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Academics", "Athletics", "Animal Ken"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The heart and mind of the subject glitters softly in the void of their psyche akin to unfeeling gems. For the duration of the spell, any mundane attempt to appeal to the Mage’s emotions (Sapphire) or reason (Ruby) automatically fails. Mystically-backed ones force a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Shun The Smiling Lady", :mind => 2, :practice => "Veiling", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Composure", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Subterfuge", "Streetwise", "Socialize"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "Love is like an ending, no more keenly felt than when it is gone. This spell strikes a target’s name from the rolls of love, veiling any romantic feelings or approaches from his mind. This spell can also be used to veil other emotional states such as anger or fear. Mundane efforts to pierce the veil fail automatically, while supernatural ones provoke a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Stubborn God-Beast Indulgence / The Snake Within", :mind => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Composure", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Politics", "Streetwise", "Empathy"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The next time during this spell's duration that its subject would recover Willpower from indulging their Vice, they recover a number of points equal to the spell's Potency, instead of the usual one. If this value exceeds their Resolve, they will develop a Condition related to the rush of the experience, such as Addicted, Guilty, or Obsession.", :reaches => [ [1, "For one Mana, the subject may recover Willpower from their vice an additional time during the same scene."] ] ) spells << :name => "Stoke the Flame", :mind => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Potency", :withstand => "Composure", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Academics", "Medicine", "Survival"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "Basking in the fires of their Animus and the cool, unstoppable power of their Gnosis, the Mage is reinvigorated. He regains a point of Willpower.", :reaches => [ [2, "Drawing deeper, more greedily, the Mage emerges a temporarily more perfect and mentally rarified being. They regain, instead, points of Willpower equal to the spell's Potency."] ] ) spells << :name => "Hyperfocus", :mind => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Potency", :withstand => "Composure", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Academics", "Medicine", "Survival"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage launches their mind into a state of intense concentration, allowing them to keep track of difficult tasks far beyond what is possible for Sleepers. For each level of Potency, the Mage may exceed the normal number of iterations in extended actions by one.", :reaches => [ [1, "The heightened focus and clarity, combined with divergent, enhanced thinking, open up thought pathways to quick decisions and better choices. For the Duration, the Mage gains the effects of the Good Time Management merit."] ] ) spells << :name => "Self-As-Goal Redefinition", :mind => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Potency", :withstand => "Composure", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Academics", "Medicine", "Survival"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "Language shapes thought, and thought shapes action. Thus does the Mage whisper proper structure into her half-formed mind.This spell gives the Mage, for the Duration, another Aspiration slot, giving her soul the capacity to encompass more things and particulars of the world.", :adds => [ {:arcana => { :prime => 2 }, :effect => "For +1 Reach, the Mage may adopt another Obsession instead."} ] ) spells << :name => "Pyretic Will-Crushing Song", :mind => 3, :practice => "Fraying", :primary_factor => "Potency", :withstand => "Resolve", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Expression", "Intimidation", "Medicine"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "Twisting a burning multifaceted song into the core of the opponent's mind, the Mage attacks their willpower reserves. This spell removes a Willpower point from the target entity's pool per Potency.", :reaches => [ [1, "The song is sinister and vile. You may apply the Shaken or Spooked Condition to the target of the spell."] ] ) spells << :name => "Creation-Carving Blow", :space => 1, :practice => "Knowing", :primary_factor => "Potency", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Athletics", "Brawl", "Weaponry"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "Space is more flexible than many believe. By subtly observing the laws of space around her, the Mage allows her blows to come from angles which are devilishly hard to parry. If employing the ‘Specified Targets’ rule, she may ignore an amount of attack penalties equal to Potency." ) spells << :name => "Celestial Atlas", :space => 1, :practice => "Knowing", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Science", "Occult", "Academics"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage is aware of the direction and his relative position to visible celestial bodies.", :reaches => [ [1, "The Mage is likewise aware of objects too dim to be seen to the naked eye."] ], :adds => [ {:arcana => { :forces => 1 }, :effect => "This spell can be used during the day, and in spite of light pollution."}, {:arcana => { :time => 1 }, :effect => "The Mage also knows the age of the light from different celestial sources."} ] ) spells << :name => "Iron Chains", :space => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Socialize", "Politics", "Empathy"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "This spell targets a sympathetic connection. As long as the spell endures, this link cannot be altered in strength or quality by mundane events: he'll remain in the friend zone, she'll never Manage to get a divorce, this kid will never get bored of his favorite toy. Supernatural attempts to alter the sympathetic connection provoke a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Motion Lock", :space => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Science", "Brawl", "Academics"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage shields a thing’s position, making it locked relative to a given reference frame, safe from outside interference. Mundane attempts to shift the thing automatically fail, even if it is damaged in the process. Mystical ones provoke a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Tunnel Vision", :space => 2, :practice => "Veiling", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Science", "Brawl", "Academics"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage shields a thing’s position, making it locked relative to a given reference frame, safe from outside interference. Mundane attempts to shift the thing automatically fail, even if it is damaged in the process. Mystical ones provoke a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Accuracy Without Distance", :space => 3, :practice => "Weaving", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Athletics", "Firearms", "Weaponry"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "Blurring the distinctions between 'far' and 'close', a Mage attacks a target she cannot hope to hit, and impossibly does. For the Duration of the spell a given target is treated as being in point blank range from the Mage. This spell may be combined with the Sympathetic Casting attainment.", :reaches => [ [2, "The spell, at this level of exertion, becomes anisotropic — the target is in point blank range from the Mage, but the Mage is in their normal range from the target."] ] ) spells << :name => "Pristine Flowers Splashed Red", :space => 3, :practice => "Weaving", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Athletics", "Occult", "Weaponry"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage warps space around their subject into the shape of a sublime lotus. The blade that follows through strikes from a side an enemy could never expect, angles impossibly twisted. The subject's quarries lose Defense against the melee attacks of the subject for the Duration of the spell.", :reaches => [ [1, "As above, but it also applies to ranged attacks."], [1, "The subject may employ the short and medium burst actions in melee, as the world twists so that a single thrust or blade arc meets the flesh of the enemy twice, thrice, or more."], [2, "As above, but the long burst action is, too, available."] ] ) spells << :name => "Redefine Positionability", :space => 4, :practice => "Patterning", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Resolve", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Science", "Occult", "Academics"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage warps space around their subject into the shape of a sublime lotus. The blade that follows through strikes from a side an enemy could never expect, angles impossibly twisted. The subject's quarries lose Defense against the melee attacks of the subject for the Duration of the spell.", :reaches => [ [1, "As above, but it also applies to ranged attacks."], [1, "The subject may employ the short and medium burst actions in melee, as the world twists so that a single thrust or blade arc meets the flesh of the enemy twice, thrice, or more."], [2, "As above, but the long burst action is, too, available."] ] ) spells << :name => "Fortress of Arrogance", :prime => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Expression", "Intimidation", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage wraps the subject in symbol-planes and unassailable slopes, making incoming magic slide right off or ricochet harmlessly. Any external Supernal magical effect incoming at the subject provokes a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Ego-Infused Wholeness Embodiment", :prime => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Expression", "Athletics", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "It is not the place of the Lie to dictate the identity and structure of Truth. Whenever a fully-Abyssal interference effect attempts to alter a target with this spell active, its integrity reasserts itself like an immune system waging war on a plague. Any such attempt to shape her against her will, be it by gulmoth-claw, abyssal Numen, or other vile deviance, provokes a Clash of Wills.", :reaches => [ [2, "Half-Lying Abyssal interferences (befouled spells and such) are likewise rejected."] ] ) spells << :name => "Ironman", :time => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Computer", "Academics", "Athletics"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "For the Duration of the spell, any attempt to move back in time over its area of effect or including its subjects is met by a Clash of Wills." ) spells << :name => "Time out of Mind", :time => 3, :practice => "Weaving", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Subterfuge", "Academics", "Larceny"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "Sometimes what you most need is a breather and a moment to think. For the Duration of the spell, the subject may perform any purely mental actions she can imagine. Objectively, this thinking is compressed to a singular moment in time, allowing a Mage to come to conclusions extremely fast. Spells cannot be cast in this period of compressed time.", :reaches => [ [1, " Extended actions performed under the auspices of this spell have their iteration durations halved."] ], :adds => [ {:arcana => { :mind => 2 }, :effect => "The Mage may employ mental holograms and nirmitas for the subjective duration of the spell, allowing him to manifest in his mental palace the ethereal versions of any mental equipment he might require during his mental toil with equipment bonuses up to Potency."} ] ) spells << :name => "Thousand Buzzing Wasps / Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru", :time => 3, :practice => "Perfecting", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Brawl", "Athletics", "Weaponry"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage's body blurs, his fists impossibly fast. For the duration of the spell, the subject may use the short burst and medium burst maneuvers in melee against targets in their reach.", :reaches => [ [1, "as above, but the subject may also employ the long burst maneuver."] ] ) spells << :name => "Terrifying Argent Witchery", :time => 3, :practice => "Fraying", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Resolve", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Expression", "Intimidation", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage projects an incessant stream of visions of potential bad futures at their target, showing them all ways they and theirs can come to harm, their works crumble, and their ideas die. The subject of the spell gains the Beaten Down Tilt.", :reaches => [ [1, "For the duration of the spell they may not do any actions or spells in the same manner as the spell \"Post-cognition\”."] ] ) spells << :name => "Essense Feast", :spirit => 2, :practice => "Shielding", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Survival", "Empathy", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage protects a spirit from the mutative power of Essence. For the Duration of the spell the subject spirit will not pick up any new traits from the essence it consumes, neither harmful nor beneficial.", :reaches => [ [1, "Beneficial traits inside the spirit’s purview and theme are permissible."] ] ) spells << :name => "Essense Famine", :spirit => 2, :practice => "Veiling", :primary_factor => "Duration", :withstand => "Rank", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Survival", "Empathy", "Occult"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "For the Duration of the spell, the afflicted spirit cannot perceive (and thus, willingly consume) sources of Essence external to it and capable of nourishing it. This spell cannot be used on spirits above Rank 5." ) spells << :name => "Thornwall", :spirit => 3, :practice => "Weaving", :primary_factor => "Potency", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Survival", "Occult", "Intimidation"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "The Mage grows sharp blades and thorns on the Gauntlet, or forces screaming gales to traverse its surface. For the Duration of the spell, anything crossing the Gauntlet suffers the Potency of the spell in bashing damage.", :adds => [ {:arcana => { :spirit => 4 }, :effect => "It deals lethal damage instead."}, {:arcana => { :spirit => 5 }, :effect => "It deals aggravated damage instead."} ], :reaches => [ [1, "The willworker may create a Key that allows for safe passage to those who possess it."] ] ) spells << :name => "Imperfection-Revealing Diagrams", :matter => 1, :practice => "Knowing", :withstand => "Durability", :primary_factor => "Potency", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Crafts", "Occult", "Science"], :authors => ["Altasaire", "NEETzsche"], :rules_text => "The Mage examines a structure or object and gains an understanding of what can damage or destroy it, and how well. For the Duration of the spell, attacks exploiting that knowledge performed by the target of the spell ignore a number of the object’s Durability levels equal to the spell's Potency." ) spells << :name => "Irritate", :matter => 3, :practice => "Weaving", :primary_factor => "Duration", :suggested_rote_skills => ["Crafts", "Medicine", "Science"], :authors => ["Altasaire"], :rules_text => "The Mage affects the air (or another gas), granting it the qualities of a battlefield irritant. The air in the affected area becomes a toxin with Toxicity equal to Potency. People without proper gas masks on suffer the Blinded Tilt while in the area and roll Stamina + Resolve – Toxicity or suffer the Toxicity as a penalty on all actions until they are clear of the area.", :reaches => [ [1, "The affected air is particularly dense and is not displaced from the area significantly by winds or movement."], [1, "The affected air becomes opaque."] ] ) spells end end