require "prawn"
require "pry"
require_relative "spell"
require_relative "spells"
require_relative "condition"
require_relative "conditions"
require_relative "primitive_adds"
puts "Shards of Power PDF generator"
class ShardsOfPower
attr_accessor :pdf, :number_name, :chapter_name, :chapter_title, :section_name, :spells, :conditions
def start_chapter(num, name)
@number_name = num
@chapter_name = name
@chapter_title = "Chapter #{number_name}: #{chapter_name}"
puts "Starting #{chapter_title}"
pdf.outline.update do
puts "\tAdding #{@shards_of_power.chapter_title} on page #{page_number}"
section(@shards_of_power.chapter_title, :destination => page_number)
puts "\tSetting font size"
pdf.font_size FONT_SIZE_CHAPTER
pdf.font "Abess"
puts "\tPrinting chapter to document"
pdf.text "Chapter #{number_name}: #{chapter_name}", :align => :center
puts "\tRestoring body text"
pdf.font "Goudy"
pdf.font_size FONT_SIZE_BODY
def start_section(section_name)
puts "Beginning section #{section_name}: "
@section_name = section_name
pdf.outline.add_subsection_to(chapter_title) do
@pdf.outline.section section_name, :destination => @pdf.page_number
puts "\tSetting font size"
pdf.font_size FONT_SIZE_SECTION
pdf.text section_name, :align => :center
puts "\tRestoring body text"
pdf.font_size FONT_SIZE_BODY
pdf.font "Goudy"
def roll_results(dramatic_failure:, failure:, success:, exceptional_success:)
pdf.font_size FONT_SIZE_BODY
pdf.font "Goudy"
pdf.text "Roll Results", :style => :bold
pdf.formatted_text [
{ :text => "Dramatic Failure: ", :styles => [:bold] },
{ :text => dramatic_failure }
pdf.formatted_text [
{ :text => "Failure: ", :styles => [:bold] },
{ :text => failure }
pdf.formatted_text [
{ :text => "Success: ", :styles => [:bold] },
{ :text => success }
pdf.formatted_text [
{ :text => "Exceptional Success: ", :styles => [:bold] },
{ :text => exceptional_success }
def generate
puts "Parsing spells..."
@spells = Spell.spells
@conditions = Condition.conditions
puts "Creating PDF object..."
@pdf = => 0)
pdf.default_leading 5
"Goudy" => {
:normal => "goudy.ttf",
:bold => "goudy-bold.ttf",
:italic => "goudy-italic.ttf"
"Abess" => {
:normal => "abess.ttf"
"Lilith" => {
:normal => "lilith.ttf"
pdf.outline.instance_variable_set(:@shards_of_power, self)
puts "Importing cover..."
pdf.image("cover.png", :width => 612, :height => 792)
puts "Printing inner cover..."
pdf.start_new_page(:margin => 50)
pdf.font "Abess"
pdf.font_size 72
pdf.text "Shards of Power", :align => :center
puts "\tShards of Power big text..."
pdf.font "Goudy"
pdf.font_size 36
pdf.text "\nA compendium of spells, Conditions, Artifacts, and other interesting tidbits for Mage: the Awakening\n\n", :align => :center
puts "\tDescription..."
pdf.font_size 24
pdf.text "Written by members of the /cofd/ Discord, edited by NEETzsche", :align => :center
puts "\tMain credit..."
pdf.outline.define do
start_chapter "One", "Introduction"
pdf.column_box([0, pdf.cursor], :columns => 2, :width => pdf.bounds.width) do
pdf.text "Like every supernatural entity in the Chronicles of Darkness, there is a boundless breadth and depth of topics to discuss within them. The Awakened are by no stretch of the imagination an exception to this rule. This book does not dare claim that this will cover all of them, but it does dare to cover the broad strokes on a certain subtopic of the lives of those touched by the Supernal who still reside in the Fallen World: their toolkit.\n\nMage: the Awakening covered the broadest strokes on Awakened life in general, but there is so much more to the means by which Mages conduct their affairs and pursue their Obsessions that simply is not covered in that volume. There will be yet more that this one fails to consider. However, it is designed to touch on the high level ideas, and dig into some of the specifics for them, leaving you, the reader compelled, and hopefully, inspired as to where to explore next.", :inline_format => true
start_section "Tools Of Awakened Life"
pdf.text "This book is meant to be used as a toolkit. Each of the spells are modular, and for the most part do not operate off of each other. You, as the Storyteller or player, are meant to take the things you find fun, interesting and compelling while leaving the things you find silly, improper, or frustrating behind. This line of thought naturally extends to all of the Conditions, optional Arcana principles, alternative Relinquishment methods, and so on.\n\nThis book was written on a rolling basis by a number of people. It is a compilation, that accumulated over time. It did not get created overnight. As such, by the time you receive this file, there is a good likelihood that it's still in development, which means there might be more up-to-date versions of it, and additionally it may be open to input for your spells, your Artifacts, and your optional rules. The invite code at the time of publication is Cx3JBpB.", :inline_format => true
start_section "Chapters"
pdf.text "There are multiple chapters in this book. Each of them covers a specific set of topics.\n\nChapter One is ithe Introduction. It is what you are reading now. It gives the mission statement, the credits, and a few other key details before you get into the spells and the Conditions.\n\nChapter Two is the megagrimoire. It is a grimoire of grimoires, much like the book that White Wolf released when they still called themselves that, and is a combined set of spells that the players of this community have mutually agreed are at least somewhat reasonable. Many of us helped each other write these spells. All of their names will be listed in them, alphabetically.\n\nChapter Three: Conditions & Tilts discusses new Conditions and Tilts that can be imposed by spells, or by other means, such as dramatic failures.", :inline_format => true
start_section "Credits"
spell_authors = spells.collect { |spell| spell.authors }.flatten.uniq.sort
pdf.text "The following users have contributed to Shards of Power, in alphabetical order: #{spell_authors.to_list}"
start_chapter("Two", "Spells")
spells.group_by(&:primary_arcanum).sort_by { |arcanum, spells| arcanum }.to_h.each do |arcanum, arcanum_spells|
arcanum_name = arcanum.to_s.titleize
puts "Compiling spells for #{arcanum_name}..."
start_section("#{arcanum_name} Spells")
pdf.column_box([0, pdf.cursor], :columns => 2, :width => pdf.bounds.width) do
arcanum_spells.group_by(&arcanum).sort_by { |rating, spells| rating }.to_h.each do |rating, rating_spells|
rating_title = "#{rating.to_dots} #{Spell::RANKS[rating - 1]} of #{arcanum_name}"
puts "\tCompiling #{rating_title} spells..."
pdf.outline.add_subsection_to("#{arcanum_name} Spells") do
@pdf.outline.section rating_title, :destination => @pdf.page_number
pdf.font_size FONT_SIZE_SECTION
pdf.text rating_title
rating_spells.sort_by { |spell| }.each do |spell|
puts "\t\tCompiling #{spell.full_title} by #{spell.authors.join(', ')}"
pdf.outline.add_subsection_to(rating_title) do
@pdf.outline.section spell.full_title, :destination => @pdf.page_number
spell_ary = [{:text => "#{} (", :font => "Lilith", :color => "004E6D", :size => FONT_SIZE_SUBSECTION}]
pdf.font_size FONT_SIZE_BODY
previous = false
spell.arcana.each do |arcanum|
spell_ary << {:text => ", ", :font => "Lilith", :color => "004E6D", :size => FONT_SIZE_SUBSECTION} if previous
spell_ary << {:text => arcanum.to_s.titleize, :font => "Lilith", :color => "004E6D", :size => FONT_SIZE_SUBSECTION}
spell_ary << {:text => spell.send(arcanum).to_dots, :color => "004E6D", :size => FONT_SIZE_SUBSECTION, :character_spacing => -5}
previous = true
spell_ary << {:text => " )", :font => "Lilith", :styles => [], :color => "004E6D", :size => FONT_SIZE_SUBSECTION, :character_spacing => -3}
pdf.formatted_text spell_ary
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => "Practice: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => spell.practice, :font => "Goudy"},
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => "Primary Factor: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => spell.primary_factor, :font => "Goudy"},
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => "Withstand: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => spell.withstand, :font => "Goudy"},
] if !spell.withstand.nil?
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => "Cost: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => spell.cost, :font => "Goudy"},
] if !spell.cost.nil?
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => "Suggested Rote Skills: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => spell.suggested_rote_skills.join(', '), :font => "Goudy"},
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => spell.authors.length == 1 ? "Author: " : "Authors: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => spell.authors.join(', '), :font => "Goudy"},
pdf.text spell.rules_text, :inline_format => true
spell.reaches.each do |reach|
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => "+#{reach[0]} Reach: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => reach[1], :font => "Goudy"},
spell.adds.each do |add|
pdf.formatted_text [
{:text => "#{add[:verb] ? add[:verb] : "Add"} #{add[:arcana].collect { |arcanum, rating| [arcanum, rating].to_arcanum_with_dots }.to_list(:separator => add[:separator])}: ", :styles => [:bold], :font => "Goudy"},
{:text => add[:effect], :font => "Goudy"},
start_chapter "Three", "Conditions & Tilts"
start_section "Conditions"
puts "Compiling Conditions..."
pdf.column_box([0, pdf.cursor], :columns => 2, :width => pdf.bounds.width) do
conditions.each do |condition|
puts "\tCompiling #{}..."
pdf.outline.add_subsection_to("Conditions") do
@pdf.outline.section, :destination => @pdf.page_number
condition_ary = [{:text =>, :font => "Lilith", :color => "004E6D", :size => FONT_SIZE_SUBSECTION}]
pdf.formatted_text condition_ary
pdf.text condition.rules_text
pdf.text "Possible Sources: #{condition.possible_sources}", :inline_format => true if condition.possible_sources
pdf.text "Resolution: #{condition.resolution}", :inline_format => true
pdf.text "Beat: #{condition.beat}", :inline_format => true
pdf.text "#{condition.authors.size > 1 ? "Authors" : "Author"}: #{condition.authors.to_list}", :inline_format => true
shards_of_power =