#ifndef CONFIG_H #define CONFIG_H /* List of color options: COLOR_BLACK COLOR_RED COLOR_GREEN COLOR_YELLOW COLOR_BLUE COLOR_MAGENTA COLOR_CYAN COLOR_WHITE -1 // for transparent (only works if that is your default terminal background) */ /* --- Valid presets --- */ #define STD_PRESET 1 #define COLORFUL_PRESET 2 /* --- Preset selection --- */ #define COLOR_PRESET 2 #if COLOR_PRESET == 1 #elif COLOR_PRESET == 2 # define COLOR_FRAME_FG COLOR_GREEN # define COLOR_FRAME_BG -1 # define COLOR_PROMPT_FG COLOR_BLUE # define COLOR_PROMPT_BG -1 # define COLOR_CURSOR COLOR_WHITE # define COLOR_FIELD_FG COLOR_WHITE # define COLOR_FIELD_BG -1 # define COLOR_FIELD_SELECTED_FG COLOR_BLACK # define COLOR_FIELD_SELECTED_BG COLOR_WHITE # define COLOR_HELP_FG COLOR_YELLOW # define COLOR_HELP_BG -1 # define COLOR_TOOLTIP_FG COLOR_BLACK # define COLOR_TOOLTIP_BG COLOR_WHITE # define COLOR_MESSAGE_FG COLOR_WHITE # define COLOR_MESSAGE_BG COLOR_BLACK # define COLOR_PATTERN_FG COLOR_WHITE # define COLOR_PATTERN_BG -1 # define COLOR_TABLE_HEADER_FG COLOR_YELLOW # define COLOR_TABLE_HEADER_BG -1 # define COLOR_TABLE_ID_FG COLOR_CYAN # define COLOR_TABLE_ID_BG -1 # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_FILE_FG COLOR_MAGENTA # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_FILE_BG -1 # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_FUNCTION_FG COLOR_RED # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_FUNCTION_BG -1 # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_LINE_FG COLOR_CYAN # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_LINE_BG -1 # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_TEXT_FG COLOR_GREEN # define COLOR_TABLE_COL_TEXT_BG -1 # define COLOR_PAGER_MSG_FG COLOR_YELLOW # define COLOR_PAGER_MSG_BG -1 #else # error "Color profile not valid" #endif enum color_pairs{ COLOR_PAIR_FRAME = 1, COLOR_PAIR_PROMPT, COLOR_PAIR_FIELD, COLOR_PAIR_FIELD_SELECTED, COLOR_PAIR_HELP, COLOR_PAIR_TOOLTIP, COLOR_PAIR_PATTERN, COLOR_PAIR_MESSAGE, COLOR_PAIR_TABLE_HEADER, COLOR_PAIR_TABLE_ID, COLOR_PAIR_TABLE_COL_FILE, COLOR_PAIR_TABLE_COL_FUNCTION, COLOR_PAIR_TABLE_COL_LINE, COLOR_PAIR_TABLE_COL_TEXT, COLOR_PAIR_PAGER_MSG }; #define easy_init_pair(x) init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_ ## x, COLOR_ ## x ## _FG, COLOR_ ## x ## _BG) /* Other options: A_NORMAL : Normal display (no highlight) A_UNDERLINE : Underlining A_REVERSE : Reverse video A_BLINK : Blinking A_BOLD : Extra bright or bold A_STANDOUT : Best highlighting mode of the terminal. NOTE: you can specify more than one by separating the options by a '|' sign. { A_BLINK | A_BOLD } */ #define ATTRIBUTE_FIELD_SELECTED A_BOLD #endif