Prototype for xyntax inclusion...

This commit is contained in:
Ognjen Milan Robovic 2023-11-15 16:10:08 -05:00
parent c24cd6b99e
commit 3cbe7ad8aa
2 changed files with 61 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depen
void program_view_c_file (char * text_file, int width, int height, int x, int y) {
char * text_data;
@ -32,4 +30,54 @@ void program_view_c_file (char * text_file, int width, int height, int x, int y)
text_data = deallocate (text_data);
void program_view_c_file (char * text_file, int width, int height, int x, int y) {
char * text_data;
int reset_x = x;
int reset_y = y;
curses_active = 1;
text_data = file_record (text_file);
while (curses_active != 0) {
int offset, colour, effect, string;
curses_render_background (' ', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL);
x = reset_x;
y = reset_y;
string = 0;
colour = COLOUR_WHITE;
for (offset = 0; offset != string_length (text_data); ++offset) {
switch (text_data [offset]) {
case '"':
string = ! string;
colour = (string != 0) ? COLOUR_RED : COLOUR_WHITE;
effect = (string != 0) ? EFFECT_BOLD : EFFECT_NORMAL;
curses_render_character (text_data [offset], colour, effect, x, y);
switch (text_data [offset]) {
case '\t': x += 8; break;
case '\n': y += 1; x = reset_x; break;
default: x += 1; break;
curses_synchronize ();
text_data = deallocate (text_data);

View File

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O0 -c -o xhartae.o xhartae.c
gcc -o xhartae xhartae.o chapter/chapter_0.o chapter/chapter_1.o chapter/chapter_2.o chapter/chapter_3.o chapter/chapter_4.o
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_0.h
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_0.c
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_1.h
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_1.c
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_2.h
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_2.c
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_3.h
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_3.c
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_4.h
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_4.c
splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type xhartae.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_0.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_0.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_1.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_1.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_2.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_2.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_3.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_3.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_4.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_4.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type xhartae.c
valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-check=full ./xhartae