e2e testing made eas(y/ier)
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13 lines

  1. Gem::Specification.new do |s|
  2. s.name = 'pokes'
  3. s.version = '0.0.1'
  4. s.platform = Gem::Platform:RUBY
  5. s.summary = 'e2e tests, API-first'
  6. s.description = 'FP browser automation, pessimistic testing, HAML proxies'
  7. s.authors = ['Luka Licina']
  8. s.email = ['licina.luka@outlook.com']
  9. s.license = 'MIT'
  10. s.files = Dir.glob('{lib,bin}/**/*')
  11. s.require_path = 'lib'
  12. end