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2019-08-17 04:21:07 -04:00
### jQuery Multiple File Selection Plugin v2.2.2 - 2016-06-16 ###
* Home: http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/multifile/
* Code: https://github.com/fyneworks/multifile
* Licensed under http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
if (window.jQuery)(function ($) {
"use strict";
// size label function (shows kb and mb where accordingly)
function sl(x) {
return x > 1048576 ? (x / 1048576).toFixed(1) + 'Mb' : (x==1024?'1Mb': (x / 1024).toFixed(1) + 'Kb' )
// utility function to return an array of
function FILE_LIST(x){
return ((x.files&&x.files.length) ? x.files : null) || [{
name: x.value,
size: 0,
type: ((x.value || '').match(/[^\.]+$/i) || [''])[0]
// plugin initialization
$.fn.MultiFile = function (options) {
if (this.length == 0) return this; // quick fail
// Handle API methods
if (typeof arguments[0] == 'string') {
// Perform API methods on individual elements
if (this.length > 1) {
var args = arguments;
return this.each(function () {
$.fn.MultiFile.apply($(this), args);
// Invoke API method handler (and return whatever it wants to return)
return $.fn.MultiFile[arguments[0]].apply(this, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1) || []);
// Accept number
if (typeof options == 'number') {
options = {max: options};
// Initialize options for this call
var options = $.extend({} /* new object */ ,
$.fn.MultiFile.options /* default options */ ,
options || {} /* just-in-time options */
// Empty Element Fix!!!
// this code will automatically intercept native form submissions
// and disable empty file elements
//### http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1363
// utility method to integrate this plugin with others...
if ($.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept) {
$.fn.MultiFile.intercept($.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept /* array of methods to intercept */ );
$.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept = null; /* only run this once */
// loop through each matched element
.each(function () {
// BUG 1251 FIX: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/comments/add/1251
// variable group_count would repeat itself on multiple calls to the plugin.
// this would cause a conflict with multiple elements
// changes scope of variable to global so id will be unique over n calls
window.MultiFile = (window.MultiFile || 0) + 1;
var group_count = window.MultiFile;
// Copy parent attributes - Thanks to Jonas Wagner
// we will use this one to create new input elements
var MultiFile = {
e: this,
E: $(this),
clone: $(this).clone()
var o = $.extend({},
options || {}, ($.metadata ? MultiFile.E.metadata() : ($.meta ? MultiFile.E.data() : null)) || {}, /* metadata options */ {} /* internals */
// limit number of files that can be selected?
if (!(o.max > 0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.max)*/ ) {
o.max = MultiFile.E.attr('maxlength');
if (!(o.max > 0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.max)*/ ) {
o.max = (String(MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(max|limit)\-([0-9]+)\b/gi) || ['']).match(/[0-9]+/gi) || [''])[0];
if (!(o.max > 0)) o.max = -1;
else o.max = String(o.max).match(/[0-9]+/gi)[0];
o.max = new Number(o.max);
// limit extensions?
o.accept = o.accept || MultiFile.E.attr('accept') || '';
if (!o.accept) {
o.accept = (MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(accept\-[\w\|]+)\b/gi)) || '';
o.accept = new String(o.accept).replace(/^(accept|ext)\-/i, '');
// limit total pay load size
o.maxsize = o.maxsize>0?o.maxsize:null || MultiFile.E.data('maxsize') || 0;
if (!(o.maxsize > 0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.maxsize)*/ ) {
o.maxsize = (String(MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(maxsize|maxload|size)\-([0-9]+)\b/gi) || ['']).match(/[0-9]+/gi) || [''])[0];
if (!(o.maxsize > 0)) o.maxsize = -1;
else o.maxsize = String(o.maxsize).match(/[0-9]+/gi)[0];
// limit individual file size
o.maxfile = o.maxfile>0?o.maxfile:null || MultiFile.E.data('maxfile') || 0;
if (!(o.maxfile > 0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.maxfile)*/ ) {
o.maxfile = (String(MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(maxfile|filemax)\-([0-9]+)\b/gi) || ['']).match(/[0-9]+/gi) || [''])[0];
if (!(o.maxfile > 0)) o.maxfile = -1;
else o.maxfile = String(o.maxfile).match(/[0-9]+/gi)[0];
// size options are accepted in kylobytes, so multiple them by 1024
if(o.maxfile>1) o.maxfile = o.maxfile * 1024;
if(o.maxsize>1) o.maxsize = o.maxsize * 1024;
// HTML5: enforce multiple selection to be enabled, except when explicitly disabled
if (o.multiple !== false) {
if (o.max > 1) MultiFile.E.attr('multiple', 'multiple').prop('multiple', true);
$.extend(MultiFile, o || {});
MultiFile.STRING = $.extend({}, $.fn.MultiFile.options.STRING, MultiFile.STRING);
$.extend(MultiFile, {
n: 0, // How many elements are currently selected?
slaves: [],
files: [],
instanceKey: MultiFile.e.id || 'MultiFile' + String(group_count), // Instance Key?
generateID: function (z) {
return MultiFile.instanceKey + (z > 0 ? '_F' + String(z) : '');
trigger: function (event, element, MultiFile, files) {
var rv, handler = MultiFile[event] || MultiFile['on'+event] ;
if (handler){
files = files || MultiFile.files || FILE_LIST(this);
$.each(files,function(i, file){
// execute function in element's context, so 'this' variable is current element
rv = handler.apply(MultiFile.wrapper, [element, file.name, MultiFile, file]);
return rv;
// Setup dynamic regular expression for extension validation
// - thanks to John-Paul Bader: http://smyck.de/2006/08/11/javascript-dynamic-regular-expresions/
if (String(MultiFile.accept).length > 1) {
MultiFile.accept = MultiFile.accept.replace(/\W+/g, '|').replace(/^\W|\W$/g, '');
MultiFile.rxAccept = new RegExp('\\.(' + (MultiFile.accept ? MultiFile.accept : '') + ')$', 'gi');
// Create wrapper to hold our file list
MultiFile.wrapID = MultiFile.instanceKey;// + '_wrap'; // Wrapper ID?
MultiFile.E.wrap('<div class="MultiFile-wrap" id="' + MultiFile.wrapID + '"></div>');
MultiFile.wrapper = $('#' + MultiFile.wrapID + '');
// MultiFile MUST have a name - default: file1[], file2[], file3[]
MultiFile.e.name = MultiFile.e.name || 'file' + group_count + '[]';
if (!MultiFile.list) {
// Create a wrapper for the list
// * OPERA BUG: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ('list' is a read-only property)
// this change allows us to keep the files in the order they were selected
MultiFile.wrapper.append('<div class="MultiFile-list" id="' + MultiFile.wrapID + '_list"></div>');
MultiFile.list = $('#' + MultiFile.wrapID + '_list');
MultiFile.list = $(MultiFile.list);
// Bind a new element
MultiFile.addSlave = function (slave, slave_count) {
//if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.addSlave',slave_count);
// Keep track of how many elements have been displayed
// Add reference to master element
slave.MultiFile = MultiFile;
// BUG FIX: http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1495
// Clear identifying properties from clones
slave.id = slave.name = '';
// Define element's ID and name (upload components need this!)
//slave.id = slave.id || MultiFile.generateID(slave_count);
slave.id = MultiFile.generateID(slave_count);
//FIX for: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-multifile-plugin/issues/detail?id=23
//CHANGE v2.2.1 - change ID of all file elements, keep original ID in wrapper
// 2008-Apr-29: New customizable naming convention (see url below)
// http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-dev/browse_frm/thread/765c73e41b34f924#
slave.name = String(MultiFile.namePattern
/*master name*/
.replace(/\$name/gi, $(MultiFile.clone).attr('name'))
/*master id */
.replace(/\$id/gi, $(MultiFile.clone).attr('id'))
/*group count*/
.replace(/\$g/gi, group_count) //(group_count>0?group_count:''))
/*slave count*/
.replace(/\$i/gi, slave_count) //(slave_count>0?slave_count:''))
// If we've reached maximum number, disable input slave
var disable_slave;
if ((MultiFile.max > 0) && ((MultiFile.files.length) > (MultiFile.max))) {
slave.disabled = true;
disable_slave = true;
// Remember most recent slave
MultiFile.current = slave;
// We'll use jQuery from now on
slave = $(slave);
// Clear value
slave.val('').attr('value', '')[0].value = '';
// Stop plugin initializing on slaves
// Triggered when a file is selected
slave.change(function (a, b, c) {
//if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.slave.change',slave_count);
//if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.slave.change',this.files);
// Lose focus to stop IE7 firing onchange again
//# NEW 2014-04-14 - accept multiple file selection, HTML5
var e = this,
prevs = MultiFile.files || [],
files = this.files || [{
name: this.value,
size: 0,
type: ((this.value || '').match(/[^\.]+$/i) || [''])[0]
newfs = [],
newfs_size = 0,
total_size = MultiFile.total_size || 0/*,
html5_multi_mode = this.files && $(this).attr('multiple')*/
// recap
//console.log('START '+ prevs.length + ' files @ '+ sl(total_size) +'.', prevs);
//# Retrive value of selected file from element
var ERROR = []; //, v = String(this.value || '');
// make a normal array
$.each(files, function (i, file) {
newfs[newfs.length] = file;
//# Trigger Event! onFileSelect
MultiFile.trigger('FileSelect', this, MultiFile, newfs);
//# End Event!
// validate individual files
$.each(files, function (i, file) {
// pop local variables out of array/file object
var v = file.name.replace(/^C:\\fakepath\\/gi,''),
s = file.size,
p = function(z){
return z
.replace('$ext', String(v.match(/[^\.]+$/i) || ''))
.replace('$file', v.match(/[^\/\\]+$/gi))
.replace('$size', sl(s) + ' > ' + sl(MultiFile.maxfile))
// check extension
if (MultiFile.accept && v && !v.match(MultiFile.rxAccept)) {
ERROR[ERROR.length] = p(MultiFile.STRING.denied);
MultiFile.trigger('FileInvalid', this, MultiFile, [file]);
// Disallow duplicates
// go through each file in each slave
$.each(FILE_LIST(this), function (i, file) {
//console.log('MultiFile.debug> Duplicate?', file.name, v);
var x = (file.name || '').replace(/^C:\\fakepath\\/gi,'');
if ( v == x || v == x.substr(x.length - v.length)) {
ERROR[ERROR.length] = p(MultiFile.STRING.duplicate);
MultiFile.trigger('FileDuplicate', e, MultiFile, [file]);
// limit the max size of individual files selected
if (MultiFile.maxfile>0 && s>0 && s>MultiFile.maxfile) {
ERROR[ERROR.length] = p(MultiFile.STRING.toobig);
MultiFile.trigger('FileTooBig', this, MultiFile, [file]);
// check extension
var customError = MultiFile.trigger('FileValidate', this, MultiFile, [file]);
if(customError && customError!=''){
ERROR[ERROR.length] = p(customError);
// add up size of files selected
newfs_size += file.size;
// add up total for all files selected (existing and new)
total_size += newfs_size;
// put some useful information in the file array
newfs.size = newfs_size;
newfs.total = total_size;
newfs.total_length = newfs.length + prevs.length;
// limit the number of files selected
if (MultiFile.max>0 && prevs.length + files.length > MultiFile.max) {
ERROR[ERROR.length] = MultiFile.STRING.toomany.replace('$max', MultiFile.max);
MultiFile.trigger('FileTooMany', this, MultiFile, newfs);
// limit the max size of files selected
if (MultiFile.maxsize > 0 && total_size > MultiFile.maxsize) {
ERROR[ERROR.length] = MultiFile.STRING.toomuch.replace('$size', sl(total_size) + ' > ' + sl(MultiFile.maxsize));
MultiFile.trigger('FileTooMuch', this, MultiFile, newfs);
// Create a new file input element
var newEle = $(MultiFile.clone).clone(); // Copy parent attributes - Thanks to Jonas Wagner
//# Let's remember which input we've generated so
// we can disable the empty ones before submission
// See: http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1495
// Handle error
if (ERROR.length > 0) {
// Handle error
// 2007-06-24: BUG FIX - Thanks to Adrian Wróbel <adrian [dot] wrobel [at] gmail.com>
// Ditch the trouble maker and add a fresh new element
MultiFile.addSlave(newEle[0], slave_count);
return false;
else { // if no errors have been found
// remember total size
MultiFile.total_size = total_size;
// merge arrays
files = prevs.concat(newfs);
// put some useful information in the file array
files.size = total_size;
files.size_label = sl(total_size);
// recap
//console.log('NOW '+ files.length + ' files @ '+ sl(total_size) +'.', files);
// remember files
MultiFile.files = files;
// Hide this element (NB: display:none is evil!)
position: 'absolute',
top: '-3000px'
// Add new element to the form
// Bind functionality
MultiFile.addSlave(newEle[0], slave_count + 1);
// Update list
MultiFile.addToList(this, slave_count, newfs);
//# Trigger Event! afterFileSelect
MultiFile.trigger('afterFileSelect', this, MultiFile, newfs);
//# End Event!
}; // no errors detected
}); // slave.change()
// point to wrapper
$(slave).data('MultiFile-wrap', MultiFile.wrapper);
// store contorl's settings and file info in wrapper
// disable?
if(disable_slave) $(slave).attr('disabled','disabled').prop('disabled',true);
}; // MultiFile.addSlave
// Bind a new element
// Add a new file to the list
MultiFile.addToList = function (slave, slave_count, files) {
//if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.addToList',slave_count);
//# Trigger Event! onFileAppend
MultiFile.trigger('FileAppend', slave, MultiFile, files);
//# End Event!
var names = $('<span/>');
$.each(files, function (i, file) {
var v = String(file.name || '' ).replace(/[&<>'"]/g, function(c) { return '&#'+c.charCodeAt()+';'; }),
S = MultiFile.STRING,
n = S.label || S.file || S.name,
t = S.title || S.tooltip || S.selected,
p = file.type.substr(0,6) == 'image/' ? '<img class="MultiFile-preview" style="'+ MultiFile.previewCss+'"/>' : '',
label = $(
'<span class="MultiFile-label" title="' + t + '">'+
'<span class="MultiFile-title">'+ n +'</span>'+
(MultiFile.preview || $(slave).is('.with-preview') ? p : '' )+
.replace(/\$(file|name)/gi, (v.match(/[^\/\\]+$/gi)||[v])[0])
.replace(/\$(ext|extension|type)/gi, (v.match(/[^\.]+$/gi)||[''])[0])
.replace(/\$(size)/gi, sl(file.size || 0))
.replace(/\$(preview)/gi, p)
.replace(/\$(i)/gi, i)
// now supports preview via locale string.
// just add an <img class='MultiFile-preview'/> anywhere within the "file" string
var t = this;
var oFReader = new FileReader();
oFReader.onload = function (oFREvent) {
t.src = oFREvent.target.result;
// append file label to list
if(i>0) names.append(', ');
var v = String(file.name || '' );
names[names.length] =
'<span class="MultiFile-title" title="' + MultiFile.STRING.selected + '">'
+ MultiFile.STRING.file +
.replace(/\$(file|name)/gi, (v.match(/[^\/\\]+$/gi)||[v])[0])
.replace(/\$(ext|extension|type)/gi, (v.match(/[^\.]+$/gi)||[''])[0])
.replace(/\$(size)/gi, sl(file.size || 0))
.replace(/\$(i)/gi, i)
//$.each(files, function (i, file) {
// Create label elements
r = $('<div class="MultiFile-label"></div>'),
b = $('<a class="MultiFile-remove" href="#' + MultiFile.wrapID + '">' + MultiFile.STRING.remove + '</a>')
// ********
// TODO:
// refactor this as a single event listener on the control's
// wrapper for better performance and cleaner code
// ********
.click(function () {
// get list of files being removed
var files_being_removed = FILE_LIST(slave);
//# Trigger Event! onFileRemove
MultiFile.trigger('FileRemove', slave, MultiFile, files_being_removed);
//# End Event!
MultiFile.current.disabled = false;
// remove the relevant <input type="file"/> element
// remove the relevant label
// Show most current element again (move into view) and clear selection
position: '',
top: ''
$(MultiFile.current).reset().val('').attr('value', '')[0].value = '';
// point to currently visible element (always true, not necessary)
//MultiFile.current = MultiFile.wrapper.find('[type=file]:visible');
// rebuild array with the files that are left.
var files_remaining = [], remain_size = 0;
// go through each slave
// go through each file in each slave
$.each(FILE_LIST(this), function (i, file) {
//console.log('MultiFile.debug> FileRemove> remaining file', file.size, file);
// fresh file array
files_remaining[files_remaining.length] = file;
// fresh size count
remain_size += file.size;
// update MultiFile object
MultiFile.files = files_remaining;
MultiFile.total_size = remain_size;
MultiFile.size_label = sl(remain_size);
// update current control's reference to MultiFile object
$(MultiFile.wrapper).data('MultiFile', MultiFile);
//# Trigger Event! afterFileRemove
MultiFile.trigger('afterFileRemove', slave, MultiFile, files_being_removed);
//# End Event!
//# Trigger Event! onFileChange
MultiFile.trigger('FileChange', MultiFile.current, MultiFile, files_remaining);
//# End Event!
return false;
// Insert label
r.append(b, ' ', names)
//}); // each file?
//# Trigger Event! afterFileAppend
MultiFile.trigger('afterFileAppend', slave, MultiFile, files);
//# End Event!
//# Trigger Event! onFileChange
MultiFile.trigger('FileChange', slave, MultiFile, MultiFile.files);
//# End Event!
}; // MultiFile.addToList
// Add element to selected files list
// Bind functionality to the first element
if (!MultiFile.MultiFile) MultiFile.addSlave(MultiFile.e, 0);
// Increment control count
//MultiFile.I++; // using window.MultiFile
// deprecated: contorl's data now stored in wrapper because it is never removed.
// improved performance and lower memory comsumption
// Save control to element
//MultiFile.E.data('MultiFile', MultiFile);
}); // each element
### Core functionality and API ###
$.extend($.fn.MultiFile, {
* This method exposes the all the control's data
* Returns an object with various settings and properties of the selected files
* for this particular instance of the control. stored in the control's wrapper
* @name data
* @type Object
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $('#selector').MultiFile('data');
data: function () {
// analyse this element
var e = $(this), b = e.is('.MultiFile-wrap');
// get control wrapper
var wp = b ? e : e.data('MultiFile-wrap');
if(!wp || !wp.length)
return !console.error('Could not find MultiFile control wrapper');
// get control data from wrapper
var mf = wp.data('MultiFile');
return !console.error('Could not find MultiFile data in wrapper');
// return data
return mf || {};
* This method removes all selected files
* Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.
* @name reset
* @type jQuery
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $.fn.MultiFile.reset();
reset: function () {
var mf = this.MultiFile('data');
if (mf) $(mf.list).find('a.MultiFile-remove').click();
return $(this);
* This method exposes the array of selected files
* Returns an array of file objects
* @name files
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $('#selector').MultiFile('files');
files: function () {
var mf = this.MultiFile('data');
if(!mf) return !console.log('MultiFile plugin not initialized');
return mf.files || [];
* This method exposes the plugin's sum of the sizes of all files selected
* Returns size (in bytes) of files selected
* @name size
* @type Number
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $('#selector').MultiFile('size');
size: function () {
var mf = this.MultiFile('data');
if(!mf) return !console.log('MultiFile plugin not initialized');
return mf.total_size || 0;
* This method exposes the plugin's tally of how many files have been selected
* Returns number (a count) of files selected
* @name count
* @type Number
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $('#selector').MultiFile('size');
count: function () {
var mf = this.MultiFile('data');
if(!mf) return !console.log('MultiFile plugin not initialized');
return mf.files ? mf.files.length || 0 : 0;
* This utility makes it easy to disable all 'empty' file elements in the document before submitting a form.
* It marks the affected elements so they can be easily re-enabled after the form submission or validation.
* Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.
* @name disableEmpty
* @type jQuery
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty();
* @param String class (optional) A string specifying a class to be applied to all affected elements - Default: 'mfD'.
disableEmpty: function (klass) {
klass = (typeof (klass) == 'string' ? klass : '') || 'mfD';
var o = [];
$('input:file.MultiFile').each(function () {
if ($(this).val() == '') o[o.length] = this;
// automatically re-enable for novice users
$.fn.MultiFile.reEnableTimeout = window.setTimeout($.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty, 500);
return $(o).each(function () {
this.disabled = true
* This method re-enables 'empty' file elements that were disabled (and marked) with the $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty method.
* Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.
* @name reEnableEmpty
* @type jQuery
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty();
* @param String klass (optional) A string specifying the class that was used to mark affected elements - Default: 'mfD'.
reEnableEmpty: function (klass) {
klass = (typeof (klass) == 'string' ? klass : '') || 'mfD';
return $('input:file.' + klass).removeClass(klass).each(function () {
this.disabled = false
* This method will intercept other jQuery plugins and disable empty file input elements prior to form submission
* @name intercept
* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
* @example $.fn.MultiFile.intercept();
* @param Array methods (optional) Array of method names to be intercepted
intercepted: {},
intercept: function (methods, context, args) {
var method, value;
args = args || [];
if (args.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") < 0) args = [args];
if (typeof (methods) == 'function') {
value = methods.apply(context || window, args);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
return value;
if (methods.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") < 0) methods = [methods];
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
method = methods[i] + ''; // make sure that we have a STRING
if (method)(function (method) { // make sure that method is ISOLATED for the interception
$.fn.MultiFile.intercepted[method] = $.fn[method] || function () {};
$.fn[method] = function () {
value = $.fn.MultiFile.intercepted[method].apply(this, arguments);
//SEE http://code.google.com/p/jquery-multifile-plugin/issues/detail?id=27
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
return value;
}; // interception
})(method); // MAKE SURE THAT method IS ISOLATED for the interception
}; // for each method
} // $.fn.MultiFile.intercept
### Default Settings ###
eg.: You can override default control like this:
$.fn.MultiFile.options.accept = 'gif|jpg';
$.fn.MultiFile.options = { //$.extend($.fn.MultiFile, { options: {
accept: '', // accepted file extensions
max: -1, // maximum number of selectable files
maxfile: -1, // maximum size of a single file
maxsize: -1, // maximum size of entire payload
// name to use for newly created elements
namePattern: '$name', // same name by default (which creates an array)
/*master name*/ // use $name
/*master id */ // use $id
/*group count*/ // use $g
/*slave count*/ // use $i
/*other */ // use any combination of he above, eg.: $name_file$i
// previews
preview: false,
previewCss: 'max-height:100px; max-width:100px;',
// STRING: collection lets you show messages in different languages
remove: 'x',
denied: 'You cannot select a $ext file.\nTry again...',
file: '$file',
selected: 'File selected: $file',
duplicate: 'This file has already been selected:\n$file',
toomuch: 'The files selected exceed the maximum size permited ($size)',
toomany: 'Too many files selected (max: $max)',
toobig: '$file is too big (max $size)'
// name of methods that should be automcatically intercepted so the plugin can disable
// extra file elements that are empty before execution and automatically re-enable them afterwards
autoIntercept: ['submit', 'ajaxSubmit', 'ajaxForm', 'validate', 'valid' /* array of methods to intercept */ ],
// error handling function
error: function (s) {
if(typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(s);
// TODO: add various dialog handlers here?
}; //} });
### Additional Methods ###
Required functionality outside the plugin's scope
// Native input reset method - because this alone doesn't always work: $(element).val('').attr('value', '')[0].value = '';
$.fn.reset = $.fn.reset || function () {
return this.each(function () {
try {
} catch (e) {}
### Default implementation ###
The plugin will attach itself to file inputs
with the class 'multi' when the page loads
$(function () {