# AnonIB 3D by Alex Krunch ![Screenshot](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D9Hjo53W4AUguEy.jpg) This project is a prototype for a 3D anonymous imageboard. The goal is to use the video game structure an abstraction layer to minimize censorship. Full project running here: https://3dchan.net ## Software The project use Angular >6 and PHP > 5. It also use the libraries BabylonJS for the 3D and LazerDB for JSON database. [BabylonJS](https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/tree/master/dist) [LazerDB](https://github.com/Greg0/Lazer-Database) ## Installation **1/ Drag and drop the content at the _/ready2use/_ at the root of your server.** If you want to add AnonIB 3D to a subfolder, you will need to recompile the Angular project using this build command: ```bash ng build --prod --base-href=/path-to-subfolder/ ``` Add this .htaccess, modify _path-to-sub-folder_, and place it at the root of your sub-folder. ```bash RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L] RewriteRule ^(srv|user)($|/) - [L] RewriteRule ^(.*) /path-to-sub-folder/index.html [NC,L] ``` Don't forget to add the content of _/src_php/_ in _/path-to-sub-folder/srv/_ **2/ Add you own custom map list** Go to _/php/MapController.php_ and add and suppress a new line. Use only characters allowed in Url for the board name. ```bash array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("newmap", 15, 13, true, true) ); ``` **3/Initialize the admin password + the DB** Go to _/srv/php/admin.php_ Type the you password in the field Click on Set password To re-init the password go to _/php/password/password.txt_ and erase the file After this erase database + posts and maps if they already exist and click Init the database + Init Map and Posts **4/Access to the admin** Go to _/admin_ , type your password and click on New user or Existing user. You know have access to the admin. Click on the Launch the Admin. Posts is to review , delete or ban user. Map is to change map. At the top you got a selector to choose the chan of the map, and at the bottom you got a selector for the type of tile you want to use. ## Project status I paused the project due to my personal situation. There all you need in the code to activate the image upload, but security flows in it are highly probable. ## Support For any question or problem contact me by mail (monsieur.krunch@gmail.com) or on Twitter (https://twitter.com/alexkrunch) ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)