<?php /* __ ___ ______ __ ____ / |/ /___ _____ / ____/___ ____ / /__________ / / /__ _____ / /|_/ / __ `/ __ \ / / / __ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / /___/ /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / __/ / /_/ /_/\__,_/ .___/ \____/\____/_/ /_/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\___/_/ /_/ -create a new map -change an old map -get map data ----------------- -get tile values */ ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once "Utils/Constants.php"; require_once "Imports/LazerImports.php"; require_once 'Utils/Helpers.php'; require_once 'Models/Game/Coord.php'; require_once 'Models/Game/Level.php'; require_once 'Models/Game/Tile.php'; use \ForceUTF8\Encoding; //Autoload usage https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16175023/php-include-class-in-other-class use Lazer\Classes\Database as Lazer; defined('LAZER_DATA_PATH') or define('LAZER_DATA_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.Constants::CONST_DB_FOLDER.'/'); Class MapController { /*************************** * SAVING AND GETTIGNS DATA ***************************/ function createLevel($level) { $row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP); $row = $level ->fillRow($row); $row->save(); } function placePlayerFromTo($to_,$from_){ $row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->where('key', '=', $to_)->find(); $level = Level::parseRow($row); //get the future player coordonates $coord = $level -> placePlayerForKey($from_); //return Coord return $coord; } function getAllTiles(){ return Tile::getAllTiles(); } /************************** * MAP PROCEDURAL GENERATION *************************/ function generateWorld(){ //importnat VARS $gridData; $gridWidth = 2; $gridHeight = 2; $levelToPlace; $levelNumMax; $levelWidthMax; $levelHeightMax; //1. generate the dungeon grid $gridData = $this->fillgrid(null, $gridWidth, $gridHeight); $levelToPlace = array(); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level(Constants::CONST_MAP_ALPHA_NAME, 15, 13, true, true)); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("request", 15, 13, true, false) ); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("conspi", 15, 13, true, false) ); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("art", 15, 13, true, false) ); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("lulz", 15, 13, true, true) ); /* $size = Level::getDim(26); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("tripletrap", $size->x, $size->y, true)); $size = Level::getDim(26); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("pol", $size->x, $size->y, true) ); $size = Level::getDim(26); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("senpai", $size->x, $size->y, true)); $size = Level::getDim(26); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("varg", $size->x, $size->y, true) ); $size = Level::getDim(26); array_push($levelToPlace, new Level("crypto", $size->x, $size->y, true) );*/ //2. place the main level on this grid /* foreach ($levelToPlace as $lvl){ $coord = $this->pickPointFromGrid($gridData , $gridWidth, $gridHeight ); if(isset($coord)){ $gridData = $this->placeToGrid($gridData, $lvl, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $coord ); $lvl -> x = $coord-> x; $lvl -> y = $coord-> y; } }*/ //Genrate room for missing points /* $emptyCoord = $this->getCoordsFor($gridData, NULL, $gridWidth, $gridHeight); for($l = 0; $l < count($levelToPlace); $l++){ $index = rand(0, count($emptyCoord)-1 ); $coord = $emptyCoord[$index]; $level = new Level("???", rand(2,7), rand(2,7), false ); $gridData = $this->placeToGrid($gridData, $level , $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $coord); array_splice($emptyCoord, $index, 1); $level-> x = $coord-> x; $level-> y = $coord-> y; if(count($emptyCoord) < 1) break; }*/ $this->displayGrid($gridData, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, true); //3. each level need to have at least 1 door /* $allLevels = $this->getAllLevels($gridData); foreach ($allLevels as $lvl){ $dir = 0; $numDoors = rand(1,2); for( $dir; $dir < 3; $dir ++ ){ //CAUTION level found are the door on the other direction!!! $levelFound = null; $oppDir; $coord = new Coord($lvl-> x, $lvl-> y); //South if($dir == 2 ){ $levelFound = $this->getLevelForDir($gridData, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $coord,$dir); if(isset( $levelFound->door_key_N )) $levelFound = null; $oppDir = 0; } //West if($dir == 3 ){ $levelFound = $this->getLevelForDir($gridData, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $coord,$dir); if(isset( $levelFound->door_key_E )) $levelFound = null; $oppDir = 1; } //North if($dir == 0){ $levelFound = $this->getLevelForDir($gridData, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $coord,$dir); if(isset( $levelFound->door_key_S )) $levelFound = null; $oppDir = 2; } //East if($dir == 1 ){ $levelFound = $this->getLevelForDir($gridData, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $coord,$dir); if(isset( $levelFound->door_key_W )) $levelFound = null; $oppDir = 3; } if( isset($levelFound) && $numDoors > 0){ $levelFound -> setKeyForDir($lvl->key, $oppDir); $lvl-> setKeyForDir($levelFound->key, $dir); $numDoors --; } } //echo $lvl->name." has ".$lvl->getNumDoors()." doors<br/>"; }*/ //Get the level foreach ($levelToPlace as $lvl){ $lvl -> initLevelData(); $this->createLevel($lvl); } } /**************************** * UTILS for PROCEDURAL * Generation ****************************/ function fillgrid($defaultTile_, $width_, $height_){ $newGrid = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < ($height_*$width_); $i++) { array_push($newGrid,$defaultTile_); } return $newGrid; } function pickPointFromGrid($gridData, $width_, $height_ ){ for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $x = rand ( 0 , $width_-1); $y = rand ( 0 , $height_-1); //is grid coordonate occupped? $val = $gridData[ ($y*$height_) + $x]; if( !isset($val)) return new Coord($x, $y); } return NULL; } function placeToGrid($gridData, $data, $width_, $height_, $coord){ $gridData[ ( $coord->y *$width_) + $coord->x] = $data; return $gridData; } function getLevelForCoord($gridData_, $coord_, $width_, $height_){ return $gridData_[ ( $coord_->y *$width_) + $coord_->x]; } function getCoordsFor($gridData, $data, $width_, $height_){ $listData = array(); for ($y = 0; $y < $height_; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $width_; $x++) { if( $gridData[ ($y*$width_) + $x] == $data) array_push($listData, new Coord($x, $y)); } } return $listData; } /** * Get all the levels from the griddata * Return Level[] array; */ function getAllLevels($gridData){ $levels = array(); foreach ($gridData as $lvl){ if(isset($lvl)) array_push($levels,$lvl); } return $levels; } function displayGrid($gridData_, $width_, $height_, $is_null){ for ($y = 0; $y < $height_; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $width_; $x++) { if( !isset($gridData_[($y*$width_) + $x]) || !isset($gridData_[ ($y*$width_) + $x] -> name)){ echo "."; } else { $name = $gridData_[ ($y*$width_) + $x] -> name; echo substr($name,0,1); } } echo "<br/>"; } } function getLevelForDir($gridData_, $width_, $height_, $coord_,$dir_){ switch($dir_){ case 0: for ($y = $coord_->y -1; $y >= 0; $y--) { $coord = new Coord( $coord_->x,$y); $level = $this->getLevelForCoord($gridData_, $coord, $width_, $height_); if(isset($level)) return $level; } break; case 1: for ($x = $coord_->x +1; $x < $width_; $x++) { $coord = new Coord( $x,$coord_->y); $level = $this->getLevelForCoord($gridData_, $coord, $width_, $height_); if(isset($level)){ return $level; } } break; case 2: for ($y = $coord_->y +1; $y < $height_; $y++) { $coord = new Coord( $coord_->x,$y); $level = $this->getLevelForCoord($gridData_, $coord, $width_, $height_); if(isset($level)) return $level; } break; case 3: for ($x = $coord_->x -1; $x >= 0; $x--) { $coord = new Coord( $x,$coord_->y); $level = $this->getLevelForCoord($gridData_, $coord, $width_, $height_); if(isset($level)) return $level; } break; } return null; } }