things that won't be imported public $minerals; public $energy; //uranium, gaz etc. public $vegetable; public $animals; public $water; //DailyProduction public $mineralsProd; public $energyProd; //uranium, gaz etc. public $vegetableProd; public $animalsProd; public $waterProd; public $microEconomy; //influence industry public $money; public $deathCoef = 10; public $fertilyCoef = 100; //Propertie that influence the whole town public $old; public $pib; public $population; public $culture; // books per habitants public $weapons; public $tools; public $cyber; public $deads; //Influenced public $hiearchy; // numb strat of the population public $superficy; public $crimeRate; public $justiceEfficiency; public $inequality; public $terrorism; //imported stuff public $importMinerals; public $importEnergy; public $importVegetable; public $importAnimals; public $migrants; //Building public $rafineries; public $factories; public $banks; public $internet; public $shops; //--> link to ressources and tools public $residences; public $libraries; public $cimetaries; public $lakes; public $ports; //--> at least one public $discharges; function __construct( ) { } /** * $difficulty_ : 1 to 100 */ public function initGeo($name_, $difficulty_){ $this ->key = uniqid(); $this ->name = $name_; $this ->population = rand ( 25 , 75 ) ; //Geography $this ->lat = rand ( 0 , 100 ); if( $this ->lat < 50){ $coefHardGeo = $this ->lat *2; } else { $coefHardGeo = (100 - ($this ->lat)) *2; } if($coefHardGeo == 0) $coefHardGeo = 1; if($coefHardGeo == 100) $coefHardGeo = 99; //echo 'coefHardGeo: '. $coefHardGeo.'
'; $coefEasyGeo = (100-$coefHardGeo); $coefHardGeo = $coefHardGeo; $this ->mineralsProd = $this ->minerals = $this ->randomDescendent($difficulty_, $coefEasyGeo); $this ->energyProd = $this ->energy = $this ->randomDescendent($difficulty_, $coefEasyGeo); $this ->vegetableProd = $this ->vegetable = $this ->randomDescendent($difficulty_,$coefHardGeo); $this ->waterProd = $this ->water = $this ->randomDescendent($difficulty_, $this ->lat); $this ->animalsProd = $this ->animals = $this ->randomDescendent($difficulty_,$coefHardGeo); } public function initEconomy( $economy_ ){ $this -> microEconomy = new Economy($this, $this ->name.' MICRO' ); $this -> microEconomy -> getPIB($this, $economy_); //$this -> microEconomy->print(); $this -> money = 100; } /** * Init the politic (need a world setting for this) */ public function initPolitic(){ } public function calcultatePopulation($world_){ $pop = $this ->population; if($pop > 0){ $needWater = $this ->water - $pop; $needVegetable = $this ->vegetable - $pop; $needAnimals = $this ->animals - $pop; $needMinerals = $this ->minerals - $pop; $needEnergy = $this ->minerals - $pop; $moneyNeeded = 0; $moneyNeeded += $world_->macroEconomy->vegetablePrice * $needVegetable; $moneyNeeded += $world_->macroEconomy->animalsPrice * $needAnimals; $moneyNeeded += $world_->macroEconomy->waterPrice * $needWater; $this ->money -= $moneyNeeded; echo '--> '.$this ->name.' pop:'.$pop; if($this ->money < 0){ $pop -= $this ->deathCoef; echo '/ 💀Death: '.$this ->deathCoef; } else if($this ->money >= 0){ $pop += $this ->fertilyCoef; echo '/ 🍼 New borns: '.$this ->fertilyCoef; } $moneyNeeded += $world_->macroEconomy->mineralsPrice * $needMinerals; $moneyNeeded += $world_->macroEconomy->energyPrice * $needEnergy; $this ->money -= $moneyNeeded; echo '/ Money: $'.$this ->money.'
'; $this ->population = $pop; } } function randomAscendent($val_, $coef_){ $val = rand ( 1 , $val_ ) / 100; return $val*$coef_; } function randomDescendent($val_, $coef_){ $val = (100 - rand ( 1 , $val_ )) / 100; return $val*$coef_; } public function print(){ echo '*******************************
'; echo ' Welcome Town '.$this ->name.'
'; echo '*******************************
'; echo 'lat: '.$this ->lat.'
'; echo 'minerals: '.$this ->minerals.' ($'.$this->microEconomy->mineralsPrice.')
'; echo 'energy: '.$this ->energy.' ($'.$this->microEconomy->energyPrice.')
'; echo 'vegetable: '.$this ->vegetable.' ($'.$this->microEconomy->vegetablePrice.')
'; echo 'water: '.$this ->water.' ($'.$this->microEconomy->waterPrice.')
'; echo 'animals: '.$this ->animals.' ($'.$this->microEconomy->animalsPrice.')
'; echo '------------------------------------------
'; echo 'PIB of the town: $'. round($this ->microEconomy ->PIB).'k
'; echo '
'; } }