mirror of https://github.com/AlexKrunch/AnonIB-3D.git synced 2024-10-04 22:46:54 -04:00
2019-08-17 10:21:07 +02:00

1145 lines
40 KiB

________ ______ __ ____
/ ____/ /_ ____ _____ / ____/___ ____ / /__________ / / /__ _____
/ / / __ \/ __ `/ __ \ / / / __ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ / / / /_/ / / / / / /___/ /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / __/ /
\____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/ \____/\____/_/ /_/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\___/_/
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
require_once "Utils/Constants.php";
require_once "Imports/LazerImports.php";
require_once 'Utils/Helpers.php';
require_once 'Libs/torrent-rw/Torrent.php';
require_once 'Libs/php-bittorrent.phar';
require_once 'AdminController.php';
require_once 'MapController.php';
require_once 'Libs/forceutf8/Encoding.php';
require_once 'Models/Post.php';
require_once 'Models/Game/GameData.php';
require_once 'Models/Game/Tile.php';
require_once 'Models/Game/Items.php';
require_once 'Models/FakeFile.php';
use \ForceUTF8\Encoding;
//Autoload usage https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16175023/php-include-class-in-other-class
use Lazer\Classes\Database as Lazer;
defined('LAZER_DATA_PATH') or define('LAZER_DATA_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.Constants::CONST_DB_FOLDER.'/');
Class ChanController {
function getPostByMapKey($mapKey) {
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('map_key', '=', $mapKey)-> findAll() -> count();
if($count > 0){
$postFromMap = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('map_key', '=', $mapKey)->where('show', '=', true)->findAll();
foreach ( $postFromMap as $key => $post) {
$post -> player_ip = null;
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($postFromMap);
return array();
function getPostsByCanvas($mapKey,$canvas_key_) {
$postFromThread = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('map_key', '=', $this->getPlayer()->map_key)->where('canvas_key', '=', $canvas_key_)->findAll();
foreach ( $postFromThread as $key => $post) {
$post -> player_ip = null;
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($postFromThread);
function getReplies($postId_) {
$postFromThread = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('reply', '=',(int)$postId_) -> orWhere('id', '=',(int)$postId_) ->findAll();
foreach ( $postFromThread as $key => $post) {
$post -> player_ip = null;
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($postFromThread);
//Don't need the map key because it's embed in the player profile
function getMapPosts() {
$mapKey = $this -> getPlayerMapKey();
$postArray = $this -> getPostByMapKey($mapKey);
$firstPostArray = array();
foreach ($postArray as &$post){
array_push( $firstPostArray, $post);
//Move the player
$this -> move();
if(isset($postArray) && count($firstPostArray) > 0 ) usort($firstPostArray, array('ChanController','cmpPost'));
}catch (Exception $e) {
$firstPostArray = array();
//get the map data
$gameData = new GameData();
$gameData -> player = Helpers::getDataFromLazer($this -> getPlayer());
$gameData -> players = $this -> getAllPlayers();
$gameData -> posts = Helpers::getDataFromLazer($firstPostArray);
//$gameData -> itemsPlayer = Helpers::getDataFromLazer($this -> getItemsForPlayer() );
//$gameData -> itemsMap = Helpers::getDataFromLazer($this -> getItemsForMap() );
$gameData -> itemsPlayer = [];
$gameData -> itemsMap = [];
$gameData -> map = Helpers::getDataFromLazer($this->getPlayerMapData());
$gameData -> tiles = $this->getAllTiles();
// $gameData -> actions = Helpers::getDataFromLazer($this->getActions());
$gameData -> actions = [];
$gameData -> postsLeft = $this->howManyPostLeft();
return $gameData;
function createPost($post, $file, $img){
$playerRow = $this->getPlayer();
if( !isset($playerRow) || $playerRow -> hp <= 0 || $this->testIfBan() ) return false;
if( strpos( strtolower($post->message) , 'cp') !== false
|| strpos( strtolower($post->message) , '<?') !== false
|| strpos( strtolower($post->message) , 'php') !== false
|| strpos( strtolower($post->url) , 'youdieifyou.work') !== false //
$playerRow -> hp = 0;
$playerRow -> save();
return false;
//TODO : test if it's an existing thread
// $row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_THREADS);
$urlTorrent = '';
$magnet = '';
$hash = '';
$file_name = null;
$file_fake_path = null;
$fakeFile = null;
* ANTI HACKING!!!already posted!
//Does the canvas key already exist?
$countNumCanvas = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('map_key', '=', $this->getPlayer()->map_key)->where('canvas_key', '=', $post->canvas_key)->where('show', '=', true)-> findAll() -> count();
if($this->howManyPostLeft() <= 0) return "no more post!";
if($countNumCanvas > 1) {
return "Canvas already done";
if( isset($post -> url)){
if( isset($post -> url) && $post -> url != '') $countNumCanvas = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('url', '=', $post -> url)->where('show', '=', true)-> findAll() -> count();
if($countNumCanvas > 6) return "already posted!";
if(strlen($post -> url)> 3000) return "message too big";
if( isset($post -> message) && strlen($post -> message) > 0){
$countNumCanvas = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('message', '=', $post -> message)->where('show', '=', true)-> findAll() -> count();
if($countNumCanvas > 6) return "message already done";
if(strlen($post -> message)> 3000) return "message too big";
$urlPreview = "";
if(isset($post -> url) && $this->getYoutubePreview($post -> url)) $urlPreview = $this->getYoutubePreview($post -> url);
$post-> map_key = $this->getPlayer()->map_key;
if($this->getYoutubePreview($post -> url) || isset($img)){
//The error validation could be done on the javascript client side.
$errors = array();
if (!file_exists(Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$post->map_key)) {
mkdir(Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$post->map_key, 0777, true);
if($this->getYoutubePreview($post -> url)){
$mediaFile = pathinfo($urlPreview);
$file_ext = strtolower( $mediaFile['extension'] );
$file_name = $mediaFile['filename'].'.'. $file_ext;
if (!file_exists(Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.Constants::CONST_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOLDER.'/')) {
mkdir(Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.Constants::CONST_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOLDER.'/', 0777, true);
$fakeFile = new FakeFile($this->getChanURI(),$file_ext,Constants::CONST_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOLDER);
$file_name = $fakeFile -> file_name;
$internalUrl = $fakeFile ->fake_path;
$isCreated = file_put_contents ( Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.Constants::CONST_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOLDER.'/'.$file_name ,fopen($urlPreview, 'r') );
if(!$isCreated) $errors[]= Constants::CONST_FILES_MAX_SIZE_ERROR;
$urlPreview = $internalUrl;
} else {
//ANti hack
if(strpos($img, '<?') !== false) return "stop faggot";
if($post->graffiti === 'true'){
if(strpos($img, 'snffch') === false) return "stop faggggot";
$img = str_replace('snffch', '', $img);
} else {
if( !$playerRow -> is_admin ) return "not admin";
$fileExt = "";
if(strpos($img, 'png;') !== false){
$fileExt = "png";
} else if(strpos($img, 'jpg;') !== false) {
$fileExt = "jpg";
} else if(strpos($img, 'jpeg;') !== false) {
$fileExt = "jpeg";
} else if(strpos($img, 'gif;') !== false) {
$fileExt = "gif";
}else if(strpos($img, 'webp;') !== false) {
$fileExt = "webp";
$img = str_replace('data:image/'.$fileExt.';base64,', '', $img);
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
//echo 'fileExt= '.$fileExt;
//echo 'img= '.$img;
$fakeFile = new FakeFile($this->getChanURI(),$fileExt,$post->map_key);
$file_name = $fakeFile -> file_name;
$urlFileFull = $fakeFile ->fake_path;
if(!Helpers::check_base64_image($img)) $errors[]= Constants::CONST_FILES_EXT_ERROR;
if(!Helpers::getBase64ImageSize($img) > 400) $errors[]= Constants::CONST_FILES_EXT_ERROR;
$data = base64_decode($img);
if(empty($errors)==true) file_put_contents(Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$post->map_key.'/'.$file_name, $data);
if(!$this->getYoutubePreview($post -> url)) {
//Multi files management
//If file created, we need to create the torrent!
// create torrent
if (!file_exists('torrents/'.$post->map_key)) {
mkdir('torrents/'.$post->map_key, 0777, true);
$url = Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$post->map_key.'/'. $file_name;
$urlTorrent = 'torrents/'.$post->map_key.'/'.$file_name.'.torrent';
$urlTorrentFull = $this->getChanURI()."php/".$urlTorrent;
$urlFileFull = $fakeFile ->fake_path;
$torrent1 = PHP\BitTorrent\Torrent::createFromPath($url, $this->getChanURI().'php/tracker/announce.php');
$torrent1 ->setComment(CONSTANTS::SITE_TORRENT_DESC)->save($urlTorrent);
$torrent = new Torrent( $urlTorrent );
$torrent->announce(array('wss://tracker.openwebtorrent.com/', 'wss://tracker.fastcast.nz/'));
$torrent->save($urlTorrent); // save to disk
$magnet = $torrent->magnet();
$hash = $torrent->hash_info();
$post->url = $urlFileFull;
} else {
Helpers::makeGenericResponse(false, null, json_encode($errors));
$this -> cleanMap($this->getPlayer()->map_key);
$post->message = str_ireplace("nigger", "🎺", $post->message);
$post->message = str_ireplace("jew", "🥤", $post->message);
$isGraffiti = ( $post->graffiti === 'true');
$postRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS);
$postRow -> date = time();
$postRow -> key = uniqid();
$postRow -> map_key = $this->getPlayer()->map_key;
$postRow -> canvas_key = $post->canvas_key;
$postRow -> player_ip = Helpers::getClientIp();
$postRow -> player_id = (int)$this->getPlayer()->id;
$postRow -> player_name = $post->player_name;
$postRow -> message = $post->message;
$postRow -> preview = $urlPreview;
$postRow -> is_canon = false;
$postRow -> show = true;
//$postRow -> is_admin = $this->isPlayerAdmin();
$postRow -> url = $post->url;
$postRow -> reply = (int)$post->reply;
$postRow -> graffiti = $isGraffiti;
$postRow -> magnet = $magnet;
$postRow -> torrent = $urlTorrent;
$postRow -> hash = $hash;
$postRow -> save();
//Get the thread to update the post
$threadData = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_THREADS)->where('key', '=', $post->map_key)->find();
$threadData -> date_update = time();
$threadData -> save();*/
$this -> generateTorrentForAll($post->map_key);
if(isset($file_name)) $this -> addFile($postRow, $fakeFile);
//Return the created post
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($postRow);
function getActions(){
$logList = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_LOGS)->where('map_key', '=', $this->getPlayer()->map_key )-> findAll();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer( $logList);
function setAction($action, $value){
$numLogMax = 30;
if(strlen($value)> 145) return "message too big";
if(strlen($action)> 145) return "message too big";
if(strlen($value) < 2) return "message too small";
$message = str_ireplace("nigger", "noggle", $value);
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_LOGS);
$row-> player_id = (int) ($this -> getPlayer()->id);
$row-> ip = Helpers::getClientIp();
$row-> map_key = $this->getPlayer()->map_key;
$row -> last_action = time();
$row -> action = $action;
$row -> value = $message;
//Clean the old logs
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_LOGS)->where('map_key', '=', $this->getPlayer()->map_key)-> count();
if( $count > $numLogMax ){
$logList = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_LOGS)->where('map_key', '=', $this->getPlayer()->map_key )-> findAll();
$toSupp = $count - $logList;
foreach($logList as $log){
if( $toSupp > 0){
$logToSupp = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_LOGS)->find($log->id);
$logToSupp -> delete();
$toSupp --;
public function cleanMap($mapKey_){
$numPostMax = 120;
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('map_key', '=', $mapKey_)->where('show', '=', true)-> findAll() -> count();
if( $count > $numPostMax ){
$postList = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('is_canon', '=', false )->where('show', '=', true)-> findAll();
$toSupp = $count - $numPostMax;
//var_dump($postList );
foreach($postList as $post){
if( $toSupp > 0){
$postToSupp = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->find($post->id);
$postToSupp -> show = false;
$postToSupp -> save();
//echo "/id to supp ".$postToSupp -> id." ";
$toSupp --;
public function addFile($postRow_, $fakeFile_){
$fileRow =Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_FILES);
$fileRow ->id_post = $postRow_->id;
$fileRow ->map_key = $postRow_->map_key;
$fileRow ->fake_name = $fakeFile_->fake_name;
$fileRow ->fake_path = $fakeFile_->fake_path;
$fileRow ->file_name = $fakeFile_->file_name;
$fileRow -> save();
public function deleteFileForPost($postId_){
$postRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('id', '=', $postId_)->find();
$fileRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_FILES)->where('id_post', '=', $postId_)->find();
if( isset($fileRow) && isset($fileRow->file_name) ){
//Delete the image
$filePath = Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$postRow->map_key.'/'. $fileRow->file_name;
if(file_exists($filePath)) unlink($filePath) or die("Couldn't delete file");
//Delete the torrent
$torrentPath = 'torrents/'.$postRow->map_key.'/'.$fileRow->file_name.'.torrent';
if(file_exists($filePath)) unlink($torrentPath) or die("Couldn't delete file");
//reinit the torrent
$this -> generateTorrentForAll($postRow->map_key);
$fileRow -> delete();
public function init($id, $key, $password, $mapKey){
//Clean the old players in the DB
Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->where('last_action', '<', Helpers::getDeadline() )->delete();
$kPlayer = null;
$row = null;
$isAdmin = false;
$levelName = 'alpha';
if( isset($mapKey) ){
$levelRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->where('key', '=', $mapKey)->find();
if( isset($levelRow) && isset($levelRow -> id)) $levelName = $levelRow -> key;
//We test if admin
if( $password != null && strlen($password) > 0 ){
$adminController = new AdminController();
$isAdmin = $adminController->validPassword($password);
//We authentificate the id + the key
try {
if( $id != null && $key != null){
//we get the player
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->find((int)$id);
if($isAdmin) $row -> is_admin = $isAdmin;
$token = $row -> player_key;
if($key == $token){
$row -> map_key = $levelName;
$row -> save();
//return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($row);
} catch(Exception $e){
//echo $e;
$id = null;
//We make a new player
if($id == null) {
//$levelRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->find($index);
$level = Level::parseRow($row);
//We need to find empty coordonates
$coord = $level -> getEmptyCoord();
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS);
$row-> player_key = Helpers::generateToken();
$row -> last_action = time();
$row -> hp = 100;
$row -> position_x = doubleval (-1);
$row -> position_y = doubleval (-1);
$row -> map_key = $levelName;
$row -> is_admin = $isAdmin;
//We refill the user's items
$this-> fillingMap();
//Get the ID of the user saved
//return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($row);
$_POST['player_id'] = $row -> id;
$_POST['player_key'] = $row -> player_key;
$_POST['position_x'] = $row -> position_x;
$_POST['position_y'] = $row -> position_y;
return $this->getMapPosts();
return null;
public function move(){
$row = $this->getPlayer();
//manage the player move
$playerX = -1;
$playerY = -1;
$playerTalk = "";
if( isset($_POST['position_x']) ) $playerX = doubleval ($_POST['position_x']);
if( isset($_POST['position_y']) ) $playerY = doubleval ($_POST['position_y']);
//if( isset($_POST['talk']) ) $playerTalk = $_POST['talk'];
//else we are updateing his locations and diverse data;
if( $playerX != -1){
$row -> position_x = $playerX;
$row -> position_y = $playerY;
$row -> talk = $playerTalk;
$row -> last_action = time();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($row);
public function moveInteract($id){
//return $this->mobiles;
public function getAllPlayers(){
if( $this->getPlayer()->id != null ) {
$playerCount = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->where('id', '!=',$this->getPlayer()->id)
->where('map_key', '=', $this->getPlayer()->map_key)
if($playerCount == 0) return array();
$playerTable = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->where('id', '!=',$this->getPlayer()->id)
->where('map_key', '=', $this->getPlayer()->map_key)
} else {
$playerTable = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->findAll();
foreach ( $playerTable as $key => $player) {
$player -> player_key = null;
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($playerTable);
public function getPlayerByID($id){
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->find($id);
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($row);
public function isPlayerAdmin(){
$playerId = null;
$playerKey = null;
if( isset($_POST['player_id']) ) $playerId = $_POST['player_id'];
if( isset($_POST['player_key']) ) $playerKey = $_POST['player_key'];
if($playerId == null || $playerKey == null) return false;
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->find($playerId);
if($row -> player_key == $playerKey && ($row -> is_admin) ) return true;
return false;
public function getPlayer(){
$playerId = null;
$playerKey = null;
if( isset($_POST['player_id']) ) $playerId = $_POST['player_id'];
if( isset($_POST['player_key']) ) $playerKey = $_POST['player_key'];
if($playerId == null || $playerKey == null) return false;
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->findAll()->count();
//echo "count ".$count." ";
if($count == 0){
//delete DB
echo "DeLETE DB!!!!! --------- ";
Lazer::create(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS, array(
'id' => 'integer',
'name' => 'string',
'talk' => 'string',
'is_admin' => 'boolean',
'player_key' => 'string',
'hp' => 'integer',
'money' => 'integer',
'map_key' => 'string',
'last_action' => 'integer',
'position_x' => 'double',
'position_y' => 'double',
'position_z' => 'double'
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->find($playerId);
if($row -> player_key != $playerKey) return false;
return $row;
public function getPlayerMapKey(){
$playerId = null;
$row = $this->getPlayer();
return $row->map_key;
public function setItem($key_){
//test if key exist
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('player_id', '=', (int) $this -> getPlayer()->id )
->where('key', '=', $key_ )->findAll();*/
//if(isset( $row)){
$itemRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('key', '=', $key_)->find();
//Is already the player having this kind of itM?
$countPlayerItem = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('player_id', '=', (int) $this -> getPlayer()->id )->where('action', '=', $itemRow->action )->findAll() -> count();
if($countPlayerItem == 0){
$itemRow -> player_id = (int) ($this -> getPlayer()->id);
$itemRow -> map_key = "";
$itemRow -> save();
$this-> fillingMap();
//We refill the user's items
return true;
public function hasItemForAction($action_){
$countPlayerItem = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('player_id', '=', (int) $this -> getPlayer()->id )->where('action', '=', $action_ )->findAll() -> count();
//echo "num player item ".$countPlayerItem." for player ".$this -> getPlayer()->id ;
if($countPlayerItem > 0) return true;
return false;
public function getItemsForPlayer(){
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('player_id', '=', (int) $this -> getPlayer()->id )->findAll() -> count();
//echo $count;
if($count > 0){
$itemsRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('player_id', '=', (int) $this -> getPlayer()->id )->findAll();
return $itemsRow ;
return array();
public function getItemsForMap(){
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('map_key', '=', $this -> getPlayer()->map_key )->where('player_id', '=', -1 )->findAll() -> count();
//echo $count;
if($count > 0){
$itemsRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('map_key', '=', $this -> getPlayer()->map_key )->where('player_id', '=', -1 )->findAll();
return $itemsRow ;
return array();
public function fillingMap(){
//Get all map + all items
$countMap = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->findAll()-> count();
$countPlayers = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_PLAYERS)->findAll()-> count();
$Items = Item::getAllPotentialItems();
//echo "map ".$countMap."; ".$countPlayers ;
//Foreach item
foreach ($Items as $item){
//echo $item-> name;
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS)->where('name', '=', $item-> name )->where('player_id', '=', -1 )->findAll()-> count();
//echo $count;
$neededItems = $countPlayers * ($item -> itemsPerPlayer);
if($neededItems > 3 ) $neededItems = 3;
for($i = $count ; $i < $neededItems; $i ++){
//Choose random level
$index = rand( 1, $countMap);
//echo "index asked".index;
$levelRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->find($index);
$level = Level::parseRow($levelRow);
//We need to find empty coordonates
$coord = $level -> getEmptyCoord() ;
//We save the item!
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_ITEMS);
$row -> action = $item -> action ;
$row -> type = $item->type ;
$row -> name = $item->name ;
$row -> description = $item->description ;
$row -> map_key = $level -> key;
$row -> key = uniqid();
$row -> player_id = -1;
$row -> x = doubleval($coord -> x);
$row -> y = doubleval($coord -> y);
$row -> is_expendable = $item -> is_expendable;
$row -> value = rand($item->valueMin, $item->valueMax);
//echo 'before save! <br/>';
$row -> save();
//echo 'this eand! <br/>';
function setBan($postId){
if(!$this->isPlayerAdmin()) return false;
$postRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->find((int)$postId);
$ipToBan = $postRow -> player_ip;
$banRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_BANS);
$banRow -> id_post = (int)$postId;
$banRow -> reason = $postRow -> canvas_key.' url: '.$postRow -> url.' message: '.$postRow -> url;
$banRow -> date = time();
$banRow -> player_ip = $ipToBan ;
$banRow -> save();
return true;
function testIfBan(){
//echo Helpers::getClientIp();
$result = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_BANS)->where('player_ip','=',Helpers::getClientIp())->findAll();
//var_dump( $result );
if( isset( $result ) && count($result)) return true;
return false;
public function getPlayerMapData(){
$mapKey = $this -> getPlayerMapKey();
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->where('key', '=', $mapKey)->find();
//read the JSON file
return $row;
function getMapAlphaKey(){
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->where('name', '=', Constants::CONST_MAP_ALPHA_NAME)->find();
return $row->key;
public function setPlayerMapKey($mapKey_){
$row = $this -> getPlayer();
$row ->position_x = -1;
$row ->position_y = -1;
$row -> map_key = $mapKey_;
$row -> save();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($row) ;
public function setPlayerMapName($mapName_){
$mapRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)
->where('name', '=', $mapName_ )
if( $mapRow == null && $mapRow -> name == null ) return false;
$row = $this -> getPlayer();
$row ->position_x = doubleval (-1);
$row ->position_y = doubleval (-1);
$row -> map_key = $mapRow -> map_key;
$row -> save();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($row) ;
public function setPlayerMapRand($secret_){
$row = $this -> getPlayer();
//Get a random map
$mapList = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->where('is_secret', '=', $secret_)
->where('key', '!=', $row -> map_key )
->where('name', '!=', 'alpha' )
$selectedIndex = rand ( 0 , count($mapList)-1 );
$m = 0;
foreach( $mapList as $map)
if($m == $selectedIndex ) $mapRow = $map;
$m ++;
$row ->position_x = doubleval (-1);
$row ->position_y = doubleval (-1);
$row -> map_key = $mapRow -> key;
$row -> save();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer($row) ;
public function getJsonByPath($path_){
$jsonFile = fopen($path_, 'r') or die("Unable to open file!");
$json = fread($jsonFile,filesize($path_));
return $json;
//Set as canon
function setPostCanon($mapKey, $postId){
if(!$this->isPlayerAdmin()) return false;
$postRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->find($postId);
$postRow -> is_canon = !$postRow -> is_canon;
$postRow -> save();
return true;
//Upload post Url
function setPostUrlToFile( $postId ){
if(!$this->isPlayerAdmin()) return false;
$postRow = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->find((int)$postId);
//var_dump( $postRow);
$urlToLoad = $postRow->url;
//echo $urlToLoad;
$mediaFile = pathinfo( $urlToLoad );
if( isset($info['extension']) ){
$file_ext = strtolower( $mediaFile['extension'] );
} else if(strpos(strtolower($urlToLoad), '.gif')){
//If GIf?
$file_ext = 'gif';
} else {
$file_ext = 'jpg';
$file_name = $mediaFile['filename'].'.'. $file_ext;
if (!file_exists(Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$postRow->map_key.'/')) {
mkdir(Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$postRow->map_key.'/', 0777, true);
//echo $file_ext." ".$postRow->map_key." " ;
$fakeFile = new FakeFile($this->getChanURI(),$file_ext,$postRow->map_key);
$file_name = $fakeFile -> file_name;
// echo " ".$file_name;
$internalUrl = $fakeFile ->fake_path;
$isCreated = file_put_contents ( Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/'.$postRow->map_key.'/'.$file_name ,fopen($urlToLoad, 'r') );
if(!$isCreated) $errors[]= Constants::CONST_FILES_MAX_SIZE_ERROR;
$finalURL = $internalUrl;
//echo " ".$finalURL;
$postRow -> url = $fakeFile ->fake_path;
$postRow -> save();
if(isset($file_name)) $this->addFile($postRow, $fakeFile);
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer( $postRow);
//Delete a post
function deletePost($mapKey, $postId){
if($this->isPlayerAdmin() || $this->hasItemForAction("post delete")) {
//get post
$post = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('id', '=', $postId)-> find();
if($post -> is_canon && !$this->isPlayerAdmin()) return false;
Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('id', '=', $postId)->delete();
return true;
return false;
function deletePostForVal($val_){
if($this->isPlayerAdmin()) {
Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('url', '=', $val_)->delete();
Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('message', '=', $val_)->delete();
Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('player_ip', '=', $val_)->delete();
return true;
return false;
function banForPost($mapKey, $postId, $reason,$durationD){
if(!$this->isPlayerAdmin()) return false;
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)-> find(intval($postId));
if($row == null) return null;
//otherwise, we return the ban ticket
$rowBan = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_BANS);
$rowBan->player_key = Helpers::generateToken();
$rowBan->reason = $row -> canvas_key.' url: '.$row -> url.' message: '.$row -> url;
$rowBan->id_post = $postId;
$rowBan->player_ip = $row -> player_ip;
$rowBan->map_key = $row -> map_key;
$rowBan -> date = time();
$rowBan->duration = $durationD * 24 * 60 * 60;
return true;
function getAllPost(){
$isAdmin = $this-> isPlayerAdmin();
if(!$isAdmin) return array();
$allPost = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->findAll();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer( $allPost);
function getAllMaps(){
$isAdmin = $this-> isPlayerAdmin();
if(!$isAdmin) return array();
$allMap = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->findAll();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer( $allMap);
function getAllTiles(){
$mapController = new MapController();
$tiles = $mapController-> getAllTiles();
return $tiles;
function saveMapModel($mapKey_,$levelData_){
$isAdmin = $this-> isPlayerAdmin();
if(!$isAdmin) return false;
$row = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_MAP)->where('key', '=', $mapKey_)->find();
$row -> level_data = $levelData_;
$row -> save();
return Helpers::getDataFromLazer( $row );
function howManyPostLeft(){
//20 post pour une nuit (12h)
$rowPlayer = $this -> getPlayer();
if($rowPlayer -> is_admin) return 999;
$timeLimit = time() - (12*3600);
$count = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_POSTS)->where('map_key', '=', $rowPlayer -> map_key)
->where('date', '>', $timeLimit)->findAll()->count();
return 20 - $count;
* Make a global torrent with all the files
function generateTorrentForAll($mapKey){
$url = Constants::CONST_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FOLDER.'/';
if (!file_exists('torrents/'.$mapKey)) {
mkdir('torrents/'.$mapKey, 0777, true);
$urlTorrent = 'torrents/'.$mapKey.'/'.$mapKey.'_package.torrent';
$urlTorrentFull = $this->getChanURI().'php/'.$urlTorrent;
// List the files from the folder
$filesSeed = array();
//Get all the fake URLS
$fileTab = Lazer::table(Constants::CONST_TABLE_FILES)->findAll();
foreach($fileTab as $row)
array_push( $filesSeed, $row -> fake_path);
$torrent1 = PHP\BitTorrent\Torrent::createFromPath($url, $this->getChanURI().'php/tracker/announce.php');
$torrent1 ->setComment(CONSTANTS::SITE_TORRENT_DESC)
$torrent = new Torrent( $urlTorrent );
$torrent->announce(array('wss://tracker.openwebtorrent.com/', 'wss://tracker.fastcast.nz/'));
$torrent->save($urlTorrent); // save to disk
//Sort object array
function cmpThread($a, $b)
return strcmp($b->date_update,$a->date_update);
function cmpPost($a, $b)
return strcmp($a->date,$b->date);
//param general of the board
//Settings of the chan
function getSettings(){
$settingsFile = fopen(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.Constants::CONST_CONFIG_FOLDER.'/settings.json', 'r') or die("Unable to open file!");
$settings = fread($settingsFile,filesize(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.Constants::CONST_CONFIG_FOLDER.'/settings.json'));
$settingsDecode = json_decode($settings);
$settingsDecode -> server = $this -> getChanURI();
return $settingsDecode;
function getChanURI(){
$urlScheme = ( $this->isSecure() )? "https":"http"; //Note: this line create issue when
//$urlScheme = "http";
$chanURI = $urlScheme."://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$chanURI = str_replace("php/ChanWebService.php","", $chanURI );
//echo "!! Chan uri:".$chanURI." END!";
return $chanURI;
function isSecure() {
(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off')
|| $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443;
function getYoutubePreview($youtube_video_url){
// Here is a sample of the URLs this regex matches: (there can be more content after the given URL that will be ignored)
// http://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/v/dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/e/dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/user/username#p/u/11/dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/sandalsResorts#p/c/54B8C800269D7C1B/0/dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// http://www.youtube.com/?feature=player_embedded&v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// It also works on the youtube-nocookie.com URL with the same above options.
// It will also pull the ID from the URL in an embed code (both iframe and object tags)
preg_match('%(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/(?:[^/]+/.+/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be/)([^"&?/ ]{11})%i', $youtube_video_url, $match);
parse_str( parse_url( $youtube_video_url, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $my_array_of_vars );
if(isset( $match[1])){
return "https://img.youtube.com/vi/". $match[1]."/hqdefault.jpg";
// if no match return false.
return false;