# Things you'll have to do once to initialize the project Do the following in order: ## Create an .env file ```(bash) cp env.example .env ``` Then edit the .env file to enter a flask secret key, your omdb key and an administrator password for the site. ## Initialize the environment There is a configure.sh file: ```(bash) sh configure.sh ``` You can also initialize the environment yourself: ### Create a virtual environment Create an `env` folder: ```(bash) python -m venv env ``` To enter the `(env)` environment: ```(bash) source env/bin/activate ``` The keyword `(env)` should appear in the beginning of the prompt. If you want to quit the virtual environment, do `deactivate`. If you are not in the virtual environment (the `(env)` keyword does not appear in the prompt), do `source env/bin/activate` again to go back to the environment. ### Install the required python packages ```(bash) python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Initialize the database Warning! This will erase the database. Pro-tip: this will erase the database. ```(bash) python -m flask --app kinolist init-db ``` # Things to do whenever you want to launch the project locally ## Enter the local environment ```(bash) source env/bin/activate ``` The keyword `(env)` should appear in the beginning of the prompt. If you want to quit the virtual environment, do `deactivate`. If you are not in the virtual environment (the `(env)` keyword does not appear in the prompt), do `source env/bin/activate` again to go back to the environment. ## Launch the Flask server ```(bash) python -m flask --app kinolist run --port 8000 --debug ``` You can access the site at the adress `localhost:8000` on your web browser. Do `Ctrl+C` to stop the server.