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Fixed nhentai class. Was using an api that just died

Firmado por: beepboopbelong <beepboopbelong@firemail.cc> ID de clave GPG: B873A12869A7BD29
Se han modificado 4 ficheros con 63 adiciones y 142 borrados
  1. +0
  2. +0
  3. +22
  4. +41

+ 0
- 19
source/sites/basesite.d Ver fichero

@@ -27,25 +27,6 @@ protected:
abstract string[] getImageUrlsFromBase(string url);

+ Gets the image urls from the supplied json
+ each derived site class should override this class
+ if the image urls aren't stored in the way this method
+ expects them to be
string[] getUrlsFromJson(string json)
string[] urls;
// Parse the json
JSONValue parsedJson = parseJSON(json);

// Extract the urls of the images
foreach(JSONValue val; parsedJson.array)
urls ~= val["url"].str.replace("\\", "");

return urls;

+ This function creates a folder with the supplied name.
+ If the folder already exists the folder will get deleted!!

+ 0
- 7
source/sites/basesiteintf.d Ver fichero

@@ -14,13 +14,6 @@ protected:
string getNameFromUrl(string url);

+ This function parses the json in `json`
+ and returns a string array containing all
+ the urls extracted from the `json` arg
string[] getUrlsFromJson(string json);

+ This function extracts the urls of the images from the supplied manga base url
string[] getImageUrlsFromBase(string url);

+ 22
- 2
source/sites/hentaicafe.d Ver fichero

@@ -15,6 +15,25 @@ protected:
import core.stdc.stdlib : exit, EXIT_FAILURE;

+ Gets the image urls from the supplied json
+ each derived site class should override this class
+ if the image urls aren't stored in the way this method
+ expects them to be
string[] getUrlsFromJson(string json)
string[] urls;
// Parse the json
JSONValue parsedJson = parseJSON(json);

// Extract the urls of the images
foreach(JSONValue val; parsedJson.array)
urls ~= val["url"].str.replace("\\", "");

return urls;

+ This function gets the name of the the manga by the url
override string getNameFromUrl(string url)
@@ -31,7 +50,8 @@ protected:

+ This function returns a list of all the image urls by
+ parsing the html
override string[] getImageUrlsFromBase(string url)
@@ -71,7 +91,7 @@ protected:

+ This constructor just calls the inherited constructor
public this(Config config)

+ 41
- 114
source/sites/nhentai.d Ver fichero

@@ -4,144 +4,71 @@ import config.downloaderconfig;
import sites.basesite;

+ This class handles downloads for the site `nhentai`
+ This class handles downloads for the site `nhentai.net`
class NHentai : BaseSite
import std.conv : to;
import std.net.curl : get;
import std.json : JSONValue, parseJSON;
import std.array : split;
import std.conv : to;
import std.regex : regex, match;
import std.net.curl : get;
import core.stdc.stdlib : exit, EXIT_FAILURE;

+ This struct holds all the needed infos about the nhentai doujin
+ This is the base url for all images
struct NHentai_Doujin_Info
+ This is the number of the manga
string number;

+ This is the title of the the manga
string title;

+ This array holds all the urls of the images
string[] imageUrls;

+ This is the url of the nhentai api
+ calls are made by the number of the manga
+ for example "https://apis.nhent.ai/g/1"
+ The returned json string contains all the info
+ should be read into `NHenta_Doujin_Info`
immutable string api_url = "https://apis.nhent.ai/g/";
immutable string imageUrl = "https://i.nhentai.net/galleries/";

+ This variable holds the class internal
+ number of the manga
+ This function gets the name of the the manga by the url
string _number;

+ This struct contains all the needed infos
+ to download the managa
NHentai_Doujin_Info _nhentai_doujin_info;

+ This function extracts the number of the manga
+ from the supplied url
string extractNumFromUrl(string url)
string[] tmpString = url.split("/");
// FIXME: length could be unsigned so substract bad!
return tmpString[tmpString.length-2];

+ This function gets the info of of the doujin using the api
+ it returns a struct with all the important info
NHentai_Doujin_Info getDoujinInfo(string mangaNum)
override string getNameFromUrl(string url)
NHentai_Doujin_Info _info;

// Craft the url
string requestUrl = api_url ~ mangaNum;

// Get the json data for the manga
string jsonData = to!string(get(requestUrl));
// Get the site content
string siteContent = to!string(get(url));

// Extract the image urls from the json string
_info.imageUrls = getUrlsFromJson(jsonData);
// Find the name of the manga
auto nameRegex = `<h1>(.*)</h1>`.regex;
auto nameMatch = match(siteContent, nameRegex);

// Parse the data
auto parseData = parseJSON(jsonData);

// Get the title
_info.title = parseData["title"].str();

return _info;
// Return only the name not the hmtl tags
return nameMatch.captures[1];

+ If the class internal info struct is filled
+ but the number is different `getDoujinInfo` gets
+ called otherwise nothing happens
void fetchInfoForManaga(string number)
override string[] getImageUrlsFromBase(string url)
// If the doujin info wasnt fetched fetch it now
if(_nhentai_doujin_info.number != number)
// Check if the url is a nhentai url
if(indexOf(url, "/g/") == -1)
writeln("\nGetting info....");
// Fill the info
_nhentai_doujin_info = getDoujinInfo(number);
_nhentai_doujin_info.number = number;
writefln(`[!] The given url doesn't contain "/g/" it was ignored!`);
// FIXME: no! :<

override string getNameFromUrl(string url)
// Extract the manga number
_number = extractNumFromUrl(url);

// Fetch manga infos
// Regex patterns for finding ulrs and stuff
auto contentIDRegex = "https://t.nhentai.net/galleries/([0-9].*)/cover.jpg";
auto pageCountRegex = "<div>([0-9].*) pages</div>";

// Return the name of the managa
return _nhentai_doujin_info.title;
// Download the hmtl
auto coverHtml = to!string(get(url));

override string[] getImageUrlsFromBase(string url)
// Fetch info if it wanst already fetched
// Find the content id
auto contentIDMatch = match(coverHtml, contentIDRegex).captures[1];

return _nhentai_doujin_info.imageUrls;

override string[] getUrlsFromJson(string json)
// Extract url from json
string[] urls;
// Find the number of pages
auto pageNumberMatch = match(coverHtml, pageCountRegex).captures[1];

JSONValue parsedJson = parseJSON(json);
// Convert the page number to an integer
immutable int pageNumber = to!int(pageNumberMatch);

// Extract the urls for the images
foreach(JSONValue val; parsedJson["pages"].array())
urls ~= val.str().replace("i.bakaa.me", "i.nhentai.net");
// Generate a list of all the images
string[] urls;
for(int i = 1; i < pageNumber; i++)
// Craft the url with all parameters
urls ~= imageUrl ~ contentIDMatch ~ "/" ~ to!string(i) ~ ".jpg";

return urls;
