module sites.nhentai;
import config.downloaderconfig;
import sites.basesite;
+ This class handles downloads for the site ``
class NHentai : BaseSite
import std.conv : to, ConvException;
import std.regex : regex, match;
import : get, byChunk, HTTPStatusException;
import core.stdc.stdlib : exit, EXIT_FAILURE;
import std.parallelism : parallel;
+ This is the base url for all images
immutable string imageUrl = "";
+ This function tests if the jpg supplied in the url actually
+ exists on the server or if its a 404
bool isUrlValid(string url)
if(_config.enable_debug_output) writeln("[i] Trying to reqest ", url);
// Make the get request
return true;
catch(HTTPStatusException ex)
if(_config.enable_debug_output) writeln("[i] Get request returned status: ", ex.status);
return false;
+ This function gets the name of the the manga by the url
override string getNameFromUrl(string url)
// Get the site content
string siteContent = to!string(get(url));
// Find the name of the manga
auto nameRegex = `
auto nameMatch = match(siteContent, nameRegex);
// Return only the name not the hmtl tags
return nameMatch.captures[1];
override string[] getImageUrlsFromBase(string url)
// Check if the url is a nhentai url
if(indexOf(url, "/g/") == -1)
writefln(`[!] The given url doesn't contain "/g/" it was ignored!`);
// FIXME: no! :<
// Regex patterns for finding ulrs and stuff
auto contentIDRegex = "[0-9].*)/cover.jpg";
auto pageCountRegex = "([0-9].*) pages
// Download the hmtl
auto coverHtml = to!string(get(url));
// Find the content id
auto contentIDMatch = match(coverHtml, contentIDRegex).captures[1];
if(_config.enable_debug_output) writefln("[i] Extracted content-id -> %s", contentIDMatch);
// Find the number of pages
auto pageNumberMatch = match(coverHtml, pageCountRegex).captures[1];
// Convert the page number to an integer
immutable int pageNumber = to!int(pageNumberMatch);
// Generate a list of all the images
string[] urls;
// Loop over the range in parallel to make it faster
auto range = new int[pageNumber];
foreach(i, ref elment; parallel(range))
// Craft the url with all parameters
string extractedUrl = imageUrl ~ contentIDMatch ~ "/" ~ to!string(i+1);// ~ ".jpg";
if(isUrlValid(extractedUrl ~ ".jpg"))
// The url with a jpg at the end didn't return a
// 404 so the image is assumed to be valid
extractedUrl ~= ".jpg";
else if(isUrlValid(extractedUrl ~ ".png"))
// The url with a jpg at the end didn't return a
// 404 so the image is assumed to be valid
extractedUrl ~= ".png";
// Both reqests failed so we are going to skip this image
writeln("[!] Failed to get image for url : ", extractedUrl);
// Add the url to the list
if(_config.enable_debug_output) writefln("[i] The image url %s is assumed to be valid", extractedUrl);
urls ~= extractedUrl;
return urls;
+ This constructor just calls the inherited constructor
public this(Config config)