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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/run'

Emil Williams hace 3 meses
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 175 adiciones y 159 borrados
  1. +169
  2. +6

+ 169
- 153
bake.c Ver fichero

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Licensed under the GNU Public License version 3 only, see LICENSE.
* @BAKE cc -std=c89 -O2 -I. $@ -o $* $+ # @STOP
* @BAKE cc -std=c99 -O2 $@ -o $* $+ # @STOP

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
@@ -20,13 +20,11 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "config.h"

#define START "@BAKE"
#define STOP "@STOP"

#define HELP \
BOLD "[option] target-file" RESET " [" GREEN "arguments" RESET " ...]\n" \
"Use the format `" BOLD "@BAKE" RESET " cmd ...' within the target-file, this will execute the\n" \
@@ -40,8 +38,21 @@
"\t" YELLOW "$*" RESET " returns target-file without suffix (^-> abc.x)\n" \
"\t" YELLOW "$+" RESET " returns " GREEN "arguments" RESET "\n"

typedef struct {
size_t len;
char * buf;
} string_t;

typedef string_t map_t;

static string_t START = { 5, "@BAKE" };
static string_t STOP = { 5, "@STOP" };

/*** Utility functions ***/

#define strneq(a,b,n) (!strncmp(a,b,n))
#define streq(a,b) (!strcmp(a,b))

static void
swap(char * a, char * b) {
*a ^= *b;
@@ -50,74 +61,72 @@ swap(char * a, char * b) {

static char *
find(char * x, char * buf, char * end) {
size_t len = strlen(x);
for (; (buf < end) && len < (size_t)(end - buf); ++buf) {
if (!strncmp(buf, x, len))
find(string_t x, char * buf, char * end) {
for (; (buf < end) && x.len < (size_t)(end - buf); ++buf) {
if (!strncmp(buf, x.buf, x.len))
{ return buf; }
return NULL;

static char *
insert(char * new, char * str, size_t offset, size_t shift) {
size_t len, max;
len = strlen(new);
max = (strlen(str) + 1 - offset - shift);
memmove(str + offset + len, str + offset + shift, max);
memcpy(str + offset, new, len);
return str;
static void
insert(char * str, size_t slen, char * new, size_t len, size_t shift) {
memmove(str + len, str + shift, slen - len - shift);
memcpy(str, new, len);

/*** g_short, g_all Functions ***/

static char * g_filename, * g_short, * g_all;

static char *
shorten(char * fn) {
size_t i, last = 0, len;
char * sh;
len = strlen(fn);
sh = malloc(len + 1);
if (!sh) { return NULL; }
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (fn[i] == '.') { last = i; }
static string_t globals[GLOBALS_COUNT];

#define g_filename globals[0]
#define g_short globals[1]
#define g_all globals[2]

static string_t
shorten(string_t s) {
size_t i, last = 0, len = s.len;
char * sh, * fn = s.buf;
sh = malloc(len);
if (sh) {
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (fn[i] == '.') { last = i; }
last = last ? last : i;
strncpy(sh, fn, last);
sh[last] = '\0';
last = last ? last : i;
strncpy(sh, fn, last);
sh[last] = '\0';
return sh;
return (string_t) { last, sh ? sh : calloc(0,0) };

static char *
all_args(size_t argc, char ** argv) {
char * all = NULL;
static string_t
all_args(int argc, char ** argv) {
string_t s = (string_t) { 0, NULL };
if (argc > 2) {
size_t i, len = argc;

for (i = 2; i < argc; ++i)
{ len += strlen(argv[i]); }

all = malloc(len + 1);
if (!all) { return NULL; }

all[len] = '\0';
for (len = 0, i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
strcpy(all + len, argv[i]);
len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
if (i + 1 < argc) { all[len - 1] = ' '; }
size_t i, len = 0;
for (i = 2; i < (size_t) argc; ++i) {
len += strlen(argv[i]);
s.buf = malloc(len);
s.len = len;
if (s.buf) {
for (len = 0, i = 2; i < (size_t) argc; ++i) {
strcpy(s.buf + len, argv[i]);
len += strlen(argv[i]);
if (i + 1 < argc) {
s.buf[len - 1] = ' ';
return all;
return s;

/*** Map ***/

typedef struct {
char * str;
size_t len;
} map_t;

static map_t
map(char * fn) {
struct stat s;
@@ -129,7 +138,7 @@ map(char * fn) {
&& s.st_mode & S_IFREG
&& s.st_size) {
m.len = (size_t) s.st_size;
m.str = (char *) mmap(NULL, m.len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
m.buf = (char *) mmap(NULL, m.len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
@@ -138,24 +147,25 @@ map(char * fn) {

/*** Important Functions ***/

static char *
find_region(map_t m) {
static string_t
find_region(map_t m, string_t startsym, string_t stopsym) {
extern char * strndup(const char * s, size_t n); /* for splint */
char * buf = NULL, * start, * stop;
size_t len;

start = find(START, m.str, m.str + m.len);
start = find(startsym, m.buf, m.buf + m.len);

if (start) {
start += strlen(START);
start += startsym.len;

if (!isspace(*start)) {
fprintf(stderr, RED "%s" RESET ": Found start without suffix spacing.\n", g_filename);
return buf;
fprintf(stderr, RED "%s" RESET ": Found start without suffix spacing.\n", g_filename.buf);
return (string_t) { 0 , buf };
#endif /* REQUIRE_SPACE */

stop = find(STOP, start, start + m.len - (start - m.str));
stop = find(stopsym, start, start + m.len - (start - m.buf));

if (!stop) {
stop = start;
@@ -167,16 +177,30 @@ find_region(map_t m) {

if (stop)
{ buf = strndup(start, (size_t) (stop - m.str) - (start - m.str)); }
len = (size_t) (stop - m.buf) - (start - m.buf);
buf = strndup(start, len);
return buf;
return (string_t) { len, buf };

static string_t
file_find_region(char * fn, string_t start, string_t stop) {
string_t s = { 0, NULL };
map_t m = map(fn);
if (m.buf) {
s = find_region(m, start, stop);
munmap(m.buf, m.len);
return s;

static int
root(char ** rootp) {
root(string_t s) {
char x[1] = {'\0'};
char * root = *rootp;
size_t len = strlen(root);
char * root = s.buf;
size_t len = s.len;
int ret;

while (len && root[len] != '/')
@@ -188,139 +212,131 @@ root(char ** rootp) {
ret = chdir(root);
swap(root + len, x);

*rootp += len + 1;
/* *rootp += len + 1; */
return ret;

static size_t
expand_size(char * buf, int argc, char ** argv) {
size_t i, len, max;
len = max = strlen(buf) + 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (buf[i] == '\\') {
i += 2;
} else if (buf[i] == '$') {
switch (buf[++i]) {
case '@':
max += strlen(g_filename);
case '*':
if (!g_short)
{ g_short = shorten(g_filename); }
max += g_short ? strlen(g_short) : 0;
case '+':
if (!g_all)
{ g_all = all_args((size_t) argc, argv); }
max += g_all ? strlen(g_all) : 0;
#define ARRLEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
static string_t
expand(string_t s) {
enum {
string_t macro[] = {
[MACRO_FILENAME] = { 2, "$@" },
[MACRO_SHORT ] = { 2, "$*" },
[MACRO_ARGS ] = { 2, "$+" },
size_t i, f;
size_t max = s.len;
for (i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
for (f = 0; f < ARRLEN(macro); ++f) {
if (!strncmp(s.buf + i, macro[f].buf, macro[f].len)) {
max += globals[f].len;
s.buf = realloc(s.buf, max + 27); /* I don't know, man */
if (!s.buf) { return (string_t) { 0, NULL}; }
memset(s.buf + s.len, 0, max - s.len);
s.len = max;
return max;

static char *
expand(char * buf) {
size_t i;
char * ptr = NULL;

for (i = 0; buf[i]; ++i) {
if (buf[i] == '\\') {
i += 2;
} else if (buf[i] == '$') {
switch (buf[++i]) {
case '@':
ptr = g_filename;
case '*':
ptr = g_short;
case '+':
ptr = g_all ? g_all : "";
default: continue;
for (i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
for (f = 0; f < ARRLEN(macro); ++f) {
if (!strncmp(s.buf + i, macro[f].buf, macro[f].len)) {
insert(s.buf + i, s.len - i, globals[f].buf, globals[f].len, 2);
buf = insert(ptr, buf, i - 1, 2);
free(g_short); free(g_all);
return buf;
return s;

/* Strips all prefixing and leading whitespace.
* Except if the last character beforehand is a newline. */
static size_t
strip(char * buf) {
size_t i = strlen(buf);
strip(string_t s) {
size_t i = s.len;

if (!i)
{ return 0; }

while (isspace(buf[i - 1]))
while (isspace(s.buf[i]))
{ --i; }

buf[i] = '\0';
for (i = 0; isspace(buf[i]); ++i);
s.buf[i] = '\0';
for (i = 0; isspace(s.buf[i]); ++i);

return i - (buf[i - 1] == '\n');
return i - (s.buf[i - 1] == '\n');

static int
run(char * buf) {
fputs(GREEN "output" RESET ":\n", stderr);
return system(buf);
int ret = 127;
fputs(BOLD GREEN "output" RESET ":\n", stderr);
pid_t pid = fork();
if (!pid) {
execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", buf, NULL);
} else {
int status;
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if (!WIFEXITED(status)) { ret = 126; }
else { ret = WEXITSTATUS(status); }
return ret;

main(int argc, char ** argv) {
int ret = 0;
char * buf = NULL;
string_t s = { 0, NULL };

if (argc < 2
|| !strcmp(argv[1], "-h")
|| !strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))
|| streq(argv[1], "-h")
|| streq(argv[1], "--help"))
{ goto help; }

g_filename = argv[1];
g_filename = (string_t) { strlen(argv[1]), argv[1] };

if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-n")
|| !strcmp(argv[1], "--dry-run")) {
if (argc > 2) { ret = 1; g_filename = argv[2]; }
if (streq(argv[1], "-n")
|| streq(argv[1], "--dry-run")) {
if (argc > 2) {
ret = 1;
g_filename = (string_t) { strlen(argv[2]), argv[2] };
else { goto help; }

{ map_t m = map(g_filename);
if (m.str) {
buf = find_region(m);
munmap(m.str, m.len);
s = file_find_region(g_filename.buf, START, STOP);

if (!buf) {
if (errno) { fprintf(stderr, BOLD RED "%s" RESET ": %s\n", g_filename, strerror(errno)); }
else { fprintf(stderr, BOLD RED "%s" RESET ": File unrecognized.\n", g_filename); }
if (!s.buf) {
if (errno)
{ fprintf(stderr, BOLD RED "%s" RESET ": '" BOLD "%s" RESET "' %s\n", argv[0], g_filename.buf, strerror(errno)); }
{ fprintf(stderr, BOLD RED "%s" RESET ": '" BOLD "%s" RESET "' File unrecognized.\n", argv[0], g_filename.buf); }
return 1;

{ char * buf2 = buf;
buf = realloc(buf, expand_size(buf, argc, argv));
if (!buf)
{ free(buf2); free(g_short); free(g_all); return 1; }
buf = expand(buf);
g_all = all_args(argc, argv);
g_short = shorten(g_filename);
s = expand(s);
free(g_short.buf); free(g_all.buf);
if (!s.buf) { return 1; }

fprintf(stderr, GREEN "%s" RESET ": %s\n", argv[0], buf + strip(buf));
ret = ret ? 0 : run(buf);
fprintf(stderr, BOLD GREEN "%s" RESET ": %s\n", argv[0], s.buf + strip(s));
ret = ret ? 0 : run(s.buf);
if (ret)
{ fprintf(stderr, RED "result" RESET ": " BOLD "%d\n" RESET, ret); }
{ fprintf(stderr, BOLD RED "result" RESET ": " BOLD "%d\n" RESET, ret); }

return ret;
fprintf(stderr, YELLOW "%s" RESET ": %s", argv[0], HELP DESC);

+ 6
- 6
config.h Ver fichero

@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@

# define RED "\e[91m"
# define GREEN "\e[92m"
# define YELLOW "\e[93m"
# define DIM "\e[2m"
# define BOLD "\e[1m"
# define RESET "\e[0m"
# define RED "\033[91m"
# define GREEN "\033[92m"
# define YELLOW "\033[93m"
# define DIM "\033[2m"
# define BOLD "\033[1m"
# define RESET "\033[0m"
# define RED
# define GREEN
