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1 - Download Manager
2 - Make an elastic producer/consumer task queue
4 - Markov Chain Sentence Generator
5 - English Sentence Parser that points the Context of a Sentence
6 - MIDI Player + Editor
7 - Stock Market Simulator Using Yahoo Spreadsheet Data
8 - Parametric/Graphic Equalizer for .wav files
10 - To-Do List Application
11 - Verlet Integration
12 - TCP/UDP Chat Server + Client (Bonus: No web browser needed)
13 - Music Streaming
14 - Shazam
15 - Chatbot
16 - Curses Text Editor
17 - paint.net Clone
18 - Image to ASCII Art
19 - Booru (Image Board) Image Downloader
20 - Image Converter (png -> jpeg -> avif)
21 - ID3 Reader
22 - Sound Synthesis (Sine, Square, Sawtooth, etc.) ("Fuck You" mode: Realtime MIDI Playback with Custom instruments)
23 - C++ IDE Plugin for your Text Editor
24 - Simple Version Control System supporting branches, commits with messages, unlocking, and per-file configuration of number of revisions and blame. ("Fuck You" mode: Do it all)
25 - Imageboard (Think vichan)
26 - Password Manager (think KeePassXC)
27 - Torrent Client
28 - Booru Client
29 - Key Press Bot
30 - IP/URL Obscurification (http://www.pc-help.org/obscure.htm)
31 - Radix Base Converter (Give a radix base, convert it to a number, vice versa)
32 - Chan aggregator (Lets users view multiple Chans)
33 - Encrypt / Decrypt Tool (Using AES)
35 - Create a HSV Color Representation
36 - Window Manager (Bonus: for Wayland)
37 - Basic Relational Database Software (SQL Support Handle Relationships, Focus on Efficiency)
38 - Pixel Editor
39 - Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP): Allows a client to put a file onto a remote host and retrieve it
40 - Markdown (HTML/XML) Editor
41 - IP Tracking Visualization
42 - Port Scanner
43 - Old School Demo Effect (Plasma Tunnel, Scrollers, Zoomers, etc...)
44 - Fizzbuzz (Bonus: in Machine Code / Assembly)
45 - RPN Calculator
46 - Coreutils implementation of wc that supports printing numbers optionally in a human readible format (Bonus: for the rest of Coreutils)
47 - Towers of Hanoi
48 - Music Visualizer
49 - Unicode Converter (Support for UTF-8, 16LE, 32LE, and 32BE)
50 - Calculate nth digits of pi (Bonus: arbitrary precision, what is the 2^2082 digit of pi?)
51 - Least Squares Fitting Algorithm
52 - Given an Array of Stocks' values over time, find the period of time where the stocks could have made the most money
53 - Highest Prime Factor Calculator
54 - Hide and Extract Data in images (Basic Steganography)
55 - Web Page Crawler
56 - Password Generator (Configurable)
57 - Vigenère cipher
58 - Conway's Game Of Life (Bonus: Save load state / drop-in constructions)
59 - Caesar Cipher Cracker
60 - Dijkstra's Algorithm
61 - Caesar, ROT 13, ROT 47 ciphers (Bonus: In Assembly)
62 - Program that displays MBR/GUID partion's contents
63 - Random Name Picker (Bonus: Fetches data from the internet)
65 - Youtube to MP3
66 - Text to Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary
67 - Calculate the first 1,000 digits of pi iteratively
68 - Sierpinski Triangle
69 - Mandlebrot Set
70 - OpenAI Gym Project
71 - AI for Roguelikes
72 - Sudoku Solver (Using A* algorithm)
73 - Connect-4 AI Player using Aplha-Beta Pruning
74 - Basic Neural Network - Simulate individual Neurons and their connections
75 - Real Neural Network - Implement a basic feed forward neural network using matrices for entire layers along with matrix operations for computation.
76 - Convolutional Neural Network: For handwritten digit recognition, test on MNIST database (Use TensorFlow, Theano, etc)
77 - Convolutional Neural Network: Implement your own Convolutional N.N. for handwritten digit recognition.
78 - Virtual Machine with a script that writes "Hello, World!"
79 - Basic Bootloader
80 - Terminal Shell (Executable Binaries, Pipes, Redirection, History,) (Bonus 1: Supports VT100) (Bonus 2: Make it have it's own Terminal Emulator)
81 - HTML + JavaScript Debugger
82 - Write an Interpreted LISP-like Programming Language
83 - make an application tha tis capable of mounting filesystems from othe OSes using the FUSE model
Already included
3 - IRC Client
9 - Graphing Calculator
34 - Text Editor /w autosave
Broken Link
64 - Encrypt/Decrypt Text: Implement at least one from http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher/collection