mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 13:56:40 -05:00
21 Jul 2022 08:33:42
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ end
fish_add_path ~/.local/bin
fish_add_path ~/.local/bin
fish_add_path ~/.go/bin
fish_add_path ~/.go/bin
fish_add_path ~/.volta/bin/node
fish_add_path ~/.spicetify
fish_add_path ~/.spicetify
set -gx TERM xterm-256color
set -gx TERM xterm-256color
@ -2,6 +2,34 @@
(setq doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t)
(setq doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lexical-binding)
(setq lexical-binding t)
(use-package request
:commands request)
(defmacro request! (url plist success &optional error)
"Makes an HTTP request with `request`, running SUCCESS on success, and
ERROR on error if specified.
Any arguments of LAMBDA are bound to the corresponding plist keys
returned by `request`."
(let ((handler (lambda (fn)
;; Wraps a lambda in `cl-function`,
;; and converts args (foo) into (&key foo &allow-other-keys)
(mapcan (lambda (arg) `(&key ,arg))
(cadr fn))
,@(cddr fn))))))
`(request ,url
:success ,(funcall handler success)
,@(if error `(:error ,(funcall handler error))))))
(defun my/line ()
(defun my/line ()
@ -83,6 +111,33 @@
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t)
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t)
(defmacro my//center-cmd (name &rest body)
`(defun ,name ()
(call-interactively #'evil-scroll-line-to-center)))
(my//center-cmd my/scroll-up (evil-scroll-up evil-scroll-count))
(my//center-cmd my/scroll-down (evil-scroll-down evil-scroll-count))
(my//center-cmd my/jump-forward (better-jumper-jump-forward))
(my//center-cmd my/jump-backward (better-jumper-jump-backward))
(my//center-cmd my/search-next (evil-ex-search-next))
(my//center-cmd my/search-prev (evil-ex-search-previous))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-paragraph (evil-forward-paragraph))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-paragraph (evil-backward-paragraph))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-section-begin (evil-forward-section-begin))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-section-end (evil-forward-section-end))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-section-begin (evil-backward-section-begin))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-section-end (evil-backward-section-end))
(defun my/duplicate-and-comment-line ()
(kbd! "yyp k gcc j"))
(defun my/line-numbers-relative ()
(defun my/line-numbers-relative ()
(setq display-line-numbers 'relative))
(setq display-line-numbers 'relative))
(defun my/line-numbers-absolute ()
(defun my/line-numbers-absolute ()
@ -117,26 +172,36 @@
"h" nil
"h" nil
"p" nil
"p" nil
"t" nil
"t" nil
"w" nil)
"w" nil
"c" nil)
(map! :map evil-org-mode-map
(map! :map evil-org-mode-map
:n "zc" nil)
:n "zc" nil)
:desc "Increase font size" :ni "C-=" #'text-scale-increase
:desc "Increase font size" :ni "C-=" #'text-scale-increase
:desc "Decrease font size" :ni "C--" #'text-scale-decrease)
:desc "Decrease font size" :ni "C--" #'text-scale-decrease
:desc "Reset font size" :ni "C-+" #'my/text-scale-reset)
(defun my/text-scale-reset ()
(text-scale-set 0))
:desc "Copilot" :i "C-," #'my/copilot-complete)
:desc "Copilot" :i "C-?" #'my/copilot-complete)
(map! :map lsp-mode-map
:desc "Show docs" :ni "C-/" #'my/lsp-ui-doc-open)
:desc "Apply code action" :ni "C-/" #'lsp-execute-code-action
(map! :map lsp-ui-doc-frame-mode-map
:desc "Show definitions" :ni "C-." #'+lookup/definition
:n "q" #'my/lsp-ui-doc-close
:desc "Show references" :ni "C->" #'my/lookup/references
:n "<escape>" #'my/lsp-ui-doc-close)
(after! lsp-ui
:desc "Jump backward" :ni "C-," #'better-jumper-jump-backward
(evil-make-overriding-map lsp-ui-doc-frame-mode-map 'normal))
:desc "Jump backward" :ni "C-<" #'better-jumper-jump-forward)
(defun my/lsp/lookup-references ()
(lsp-treemacs-references t))
(map! :map minibuffer-mode-map
(map! :map minibuffer-mode-map
:desc "Next history" "C-j" #'next-history-element
:desc "Next history" "C-j" #'next-history-element
@ -146,13 +211,30 @@
:desc "Save file" "C-s" #'save-buffer)
:desc "Save file" "C-s" #'save-buffer)
:desc "Scroll page up" :ni "C-S-k" #'evil-scroll-up
:desc "Scroll page up" :ni "C-S-k" #'my/scroll-up
:desc "Scroll page down" :ni "C-S-j" #'my/scroll-down
:desc "Scroll line up" :ni "C-k" #'evil-scroll-line-up
:desc "Scroll line up" :ni "C-k" #'evil-scroll-line-up
:desc "Scroll page down" :ni "C-S-j" #'evil-scroll-down
:desc "Scroll line down" :ni "C-j" #'evil-scroll-line-down
:desc "Scroll line down" :ni "C-j" #'evil-scroll-line-down)
:desc "Jump forward" :n "C-o" #'my/jump-forward
:desc "Jump backward" :n "C-o" #'my/jump-backward
:desc "Search next" :n "n" #'my/search-next
:desc "Search prev" :n "N" #'my/search-prev
:desc "Forward paragraph" :n "}" #'my/forward-paragraph
:desc "Backward paragraph" :n "{" #'my/backward-paragraph
:desc "Forward section begin" :n "]]" #'my/forward-section-begin
:desc "Forward section end" :n "][" #'my/forward-section-end
:desc "Backward section begin" :n "[]" #'my/backward-section-begin
:desc "Backward section end" :n "[[" #'my/backward-section-end)
:desc "Undo tree visualizer" "U" #'undo-tree-visualize)
:desc "Undo tree visualizer" :n "U" #'undo-tree-visualize)
:desc "Duplicate and comment line" :n "gC" #'my/duplicate-and-comment-line)
(map! :leader
(map! :leader
:desc "M-x" "x" #'counsel-M-x
:desc "M-x" "x" #'counsel-M-x
@ -208,15 +290,26 @@
(map! :leader
(map! :leader
:prefix ("f s" . "snippets")
:prefix ("f s" . "snippets")
:desc "New snippet" "n" #'yas-new-snippet
:desc "Find snippet" "f" #'my/yas-find-snippet
:desc "Edit snippet" "e" #'yas-visit-snippet-file
:desc "New snippet" "n" #'yas/new-snippet
:desc "Reload snippets" "r" #'yas-reload-all
:desc "Edit snippet" "e" #'my/yas-edit-snippet
:desc "Describe snippets" "d" #'yas/describe-tables
:desc "Reload snippets" "r" #'yas/reload-all
:desc "Browse docs" "?" #'my/yas-browse-docs)
:desc "Browse docs" "?" #'my/yas-browse-docs)
(defun my/yas-browse-docs ()
(defun my/yas-browse-docs ()
(browse-url "https://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet"))
(browse-url "https://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet"))
(defun my/yas-edit-snippet ()
(call-interactively #'yas/visit-snippet-file))
(defun my/yas-find-snippet ()
(counsel-find-file nil +snippets-dir))
(map! :leader
(map! :leader
:prefix ("f e" . "emacs")
:prefix ("f e" . "emacs")
:desc "Find in config" "f" #'doom/find-file-in-private-config
:desc "Find in config" "f" #'doom/find-file-in-private-config
@ -406,6 +499,22 @@
("l" my/window-increase-width "++Width")
("l" my/window-increase-width "++Width")
("ESC" nil "Quit" :color blue))
("ESC" nil "Quit" :color blue))
(map! :leader
:prefix ("c" . "code")
:desc "Format region/buffer" "f" #'+format/region-or-buffer
:desc "Format imports" "F" #'lsp-organize-imports
:desc "Rename symbol" "r" #'lsp-rename
:desc "Show errors list" "x" #'+default/diagnostics
:desc "Show errors tree" "X" #'lsp-treemacs-errors-list
:desc "Show symbols tree" "s" #'lsp-treemacs-symbols
:desc "Visit lens" "l" #'lsp-avy-lens
:desc "Restart LSP" "q" #'lsp-restart-workspace)
(map! :map org-config-mode-map
(map! :map org-config-mode-map
:v :desc "Eval Region" "e" #'eval-region
:v :desc "Eval Region" "e" #'eval-region
@ -418,7 +527,31 @@
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:desc "Debug..." "d" #'my/rust/dap-hydra/body)
"b" nil
"t" nil)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:desc "Edit Cargo.toml" "t" #'my/rust/edit-cargo-toml)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:prefix ("c" . "code")
:desc "Expand macro" "m" #'lsp-rust-analyzer-expand-macro
:desc "Open docs" "h" #'lsp-rust-analyzer-open-external-docs)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:prefix ("cb" . "build")
:desc "Build" "b" #'rustic-cargo-check
:desc "Check" "c" #'rustic-cargo-check
:desc "Debug" "d" #'my/rust/dap-hydra/body
:desc "Run" "r" #'rustic-cargo-run
:desc "Bench" "B" #'rustic-cargo-bench
:desc "Test current" "t" #'rustic-cargo-current-test
:desc "Test all" "T" #'rustic-cargo-test)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:desc "Pluralize import" "," #'my/rust/import-pluralize
:desc "Pluralize import" "," #'my/rust/import-pluralize
@ -465,6 +598,11 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
("q" nil "quit" :color blue)
("q" nil "quit" :color blue)
("Q" dap-disconnect :color red))
("Q" dap-disconnect :color red))
(map! :map cargo-toml-mode-map
:desc "Add crate (semver)" "a" #'my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate-semver
:desc "Add crate (exact)" "A" #'my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate)
(map! :prefix "z"
(map! :prefix "z"
:desc "Kill buffer" :n "x" #'kill-current-buffer
:desc "Kill buffer" :n "x" #'kill-current-buffer
:desc "Kill window" :n "c" #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace)
:desc "Kill window" :n "c" #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace)
@ -479,16 +617,25 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
(add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-files "Cargo.lock")
(add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-files "Cargo.lock")
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-closure-return-type-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-enable "skip_trivial")
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-use-parameter-names nil)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-chaining-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-reborrow-hints t)
(rx-let ((crate (or alphanumeric "_" "*")))
(rx-let ((crate (or alphanumeric "_" "*")))
(setq my//rust/import-singular-rx
(setq my//rust/import-singular-rx
;; use foo::bar::baz;
;; use foo::bar::baz;
(rx line-start "use "
(rx "use "
(+ (+ crate) "::")
(+ (+ crate) "::")
(+ crate)
(+ crate)
(? ";") line-end))
(? ";") line-end))
(setq my//rust/import-plural-rx
(setq my//rust/import-plural-rx
;; use foo::bar::baz::{qux::quo, };
;; use foo::bar::baz::{qux::quo, };
(rx line-start "use "
(rx "use "
(+ (+ crate) "::")
(+ (+ crate) "::")
"{" (* (+ crate) "::") (+ crate) "," (* whitespace) "}"
"{" (* (+ crate) "::") (+ crate) "," (* whitespace) "}"
(? ";") line-end)))
(? ";") line-end)))
@ -600,6 +747,49 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
(advice-add #'lsp-rust-analyzer-debug :override #'my/rust/debug-lsp-runnable)
(advice-add #'lsp-rust-analyzer-debug :override #'my/rust/debug-lsp-runnable)
(define-derived-mode cargo-toml-mode conf-toml-mode "Cargo.toml mode")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Cargo\\.toml" . cargo-toml-mode))
(defun my/rust/edit-cargo-toml ()
(lsp-rust-analyzer-open-cargo-toml t))
(defun my/rust/get-latest-crate-version (crate callback)
(request! (format "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/%s/versions" crate)
(:type "GET" :parser 'json-read)
(lambda (data)
(let* ((versions (alist-get 'versions data))
(target (elt versions 0))
(num (alist-get 'num target)))
(funcall callback num)))
(lambda ()
(message "Crate not found: %s" crate))))
(defun my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate (crate)
"Insert `crate = version` with the latest available version of a crate."
(interactive "sCrate: ")
(lambda (version)
(insert (format "%s = \"%s\"" crate version)))))
(defun my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate-semver (crate)
"Insert `crate = version` with the latest available version of a crate.
Use any semver compatible version with either the current major release,
or the minor release if the major version is still 0."
(interactive "sCrate: ")
(lambda (version)
(let* ((parts (split-string version "\\."))
(major (nth 0 parts))
(minor (nth 1 parts))
(patch (nth 2 parts))
(semver (if (equal major "0")
(format "%s.%s" major minor)
(format "%s" major))))
(insert (format "%s = \"%s\"" crate semver))))))
;; (setq projectile-project-search-path
;; (setq projectile-project-search-path
;; '("~/Code"))
;; '("~/Code"))
@ -617,16 +807,6 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable t)
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable t)
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-segments '(symbols))
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-segments '(symbols))
(defun my/lsp-ui-doc-open ()
(defun my/lsp-ui-doc-close ()
(defun my/counsel-search ()
(defun my/counsel-search ()
(unless (boundp 'my/kagi-found)
(unless (boundp 'my/kagi-found)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
#+title: Config
#+title: Config
* Setup
* Setup
@ -11,6 +12,42 @@
* Lisp
* Lisp
** Hacks
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lexical-binding)
(setq lexical-binding t)
** Web
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package request
:commands request)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defmacro request! (url plist success &optional error)
"Makes an HTTP request with `request`, running SUCCESS on success, and
ERROR on error if specified.
Any arguments of LAMBDA are bound to the corresponding plist keys
returned by `request`."
(let ((handler (lambda (fn)
;; Wraps a lambda in `cl-function`,
;; and converts args (foo) into (&key foo &allow-other-keys)
(mapcan (lambda (arg) `(&key ,arg))
(cadr fn))
,@(cddr fn))))))
`(request ,url
:success ,(funcall handler success)
,@(if error `(:error ,(funcall handler error))))))
** Editing
** Editing
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/line ()
(defun my/line ()
@ -119,6 +156,38 @@ frame parameter which just landed in the Emacs 29 development branch.
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t)
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t)
Auto center the point after jumping.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defmacro my//center-cmd (name &rest body)
`(defun ,name ()
(call-interactively #'evil-scroll-line-to-center)))
(my//center-cmd my/scroll-up (evil-scroll-up evil-scroll-count))
(my//center-cmd my/scroll-down (evil-scroll-down evil-scroll-count))
(my//center-cmd my/jump-forward (better-jumper-jump-forward))
(my//center-cmd my/jump-backward (better-jumper-jump-backward))
(my//center-cmd my/search-next (evil-ex-search-next))
(my//center-cmd my/search-prev (evil-ex-search-previous))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-paragraph (evil-forward-paragraph))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-paragraph (evil-backward-paragraph))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-section-begin (evil-forward-section-begin))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-section-end (evil-forward-section-end))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-section-begin (evil-backward-section-begin))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-section-end (evil-backward-section-end))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/duplicate-and-comment-line ()
(kbd! "yyp k gcc j"))
*** Line Numbers
*** Line Numbers
Use relative line numbers in normal mode, and absolute line numbers in insert
Use relative line numbers in normal mode, and absolute line numbers in insert
@ -171,7 +240,8 @@ Unmap a bunch of the default keybindings.
"h" nil
"h" nil
"p" nil
"p" nil
"t" nil
"t" nil
"w" nil)
"w" nil
"c" nil)
(map! :map evil-org-mode-map
(map! :map evil-org-mode-map
:n "zc" nil)
:n "zc" nil)
@ -182,54 +252,81 @@ Unmap a bunch of the default keybindings.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Increase font size" :ni "C-=" #'text-scale-increase
:desc "Increase font size" :ni "C-=" #'text-scale-increase
:desc "Decrease font size" :ni "C--" #'text-scale-decrease)
:desc "Decrease font size" :ni "C--" #'text-scale-decrease
:desc "Reset font size" :ni "C-+" #'my/text-scale-reset)
(defun my/text-scale-reset ()
(text-scale-set 0))
*** Copilot
*** Copilot
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Copilot" :i "C-," #'my/copilot-complete)
:desc "Copilot" :i "C-?" #'my/copilot-complete)
*** LSP
*** LSP
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map lsp-mode-map
:desc "Show docs" :ni "C-/" #'my/lsp-ui-doc-open)
:desc "Apply code action" :ni "C-/" #'lsp-execute-code-action
(map! :map lsp-ui-doc-frame-mode-map
:desc "Show definitions" :ni "C-." #'+lookup/definition
:n "q" #'my/lsp-ui-doc-close
:desc "Show references" :ni "C->" #'my/lookup/references
:n "<escape>" #'my/lsp-ui-doc-close)
(after! lsp-ui
:desc "Jump backward" :ni "C-," #'better-jumper-jump-backward
(evil-make-overriding-map lsp-ui-doc-frame-mode-map 'normal))
:desc "Jump backward" :ni "C-<" #'better-jumper-jump-forward)
(defun my/lsp/lookup-references ()
(lsp-treemacs-references t))
: normal
*** Minibuffer
*** Minibuffer
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map minibuffer-mode-map
(map! :map minibuffer-mode-map
:desc "Next history" "C-j" #'next-history-element
:desc "Next history" "C-j" #'next-history-element
:desc "Prev history" "C-k" #'previous-history-element)
:desc "Prev history" "C-k" #'previous-history-element)
*** Files
*** Files
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Save file" "C-s" #'save-buffer)
:desc "Save file" "C-s" #'save-buffer)
*** Evil
*** Evil
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Scroll page up" :ni "C-S-k" #'evil-scroll-up
:desc "Scroll page up" :ni "C-S-k" #'my/scroll-up
:desc "Scroll page down" :ni "C-S-j" #'my/scroll-down
:desc "Scroll line up" :ni "C-k" #'evil-scroll-line-up
:desc "Scroll line up" :ni "C-k" #'evil-scroll-line-up
:desc "Scroll page down" :ni "C-S-j" #'evil-scroll-down
:desc "Scroll line down" :ni "C-j" #'evil-scroll-line-down
:desc "Scroll line down" :ni "C-j" #'evil-scroll-line-down)
:desc "Jump forward" :n "C-o" #'my/jump-forward
:desc "Jump backward" :n "C-o" #'my/jump-backward
:desc "Search next" :n "n" #'my/search-next
:desc "Search prev" :n "N" #'my/search-prev
:desc "Forward paragraph" :n "}" #'my/forward-paragraph
:desc "Backward paragraph" :n "{" #'my/backward-paragraph
:desc "Forward section begin" :n "]]" #'my/forward-section-begin
:desc "Forward section end" :n "][" #'my/forward-section-end
:desc "Backward section begin" :n "[]" #'my/backward-section-begin
:desc "Backward section end" :n "[[" #'my/backward-section-end)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Undo tree visualizer" "U" #'undo-tree-visualize)
:desc "Undo tree visualizer" :n "U" #'undo-tree-visualize)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Duplicate and comment line" :n "gC" #'my/duplicate-and-comment-line)
** Leader
** Leader
*** Root
*** Root
**** Eval
**** Eval
@ -306,9 +403,12 @@ Unmap a bunch of the default keybindings.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(map! :leader
(map! :leader
:prefix ("f s" . "snippets")
:prefix ("f s" . "snippets")
:desc "New snippet" "n" #'yas-new-snippet
:desc "Find snippet" "f" #'my/yas-find-snippet
:desc "Edit snippet" "e" #'yas-visit-snippet-file
:desc "New snippet" "n" #'yas/new-snippet
:desc "Reload snippets" "r" #'yas-reload-all
:desc "Edit snippet" "e" #'my/yas-edit-snippet
:desc "Describe snippets" "d" #'yas/describe-tables
:desc "Reload snippets" "r" #'yas/reload-all
:desc "Browse docs" "?" #'my/yas-browse-docs)
:desc "Browse docs" "?" #'my/yas-browse-docs)
@ -319,6 +419,16 @@ Add a command to open the YASnippet docs.
(browse-url "https://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet"))
(browse-url "https://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet"))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/yas-edit-snippet ()
(call-interactively #'yas/visit-snippet-file))
(defun my/yas-find-snippet ()
(counsel-find-file nil +snippets-dir))
**** e: Emacs Files
**** e: Emacs Files
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
(map! :leader
@ -537,6 +647,24 @@ keybindings specific to =config.org=.
("l" my/window-increase-width "++Width")
("l" my/window-increase-width "++Width")
("ESC" nil "Quit" :color blue))
("ESC" nil "Quit" :color blue))
*** c: Code
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("c" . "code")
:desc "Format region/buffer" "f" #'+format/region-or-buffer
:desc "Format imports" "F" #'lsp-organize-imports
:desc "Rename symbol" "r" #'lsp-rename
:desc "Show errors list" "x" #'+default/diagnostics
:desc "Show errors tree" "X" #'lsp-treemacs-errors-list
:desc "Show symbols tree" "s" #'lsp-treemacs-symbols
:desc "Visit lens" "l" #'lsp-avy-lens
:desc "Restart LSP" "q" #'lsp-restart-workspace)
** Local Leader
** Local Leader
*** Org Config
*** Org Config
@ -555,7 +683,31 @@ keybindings specific to =config.org=.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:desc "Debug..." "d" #'my/rust/dap-hydra/body)
"b" nil
"t" nil)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:desc "Edit Cargo.toml" "t" #'my/rust/edit-cargo-toml)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:prefix ("c" . "code")
:desc "Expand macro" "m" #'lsp-rust-analyzer-expand-macro
:desc "Open docs" "h" #'lsp-rust-analyzer-open-external-docs)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:prefix ("cb" . "build")
:desc "Build" "b" #'rustic-cargo-check
:desc "Check" "c" #'rustic-cargo-check
:desc "Debug" "d" #'my/rust/dap-hydra/body
:desc "Run" "r" #'rustic-cargo-run
:desc "Bench" "B" #'rustic-cargo-bench
:desc "Test current" "t" #'rustic-cargo-current-test
:desc "Test all" "T" #'rustic-cargo-test)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:desc "Pluralize import" "," #'my/rust/import-pluralize
:desc "Pluralize import" "," #'my/rust/import-pluralize
@ -563,6 +715,7 @@ keybindings specific to =config.org=.
:desc "Singularize import" "C-<backspace>" #'my/rust/import-c-singularize)
:desc "Singularize import" "C-<backspace>" #'my/rust/import-c-singularize)
**** Debugging
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defhydra my/rust/dap-hydra (:color pink :hint nil :foreign-keys run)
(defhydra my/rust/dap-hydra (:color pink :hint nil :foreign-keys run)
@ -604,6 +757,13 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
("q" nil "quit" :color blue)
("q" nil "quit" :color blue)
("Q" dap-disconnect :color red))
("Q" dap-disconnect :color red))
**** Cargo.toml
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map cargo-toml-mode-map
:desc "Add crate (semver)" "a" #'my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate-semver
:desc "Add crate (exact)" "A" #'my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate)
** Modes
** Modes
*** Evil
*** Evil
@ -626,7 +786,6 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
*** Dap
*** Dap
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
* Languages
* Languages
** Rust
** Rust
*** General
*** General
@ -634,18 +793,29 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
(add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-files "Cargo.lock")
(add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-files "Cargo.lock")
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-closure-return-type-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-enable "skip_trivial")
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-use-parameter-names nil)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-chaining-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-reborrow-hints t)
*** Editing
*** Editing
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(rx-let ((crate (or alphanumeric "_" "*")))
(rx-let ((crate (or alphanumeric "_" "*")))
(setq my//rust/import-singular-rx
(setq my//rust/import-singular-rx
;; use foo::bar::baz;
;; use foo::bar::baz;
(rx line-start "use "
(rx "use "
(+ (+ crate) "::")
(+ (+ crate) "::")
(+ crate)
(+ crate)
(? ";") line-end))
(? ";") line-end))
(setq my//rust/import-plural-rx
(setq my//rust/import-plural-rx
;; use foo::bar::baz::{qux::quo, };
;; use foo::bar::baz::{qux::quo, };
(rx line-start "use "
(rx "use "
(+ (+ crate) "::")
(+ (+ crate) "::")
"{" (* (+ crate) "::") (+ crate) "," (* whitespace) "}"
"{" (* (+ crate) "::") (+ crate) "," (* whitespace) "}"
(? ";") line-end)))
(? ";") line-end)))
@ -760,6 +930,60 @@ _Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
(advice-add #'lsp-rust-analyzer-debug :override #'my/rust/debug-lsp-runnable)
(advice-add #'lsp-rust-analyzer-debug :override #'my/rust/debug-lsp-runnable)
*** Cargo.toml
Define a derived mode for =conf-toml-mode= so we can specify some
keybindings specific to =Cargo.toml= files.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(define-derived-mode cargo-toml-mode conf-toml-mode "Cargo.toml mode")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Cargo\\.toml" . cargo-toml-mode))
Define a wrapper function for visiting the closest Cargo.toml in a new window.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/rust/edit-cargo-toml ()
(lsp-rust-analyzer-open-cargo-toml t))
Define a helper for pulling the latest versions of crates from crates.io
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/rust/get-latest-crate-version (crate callback)
(request! (format "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/%s/versions" crate)
(:type "GET" :parser 'json-read)
(lambda (data)
(let* ((versions (alist-get 'versions data))
(target (elt versions 0))
(num (alist-get 'num target)))
(funcall callback num)))
(lambda ()
(message "Crate not found: %s" crate))))
(defun my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate (crate)
"Insert `crate = version` with the latest available version of a crate."
(interactive "sCrate: ")
(lambda (version)
(insert (format "%s = \"%s\"" crate version)))))
(defun my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate-semver (crate)
"Insert `crate = version` with the latest available version of a crate.
Use any semver compatible version with either the current major release,
or the minor release if the major version is still 0."
(interactive "sCrate: ")
(lambda (version)
(let* ((parts (split-string version "\\."))
(major (nth 0 parts))
(minor (nth 1 parts))
(patch (nth 2 parts))
(semver (if (equal major "0")
(format "%s.%s" major minor)
(format "%s" major))))
(insert (format "%s = \"%s\"" crate semver))))))
** Go
** Go
*** Debugging
*** Debugging
Setup: run =M-x dap-go-setup=
Setup: run =M-x dap-go-setup=
@ -787,18 +1011,6 @@ Setup: run =M-x dap-go-setup=
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-segments '(symbols))
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-segments '(symbols))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/lsp-ui-doc-open ()
(defun my/lsp-ui-doc-close ()
** Counsel Search
** Counsel Search
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/counsel-search ()
(defun my/counsel-search ()
@ -49,12 +49,17 @@
;; ...Or *all* packages (NOT RECOMMENDED; will likely break things)
;; ...Or *all* packages (NOT RECOMMENDED; will likely break things)
;(unpin! t)
;(unpin! t)
;; Don't install emacs-everywhere or doom-snippets
(package! emacs-everywhere :ignore t)
(package! emacs-everywhere :ignore t)
(package! doom-snippets :ignore t)
(package! doom-snippets :ignore t)
;; Utility for making HTTP requests
(package! request)
;; Mode for showing which keys are being pressed on the modeline
(package! keycast)
(package! keycast)
;; GitHub Copilot for Emacs
(package! copilot
(package! copilot
:recipe (:host github :repo "zerolfx/copilot.el"
:recipe (:host github :repo "zerolfx/copilot.el"
:files ("dist" "copilot.el")))
:files ("dist" "copilot.el")))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: collect::vec
# key: .cvec
# --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: log::debug
# key: debug
# --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: log::error
# key: error
# --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: log::info
# key: info
# --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: log::trace
# key: trace
# --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: log::warn
# key: warn
# --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: unwrap()
# key: .u
# --
Reference in New Issue
Block a user