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synced 2025-03-01 10:14:10 -05:00
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
;;; hoon-mode.el --- Major mode for editing hoon files for urbit
;; Copyright (C) 2014–2016 Urbit
;; Author:
;; * Adam Bliss https://github.com/abliss <abliss@gmail.com>
;; Contributors:
;; * N Gvrnd https://github.com/ngvrnd
;; * TJamesCorcoran https://github.com/TJamesCorcoran <jamescorcoran@gmail.com>
;; * Rastus Vernon https://github.com/rastus-vernon <rastus.vernon@protonmail.ch>
;; * Elliot Glaysher https://github.com/eglaysher <erg@google.com>
;; * David Kerschner https://github.com/baudtack <dkerschner@hcoop.net>
;; * Johnathan Maudlin https://github.com/jcmdln <jcmdln@gmail.com>
;; URL: https://github.com/urbit/hoon-mode.el
;; Version: 0.1
;; Keywords: extensions, hoon, nock, urbit, Mars
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This is my first Major Mode, so don't expect much. It's heavily based on
;; SampleMode from the emacs wiki.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defvar hoon-mode-syntax-table
(let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
;; Basic quoting support
(modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" st)
;; Hoon comments. Also mark ':' as a normal punctuation character.
(modify-syntax-entry ?: ". 12b" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" st)
;; Add dash to the symbol class since it can be part of identifier.
(modify-syntax-entry ?- "_" st)
;; Put all other characters which can be part of runes in the punctuation
;; class so that forward and backward work properly.
(modify-syntax-entry ?! "." st)
(modify-syntax-entry '(?\# . ?\&) "." st)
(modify-syntax-entry '(?* . ?\,) "." st)
(modify-syntax-entry '(?. . ?/) "." st)
(modify-syntax-entry '(?\; . ?@) "." st)
(modify-syntax-entry '(?^ . ?_) "." st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?| "." st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?~ "." st)
"Syntax table for `hoon-mode'.")
(defconst hoon-rx-constituents
`((gap . ,(rx (and space (one-or-more space))))
(identifier . ,(rx (and lower (zero-or-more (or lower digit "-")))))
(mold . ,(rx (or "*"
(and "@" (zero-or-more word))
(and (opt "$-")
(or (or alphanumeric "(" ")" "*" "?" "@" "-" ":"
;; Spaces must be single.
(and space (or alphanumeric "(" ")" "*" "?"
"@" "-" ":" "^"))))
(and lower (one-or-more (or lower digit "-" ":" "^")))
(wing . ,(rx (one-or-more (or "." lower digit "-" "+" "<" ">"))))
"Common patterns used in font locking hoon code.")
(defmacro hoon-rx (&rest regexps)
"Hoon mode specialized rx macro."
(let ((rx-constituents (append hoon-rx-constituents rx-constituents)))
(cond ((null regexps)
(error "No regexp"))
((cdr regexps)
(rx-to-string `(and ,@regexps) t))
(rx-to-string (car regexps) t))))))
(defconst hoon-font-lock-arm-declarations-rx
(hoon-rx (and (group "+" (or "+" "-" "$")) gap
(group (or "$" identifier))))
"Regexp of declarations")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-face-mold-rx
(and (group word (zero-or-more (or word "-")))
(group mold)))
"Regexp to match name/mold in declarations.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-kethep-rx
(hoon-rx (and "^- "
(opt "{")
(group (or mold) (zero-or-more space (or mold)))
(opt "}")))
"Regexp to match ^- in long form. Note the `or' around
`mold'. We need to wrap the imported stuff in that context.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-kethep-irregular-rx
(hoon-rx (and "`" (group mold) "`")))
(defconst hoon-font-lock-kettis-rx
(hoon-rx (and "^=" gap (group identifier))))
(defconst hoon-font-lock-kettis-irregular-rx
(hoon-rx (and (group identifier) "="))
"Regexp of faces.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-tis-wing-rx
(hoon-rx (and (or "=." "=/" "=?" "=*") gap (group wing)))
"Several runes start with <rune> <gap> term/wing. Combine these into one
regexp. Because of =/, this rule must run after the normal mold rule.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-tisket-rx
(hoon-rx (and "=^" gap (group wing) gap (group wing))))
(defconst hoon-font-lock-symbols-rx
(rx (and "%" (or (and word (zero-or-more (any word "-")))
"|" "&" "$" ".n" ".y")))
"Regexp of symbols. This must be run before runes, or %.n and %.y will
partially be highlighted as runes.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-runes-rx
;; This could be `regexp-opt' and added statically for more speed
(rx (or
"$@" "$_" "$:" "$%" "$-" "$^" "$?" "$=" "$|" "$," "$&" "$+"
"|_" "|:" "|%" "|." "|^" "|-" "|~" "|*" "|=" "|?"
":_" ":^" ":-" ":+" ":~" ":*"
"%_" "%." "%-" "%*" "%^" "%+" "%~" "%="
".^" ".+" ".*" ".=" ".?"
"^|" "^." "^+" "^-" "^&" "^~" "^=" "^?"
"~|" "~_" "~%" "~/" "~<" "~>" "~$" "~+" "~&" "~=" "~?" "~!"
";:" ";/" ";~" ";;"
"=|" "=:" "=/" "=;" "=." "=?" "=<" "=-" "=>" "=^" "=+" "=~" "=*" "=,"
"?|" "?-" "?:" "?." "?^" "?<" "?>" "?+" "?&" "?@" "?~" "?=" "?!"
"!," "!>" "!;" "!=" "!?" "!^" "!:"
;; Not technically runes, but we highlight them like that.
"Regexp of runes.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-preprocessor-rx
(rx (or "/?" "/-" "/+" "//" "/="))
"Ford preprocessor 'runes'.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-zapzap-rx
(rx "!!")
"Highlight the crash rune in red.")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-numbers-rx
;; Numbers are in decimal, binary, hex, base32, or base64, and they must
;; contain dots (optionally followed by whitespace), as in the German manner.
(rx (or
(and "0w"
(repeat 1 5 (in "-~0-9a-zA-Z"))
(zero-or-more "." (repeat 5 (in "-~0-9a-zA-Z"))))
(and "0v"
(repeat 1 5 (in "0-9a-v"))
(zero-or-more "." (repeat 5 (in "0-9a-v"))))
(and "0b"
(repeat 1 4 (in "0-1"))
(zero-or-more "." (repeat 4 (in "0-1"))))
(and "0x"
(repeat 1 4 hex)
(zero-or-more "." (repeat 4 hex)))
(and (repeat 1 3 digit)
(zero-or-more "." (repeat 3 digit)))
"Regexp of numbers")
(defconst hoon-font-lock-todos-rx
(rx (or "XX" "XXX" "TODO" "FIXME"))
"Regexp of todo notes.")
;; This is a start, but we still occasionally miss some complex mold declarations.
(defvar hoon-font-lock-keywords
(,hoon-font-lock-arm-declarations-rx ;; "++ arm"
(1 font-lock-constant-face)
(2 font-lock-function-name-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-face-mold-rx ;; {name/mold}
(1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
(2 font-lock-type-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-kethep-rx ;; ^- mold
(1 font-lock-type-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-kethep-irregular-rx ;; `mold`
(1 font-lock-type-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-kettis-rx ;; ^= face
(1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-kettis-irregular-rx ;; face=
(1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-tis-wing-rx ;; (=. =/ =?) wing
(1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-tisket-rx ;; =^ wing wing
(1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
(2 font-lock-variable-name-face))
(,hoon-font-lock-symbols-rx . font-lock-keyword-face)
;; Highlights all other runes in other contexts.
(,hoon-font-lock-runes-rx . font-lock-constant-face)
(,hoon-font-lock-preprocessor-rx . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
(,hoon-font-lock-zapzap-rx . font-lock-warning-face)
;; Highlight any auras in any other contexts. This must happen after all
;; the above because it would otherwise stop the previous rules' execution.
;; TODO: This rule causes false positives, highlighting ^ in contexts where
;; it's used to reach up one namespace instead of being a mold.
("\\(@\\w*\\)\\|\\^" . font-lock-type-face)
;; These highlights don't have any issues.
(,hoon-font-lock-numbers-rx . font-lock-constant-face)
(,hoon-font-lock-todos-rx . font-lock-warning-face))
"Keyword highlighting specification for `hoon-mode'.")
(defvar hoon-imenu-generic-expression ".*")
(defvar hoon-outline-regexp ":::")
(define-derived-mode hoon-mode prog-mode "Hoon"
"A major mode for editing Hoon files."
:syntax-table hoon-mode-syntax-table
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "::")
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-padding) 2)
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "")
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-column) 56) ;; zero based columns
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-use-syntax) t)
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "\\(::+\\)\\s-*")
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '(hoon-font-lock-keywords))
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode) nil) ;; tabs zutiefst verboten
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'indent-relative)
(set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function) 'hoon-fill-paragraph)
(set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
(set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp) hoon-outline-regexp)
;; Hoon files shouldn't have empty lines, but emacs expects them for
;; navigation. Treat lines which are just `comment-start' at any margin as
;; blank lines for paragraph navigation purposes.
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) "\\([ \t]*\:\:\\)*[ \t\f]*$")
;; Hoon files often have the same file name in different
;; directories. Previously, this was manually handled by hoon-mode instead of
;; just setting the right variables and letting Emacs handle it.
(set (make-local-variable 'uniquify-buffer-name-style) 'forward)
(set (make-local-variable 'uniquify-strip-common-suffix) nil))
(defun hoon-fill-paragraph (&optional justify)
"Only fill inside comments. (It might be neat to auto-convert short to long
form syntax, but that would take parsing.)"
(interactive "P")
(or (fill-comment-paragraph justify)
;; Never return nil; `fill-paragraph' will perform its default behavior
;; if we do.
;;; Indentation
(defun hoon-indent-line ()
"Indent current line of Hoon code."
(let ((savep (> (current-column) (current-indentation)))
(indent (condition-case nil (max (hoon-calculate-indentation) 0)
(error 0))))
(if savep
(save-excursion (indent-line-to indent))
(indent-line-to indent))))
(defun hoon-calculate-indentation ()
"Return the column to which the current line should be indented."
0) ;;TODO
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.hoon$" . hoon-mode))
(defgroup hoon nil
"hoon mode for emacs"
:prefix "hoon-"
:group 'tools)
(defcustom hoon-urb-path "/usr/bin/urb"
"Path to urb"
:group 'hoon
:type 'string)
(defcustom hoon-urb-args "-d"
"args for urb"
:group 'hoon
:type 'string)
(defun hoon-eval-region-in-urb ()
(concat hoon-urb-path " " hoon-urb-args " "
(shell-quote-argument (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))
" &")))
(defun hoon-eval-buffer-in-urb ()
(concat hoon-urb-path " " hoon-urb-args " "
(shell-quote-argument (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
" &")))
(provide 'hoon-mode)
;;; hoon-mode.el ends here
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
;;; pretty-fonts.el --- Ligature and fontset setters -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; A heavily annotated, cleaned-up version of ligature implementations for Emacs
;; floating around on the web. If you ever looked at the snippets online and
;; thought wtf is going on, this implementation should clear things up.
;;; Code:
;;;; Requires
(require 'dash)
(require 'dash-functional)
;;;; Configuration
;;;;; Fira-code Ligatures
(defconst pretty-fonts-fira-code-alist
;; Pipes
("\\(<|\\)" #Xe14d) ("\\(<>\\)" #Xe15b) ("\\(<|>\\)" #Xe14e) ("\\(|>\\)" #Xe135)
;; Brackets
("\\(<\\*\\)" #Xe14b) ("\\(<\\*>\\)" #Xe14c) ("\\(\\*>\\)" #Xe104)
("\\(<\\$\\)" #Xe14f) ("\\(<\\$>\\)" #Xe150) ("\\(\\$>\\)" #Xe137)
("\\(<\\+\\)" #Xe155) ("\\(<\\+>\\)" #Xe156) ("\\(\\+>\\)" #Xe13a)
;; Equality
("\\(!=\\)" #Xe10e) ("\\(!==\\)" #Xe10f) ("\\(=/=\\)" #Xe143)
("\\(/=\\)" #Xe12c) ("\\(/==\\)" #Xe12d)
("\\(===\\)"#Xe13d) ("[^!/]\\(==\\)[^>]" #Xe13c)
;; Equality Special
("\\(||=\\)" #Xe133) ("[^|]\\(|=\\)" #Xe134)
("\\(~=\\)" #Xe166)
("\\(\\^=\\)" #Xe136)
("\\(=:=\\)" #Xe13b)
;; Comparisons
("\\(<=\\)" #Xe141) ("\\(>=\\)" #Xe145)
("\\(</\\)" #Xe162) ("\\(</>\\)" #Xe163)
;; Shifts
("[^-=]\\(>>\\)" #Xe147) ("\\(>>>\\)" #Xe14a)
("[^-=]\\(<<\\)" #Xe15c) ("\\(<<<\\)" #Xe15f)
;; Dots
("\\(\\.-\\)" #Xe122) ("\\(\\.=\\)" #Xe123)
("\\(\\.\\.<\\)" #Xe125)
;; Hashes
("\\(#{\\)" #Xe119) ("\\(#(\\)" #Xe11e) ("\\(#_\\)" #Xe120)
("\\(#_(\\)" #Xe121) ("\\(#\\?\\)" #Xe11f) ("\\(#\\[\\)" #Xe11a)
;; 2-Repeats
("\\(||\\)" #Xe132)
("\\(!!\\)" #Xe10d)
("\\(%%\\)" #Xe16a)
("\\(&&\\)" #Xe131)
;; 2+3-Repeats
("\\(##\\)" #Xe11b) ("\\(###\\)" #Xe11c) ("\\(####\\)" #Xe11d)
("\\(--\\)" #Xe111) ("\\(---\\)" #Xe112)
("\\({-\\)" #Xe108) ("\\(-}\\)" #Xe110)
("\\(\\\\\\\\\\)" #Xe106) ("\\(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)" #Xe107)
("\\(\\.\\.\\)" #Xe124) ("\\(\\.\\.\\.\\)" #Xe126)
("\\(\\+\\+\\)" #Xe138) ("\\(\\+\\+\\+\\)" #Xe139)
("\\(//\\)" #Xe12f) ("\\(///\\)" #Xe130)
("\\(::\\)" #Xe10a) ("\\(:::\\)" #Xe10b)
;; Direct
("[^-]\\(->\\)" #Xe114) ("[^=]\\(=>\\)" #Xe13f)
("\\(<-\\)" #Xe152)
("\\(-->\\)" #Xe113) ("\\(->>\\)" #Xe115)
("\\(==>\\)" #Xe13e) ("\\(=>>\\)" #Xe140)
("\\(<--\\)" #Xe153) ("\\(<<-\\)" #Xe15d)
("\\(<==\\)" #Xe158) ("\\(<<=\\)" #Xe15e)
("\\(<->\\)" #Xe154) ("\\(<=>\\)" #Xe159)
;; Branches
("\\(-<\\)" #Xe116) ("\\(-<<\\)" #Xe117)
("\\(>-\\)" #Xe144) ("\\(>>-\\)" #Xe148)
("\\(=<<\\)" #Xe142) ("\\(>>=\\)" #Xe149)
("\\(>=>\\)" #Xe146) ("\\(<=<\\)" #Xe15a)
;; Squiggly
("\\(<~\\)" #Xe160) ("\\(<~~\\)" #Xe161)
("\\(~>\\)" #Xe167) ("\\(~~>\\)" #Xe169)
("\\(-~\\)" #Xe118) ("\\(~-\\)" #Xe165)
("\\(www\\)" #Xe100)
("\\(<!--\\)" #Xe151)
("\\(~@\\)" #Xe164)
("[^<]\\(~~\\)" #Xe168)
("\\(\\?=\\)" #Xe127)
("[^=]\\(:=\\)" #Xe10c)
("\\(/>\\)" #Xe12e)
("[^\\+<>]\\(\\+\\)[^\\+<>]" #Xe16d)
("[^:=]\\(:\\)[^:=]" #Xe16c)
("\\(<=\\)" #Xe157))
"Fira font ligatures and their regexes")
;;;; Fontsetters
(defun pretty-fonts-set-fontsets (font-codepoints-alist)
"Set CODEPOINTS to use FONT in FONT-CODEPOINTS-ALIST in all situations."
(-each font-codepoints-alist
(-lambda ((font . codepoints))
(-each codepoints
(lambda (codepoint)
(set-fontset-font nil `(,codepoint . ,codepoint) font)
(set-fontset-font t `(,codepoint . ,codepoint) font))))))
;;;; Ligatures
(defun pretty-fonts--pad-codepoint (codepoint)
"Converts CODEPOINT to a string that `compose-region' will know to leftpad.
A snippet from it's documentation:
If it is a string, the elements are alternate characters. In this case, TAB
element has a special meaning. If the first character is TAB, the glyphs are
displayed with left padding space so that no pixel overlaps with the previous
column. If the last character is TAB, the glyphs are displayed with right
padding space so that no pixel overlaps with the following column.
Also note that prior implementations use `list' instead of `char-to-string',
they do the same thing here but `char-to-string' is obviously more descriptive."
(concat "\t" (char-to-string codepoint)))
(defun pretty-fonts--build-keyword (rgx codepoint)
"Builds the font-lock-keyword for RGX to be composed to CODEPOINT.
This function may seem obtuse. It can be translated into the spec
defined in `font-lock-add-keywords' as follows:
The FACENAME is a form that should evaluate to a face. In the case it returns
nil, which we do here, it won't modify the face. If instead it was `(prog1
font-lock-function-name-face compose...)', the composition would still be applied
but now all ligatures would be highlighted as functions, for example."
`(,rgx (0 (prog1 nil
(compose-region (match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1)
,(pretty-fonts--pad-codepoint codepoint))))))
(defun pretty-fonts-add-kwds (rgx-codepoint-alist)
"Exploits `font-lock-add-keywords' to transform RGXs into CODEPOINTs."
(->> rgx-codepoint-alist
(-map (-applify #'pretty-fonts--build-keyword))
(font-lock-add-keywords nil)))
(defun pretty-fonts-add-hook (hook rgx-codepoint-alist)
"Add `pretty-fonts-add-kwds' as a hook."
(add-hook hook
(lambda () (pretty-fonts-add-kwds rgx-codepoint-alist))))
(defun pretty-fonts-set-fontsets-for-fira-code ()
"Tell Emacs to render Fira Code codepoints using Fira Code Symbol font."
(set-fontset-font t '(#Xe100 . #Xe16f) "Fira Code Symbol"))
(provide 'pretty-fonts)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user