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synced 2025-02-19 23:13:50 -05:00
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3 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
3dfb796ec5 | |||
ec6aafe759 | |||
6ab13142fe |
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ doesn't cover properly by default.
@ -363,12 +363,13 @@ Make =yes-or-no= prompts ask for =y-or-n= instead. Saves loads of time™.
*** Move Backup Files
By default, emacs gunks up every folder with =file~= backups
and =#file#= lockfiles. Schlunk them all in =/tmp= instead.
and =#file#= lockfiles. Schlunk them all in =.emacs.d/saves= instead.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq backup-directory-alist
`((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory)))
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms
`((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t)))
(let ((save-dir (locate-user-emacs-file "saves")))
(setq backup-directory-alist
`((".*" . ,save-dir)))
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms
`((".*" ,(concat save-dir "/") t))))
*** Secure auth-source
GPG encrypt stored auth tokens from [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/auth.html][auth-source]] instead of storing them in plaintext.
@ -1085,6 +1086,7 @@ Yasnippet adds support for custom snippets
** Git
*** Magit
**** Core
It's magic git!
Keybinds [[https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-magit][here]]
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -1093,13 +1095,125 @@ Keybinds [[https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-magit][here]]
"b" 'magit-blame-addition
"B" 'magit-blame-reverse
"s" 'magit-status))
"s" 'magit-status)
(:keymaps 'magit-status-mode-map
"i" 'jf-lcsr-issue-dispatch)
It's *evil* magic git!
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package evil-magit
:after (evil magit))
**** LCSR Issues
My workplace has a very specific git workflow that basically boils down
to creating =issue/$id/$description= and branching off it to =issue/id/$person= for
each developer. What follows are some convenience functions for dealing with this.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun jf-lcsr-setup ()
(defvar jf-lcsr-me "jwf78")
;;; Splitting and Joining Functions
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-id (branch)
(elt (split-string branch "/") 1))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-tag (branch)
(elt (split-string branch "/") 2))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch (id tag)
(string-join `("issue" ,id ,tag) "/"))
;;; Predicate Functions
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-base-p (branch)
(string-match "^\\(origin/\\)?issue/[0-9]\\{3,4\\}/[A-Za-z-]+$" branch))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-user-p (branch)
(string-match "^\\(origin/\\)?issue/[0-9]\\{3,4\\}/[a-z]\\{2,3\\}[0-9]\\{1,5\\}$" branch))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-my-p (branch)
(and (jf-lcsr-branch-user-p branch) (string= jf-lcsr-me (jf-lcsr-branch-tag branch))))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-p (branch)
(or (jf-lcsr-branch-base-p branch) (jf-lcsr-branch-user-p branch)))
;;; Utility Functions
(defun jf-lcsr-branches ()
(seq-filter #'jf-lcsr-branch-p (magit-list-branch-names)))
(defun jf-lcsr-find-id (id branches)
(lambda (b) (string= (jf-lcsr-branch-id b) id))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-to-base (branch)
(if (jf-lcsr-branch-user-p branch)
(jf-lcsr-branch-id branch)
(seq-filter #'jf-lcsr-branch-base-p (jf-lcsr-branches)))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-to-my (branch)
(jf-lcsr-branch (jf-lcsr-branch-id branch) jf-lcsr-me))
(defun jf-lcsr-branch-to-toggle (branch)
(if (jf-lcsr-branch-base-p branch)
(jf-lcsr-branch-to-my branch)
(jf-lcsr-branch-to-base branch)))
(defun jf-lcsr-prepend-id (msg)
(concat "\"#" (jf-lcsr-branch-id (magit-get-current-branch)) " " msg "\""))
(defun jf-lcsr-commit-message (msg)
(jf-lcsr-prepend-id msg))
(defun jf-lcsr-merge-message (current source)
(jf-lcsr-prepend-id (concat "Merge branch " source " into " current)))
;;; Navigation Functions
(defun jf-lcsr-checkout-base ()
(magit-checkout (jf-lcsr-branch-to-base (magit-get-current-branch))))
(defun jf-lcsr-checkout-my ()
(magit-checkout (jf-lcsr-branch-to-my (magit-get-current-branch))))
(defun jf-lcsr-checkout-toggle ()
(magit-checkout (jf-lcsr-branch-to-toggle (magit-get-current-branch))))
;;; Committing Functions
(defun jf-lcsr-commit (msg)
(interactive "sMessage: ")
(let ((default-directory (magit-toplevel)))
`(,(concat "-m " (jf-lcsr-commit-message msg))))))
(defun jf-lcsr-merge-toggle ()
(let ((current (magit-get-current-branch))
(source (jf-lcsr-branch-to-toggle (magit-get-current-branch))))
`(,(concat "-m " (jf-lcsr-merge-message current source))) source)))
(defun jf-lcsr-mergeback ()
(define-transient-command jf-lcsr-issue-dispatch ()
("b b" "Checkout Feature <-> User" jf-lcsr-checkout-toggle)
("b f" "Checkout Feature" jf-lcsr-checkout-base)
("b u" "Checkout User" jf-lcsr-checkout-my)]
("c" "Commit with Tag" jf-lcsr-commit)
("m t" "Merge Feature <-> User" jf-lcsr-merge-toggle)
("m b" "Merge User -> Feature" jf-lcsr-mergeback)]))
*** Forge
Magic GitHub facilities for git forges such as GitHub and GitLab!
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -1180,9 +1294,10 @@ Jedi for autocompletion sources in python-mode.
:company python-mode)
*** Javascript
[[https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode][js2-mode]] improves the default js mode.
rjsx-mode includes a javascript mode with support for react jsx files.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package js2-mode
(use-package rjsx-mode
:pin melpa
:mode "\\.js\\'"
:interpreter "node")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user