Procházet zdrojové kódy

Remove old stats routes

Jack Foltz před 5 roky
Podepsáno: foltik <> ID GPG klíče: D1F0331758D1F29A
2 změnil soubory, kde provedl 3 přidání a 260 odebrání
  1. +3
  2. +0

+ 3
- 134
app/routes/api/stats.js Zobrazit soubor

@@ -9,45 +9,12 @@ const wrap = require('../../util/wrap');
const bodyVerifier = require('../../util/verifyBody').bodyVerifier;
const requireAuth = require('../../util/auth').requireAuth;

const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

function filterAggregateStats(obj) {
if (obj._id)
delete obj._id;

return obj;

function mergeAggregateStats(obj1, obj2) {

let res = {};
Object.assign(res, obj1, obj2);
return res;

function mergeAggregations(res1, res2) {
const arr = res1.concat(res2);

let res = {};

for (let obj of arr) {
if (res[obj._id])
res[obj._id] = mergeAggregateStats(res[obj._id], obj);
res[obj._id] = filterAggregateStats(obj);

return res;

const uploadProps = [
{name: 'after', type: 'date', optional: true},
{name: 'before', type: 'date', optional: true},
{name: 'limit', type: 'number', min: 1, max: 10000, optional: true}

router.get('/uploads', requireAuth('stats.get'), bodyVerifier(uploadProps), wrap(async (req, res) => {
let constraints = {uploader: req.username};

@@ -84,11 +51,13 @@ router.get('/uploads', requireAuth('stats.get'), bodyVerifier(uploadProps), wrap

const viewProps = [
{name: 'after', type: 'date', optional: true},
{name: 'before', type: 'date', optional: true},
{name: 'limit', type: 'number', min: 1, max: 10000, optional: true}

router.get('/views', requireAuth('stats.get'), bodyVerifier(viewProps), wrap(async (req, res) => {
let constraints = {uploader: req.username};

@@ -119,104 +88,4 @@ router.get('/views', requireAuth('stats.get'), bodyVerifier(viewProps), wrap(asy

router.get('/week', requireAuth('stats.get'), wrap(async (req, res) => {
const currentDate = new Date();

const uploadStats = await (Upload.collection.aggregate([
$match: {
'date': {$gt: new Date(currentDate - 7 * oneDay)},
'uploader': req.username
$project: {
'date': {
$concat: [
{$substr: ['$date', 5, 2]},
{$substr: ['$date', 8, 2]}
'size': '$file.size'
$group: {
'_id': '$date',
'uploads': {$sum: 1},
'size': {$sum: '$size'}
const viewStats = await (View.collection.aggregate([
$match: {
'date': {$gt: new Date(currentDate - 7 * oneDay)},
'uploader': req.username
$project: {
'date': {
$concat: [
{$substr: ['$date', 5, 2]},
{$substr: ['$date', 8, 2]}
$group: {
'_id': '$date',
'views': {$sum: 1},

const stats = mergeAggregations(uploadStats, viewStats);


router.get('/all', requireAuth('stats.get'), wrap(async (req, res) => {
const uploadStats = await (Upload.collection.aggregate([
$match: {
'uploader': req.username
$project: {
'size': '$file.size'
$group: {
'_id': 'total',
'count': {$sum: 1},
'size': {$sum: '$size'}
const viewStats = await (View.collection.aggregate([
$match: {
'uploader': req.username
$group: {
'_id': 'total',
'views': {$sum: 1},

const stats = mergeAggregations(uploadStats, viewStats);


module.exports = router;

+ 0
- 126
test/api.js Zobrazit soubor

@@ -944,55 +944,6 @@ describe('Users', () => {

describe('Stats', () => {
const setupUploadsAndViews = async () => {
const currentDate = new Date();
const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

const get_uid = i => {
return 'abcde' + String.fromCharCode(i + 97)

for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
await util.insertUpload({
uid: get_uid(i),
views: 0,
uploader: 'user',
uploaderKey: null,
date: new Date(currentDate - i * oneDay),
file: {
size: 1

await util.insertUpload({
uid: 'zyxwvu',
uploader: 'someguy',
date: new Date(currentDate - 3 * oneDay),
file: {
size: 1

for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
await util.insertView({
uid: get_uid(i),
uploader: 'user',
remoteAddress: '::1',
userAgent: 'fiyerfocks',
date: new Date(currentDate - i * oneDay),

await util.insertView({
uid: 'zyxwvu',
uploader: 'someguy',
remoteAddress: '::1',
userAgent: 'fiyerfocks',
date: new Date(currentDate - 3 * oneDay)

describe('/GET uploads', () => {
describe('0 Valid Request', () => {
const currentDate = new Date();
@@ -1253,83 +1204,6 @@ describe('Stats', () => {

describe('/GET week', () => {
describe('0 Valid Request', () => {
it('must return valid stats for the past week', async () => {
await setupUploadsAndViews();

const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const currentDate = new Date();

await util.createSession(agent, ['stats.get'], 'user');
const stats = (await util.getStatsWeek(agent)).body;

for(let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
let date = new Date(currentDate - i * oneDay).toISOString();
let dateStr = date.substr(5, 2) + '-' + date.substr(8, 2);
let dayStats = stats[dateStr];'object', 'Stats should exist for the day ' + dateStr);
dayStats.uploads.should.equal(1, 'Should be only one upload for the day ' + dateStr);
dayStats.size.should.equal(1, 'Should be only one byte uploaded for the day ' + dateStr);
dayStats.views.should.equal(1, 'Should be only one view for the day ' + dateStr);

let pastDate = new Date(currentDate - 7 * oneDay).toISOString();
let pastDateStr = pastDate.substr(5, 2) + '-' + pastDate.substr(8, 2);, 'No stats should exist past 1 week ago');

return util.logout(agent);

it('must return an empty set when there are no stats', async () => {
await util.createSession(agent, ['stats.get'], 'user');
const stats_self = (await util.getStatsWeek(agent)).body;

await setupUploadsAndViews();
await util.createSession(agent, ['stats.get'], 'other_user');
const stats_other = (await util.getStatsWeek(agent)).body;
stats_other.should.deep.equal({}, 'No stats should be returned from another user');

return util.logout(agent);

describe('/GET all', () => {
describe('0 Valid Request', () => {
it('must return valid stats for all time', async () => {
await setupUploadsAndViews();

await util.createSession(agent, ['stats.get'], 'user');
const stats = (await util.getStatsAll(agent)).body;'total');'count').equal(8);'size').equal(8);'views').equal(8);

return util.logout(agent);

it('must return an empty set when there are no stats', async () => {
await util.createSession(agent, ['stats.get'], 'user');
const stats_self = (await util.getStatsAll(agent)).body;
stats_self.should.deep.equal({}, 'No stats should be returned');
await util.logout(agent);

await setupUploadsAndViews();
await util.createSession(agent, ['stats.get'], 'other_user');
const stats_other = (await util.getStatsAll(agent)).body;
stats_other.should.deep.equal({}, 'No stats should be returned from another user');

return util.logout(agent);

after(() => server.close(() => process.exit(0)));

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