var angular = require('angular'); angular.module('KeyCtrl', ['KeySvc', 'AuthSvc']).controller('KeyController', ['$scope', 'KeyService', 'AuthService', function($scope, KeyService, AuthService) { // Transforms an array of period-separated properties ex. ["file.upload", "user.view", "user.ban"] // to json ex. {"file": "upload", "user": ["view", "ban"]} function scopeToObj(scope) { const res = {}; for(const prop in scope) { if (scope.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { const perm = scope[prop]; const prefix = perm.substr(0, perm.indexOf('.')); const postfix = perm.substr(perm.indexOf('.') + 1); if (!res[prefix]) res[prefix] = []; res[prefix].push({name: postfix}); } } return res; } $scope.init = () => { AuthService.whoami(res => { $scope.scope = scopeToObj(res.scope); $scope.displayname = res.displayname; }); $scope.getAllKeys(); $scope.newScope = []; }; // ------------ Keys ------------ /// class Key { constructor(identifier, scope, key) { this.identifier = identifier; this.scope = scopeToObj(scope); this.key = key; } } $scope.getAllKeys = () => KeyService.getAllKeys((err, res) => $scope.keys = => new Key(key.identifier, key.scope, key.key))); $scope.createKey = () => KeyService.createKey($scope.newIdentifier, $scope.newScope, (err, res) => { if (err) return; $scope.hideNewKey(); $scope.getAllKeys(); }); $scope.deleteKey = key => KeyService.deleteKey(key.key, (err, res) => { if (err) return; $scope.keys.splice($scope.keys.indexOf(key), 1); $scope.hideKeyInfo(); $scope.currKey = {}; }); // Triggered when a checkbox for a permission changes. // Updates the currKeyScope object with the addition or removal. $scope.updateNewScope = function(prefix, perm) { // If the checkbox was checked if ($scope.scope[prefix][$scope.scope[prefix].indexOf(perm)].isChecked) { $scope.newScope.push(prefix + '.' +; } else { // Otherwise it was unchecked, remove it $scope.newScope.splice($scope.newScope.indexOf(prefix + '.' +, 1); } }; // Hide/show new key modal dialog $scope.hideNewKey = () => $scope.newModalStyle = {}; $scope.showNewKey = () => $scope.newModalStyle = {display: 'block'}; // Hide/show key info modal dialog $scope.hideKeyInfo = () => $scope.infoModalStyle = {}; $scope.showKeyInfo = key => { $scope.currKey = key; $scope.infoModalStyle = {display: 'block'}; }; function downloadData(mime, filename, data) { const dataStr = 'data:' + mime + ';charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(data); const anchor = document.createElement('a'); anchor.setAttribute('href', dataStr); anchor.setAttribute('download', filename); document.body.appendChild(anchor);; anchor.remove(); } $scope.downloadBash = () => { const data = '#!/bin/bash\n' + 'curl \\\n' + ' -F key=' + $scope.currKey.key + ' \\\n' + ' -F "file=@$1" \\\n' + ' \\\n' + ' | grep -Po \'"\'"url"\'"\\s*:\\s*"\\K([^"]*)\'\n'; downloadData('text/x-shellscript', '', data); }; $scope.downloadSharex = () => { const data = { RequestURL: '', FileFormName: 'file', Arguments: { key: $scope.currKey.key }, URL: '$json:url$' }; downloadData('text/json', '', JSON.stringify(data)); }; }]);