var angular = require('angular'); angular.module('InviteCtrl', ['InviteSvc', 'AuthSvc']).controller('InviteController', ['$scope', 'InviteService', 'AuthService', function($scope, InviteService, AuthService) { // Transforms an array of period-separated properties ex. ["file.upload", "user.view", "user.ban"] // to json ex. { "file": "upload", "user": ["view", "ban"] } function splitScope(scope) { var res = {}; for (var i in scope) { if (scope.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var perm = scope[i]; var prefix = perm.substr(0, perm.indexOf('.')); var postfix = perm.substr(perm.indexOf('.') + 1); if (!res[prefix]) res[prefix] = []; res[prefix].push({name: postfix}); } } return res; } // Called on init, retrieves the user's scope from the server. $scope.parseScope = function () { AuthService.currentUser(function (res) { $scope.scopeObj = splitScope(res.scope); $scope.currInvScope = []; }) }; // Triggered when a checkbox for a permission changes. // Updates the currInvScope object with the addition or removal. $scope.updateCurrInvPerm = function(prefix, perm) { var index = $scope.scopeObj[prefix].indexOf(perm); if ($scope.scopeObj[prefix][index].isChecked) { $scope.currInvScope.push(prefix + '.' +; } else { index = $scope.currInvScope.indexOf(prefix + '.' +; $scope.currInvScope.splice(index, 1); } }; $scope.getInvites = function() { InviteService.getAllInvites(function(invites) { $scope.invites = invites; }); }; $scope.deleteInvite = function(invite) { InviteService.deleteInvite(function() { var index = $scope.invites.indexOf(invite); $scope.invites.splice(index, 1); }); }; $scope.createInvite = function() { InviteService.createInvite({ scope: JSON.stringify($scope.currInvScope), exp: JSON.stringify($scope.currInvExpiry) }, function(res) { if (res.code) { $scope.getInvites(); } }); }; }]);