const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const ModelPath = '../../models/'; const Upload = require(ModelPath + 'Upload.js'); const View = require(ModelPath + 'View.js'); const wrap = require('../../util/wrap'); const bodyVerifier = require('../../util/verifyBody').bodyVerifier; const requireAuth = require('../../util/auth').requireAuth; const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; function filterAggregateStats(obj) { if (obj._id) delete obj._id; return obj; } function mergeAggregateStats(obj1, obj2) { filterAggregateStats(obj1); filterAggregateStats(obj2); let res = {}; Object.assign(res, obj1, obj2); return res; } function mergeAggregations(res1, res2) { const arr = res1.concat(res2); let res = {}; for (let obj of arr) { if (res[obj._id]) res[obj._id] = mergeAggregateStats(res[obj._id], obj); else res[obj._id] = filterAggregateStats(obj); } return res; } const uploadProps = [ {name: 'after', type: 'date', optional: true}, {name: 'before', type: 'date', optional: true}, {name: 'limit', type: 'number', min: 1, max: 10000, optional: true} ]; router.get('/uploads', requireAuth('stats.get'), bodyVerifier(uploadProps), wrap(async (req, res) => { let constraints = {uploader: req.username}; // Set date constraints if specified if (req.body.after || req.body.before) = {}; if (req.body.after)$gt = new Date(req.body.after); if (req.body.before)$lt = new Date(req.body.before); // Create query const query = Upload.find(constraints); // Limit if specified if (req.body.limit) query.limit(req.body.limit); // Fetch and transform results let uploads = await query; uploads = => { return { date:, uid: upload.uid, key: upload.uploaderKey, file: { originalName: upload.file.originalName, size: upload.file.size, mime: upload.file.mime } } }); res.status(200).json(uploads); })); const viewProps = [ {name: 'after', type: 'date', optional: true}, {name: 'before', type: 'date', optional: true}, {name: 'limit', type: 'number', min: 1, max: 10000, optional: true} ]; router.get('/views', requireAuth('stats.get'), bodyVerifier(viewProps), wrap(async (req, res) => { let constraints = {uploader: req.username}; // Set date constraints if specified if (req.body.after || req.body.before) = {}; if (req.body.after)$gt = new Date(req.body.after); if (req.body.before)$lt = new Date(req.body.before); // Create query const query = View.find(constraints); // Limit if specified if (req.body.limit) query.limit(req.body.limit); // Fetch and transform results let views = await query; views = => { return { date:, uid: view.uid, } }); res.status(200).json(views); })); router.get('/week', requireAuth('stats.get'), wrap(async (req, res) => { const currentDate = new Date(); const uploadStats = await (Upload.collection.aggregate([ { $match: { 'date': {$gt: new Date(currentDate - 7 * oneDay)}, 'uploader': req.username } }, { $project: { 'date': { $concat: [ {$substr: ['$date', 5, 2]}, '-', {$substr: ['$date', 8, 2]} ] }, 'size': '$file.size' } }, { $group: { '_id': '$date', 'uploads': {$sum: 1}, 'size': {$sum: '$size'} } } ]).toArray()); const viewStats = await (View.collection.aggregate([ { $match: { 'date': {$gt: new Date(currentDate - 7 * oneDay)}, 'uploader': req.username } }, { $project: { 'date': { $concat: [ {$substr: ['$date', 5, 2]}, '-', {$substr: ['$date', 8, 2]} ] } } }, { $group: { '_id': '$date', 'views': {$sum: 1}, } } ]).toArray()); const stats = mergeAggregations(uploadStats, viewStats); res.status(200).json(stats); })); router.get('/all', requireAuth('stats.get'), wrap(async (req, res) => { const uploadStats = await (Upload.collection.aggregate([ { $match: { 'uploader': req.username } }, { $project: { 'size': '$file.size' } }, { $group: { '_id': 'total', 'count': {$sum: 1}, 'size': {$sum: '$size'} } } ]).toArray()); const viewStats = await (View.collection.aggregate([ { $match: { 'uploader': req.username } }, { $group: { '_id': 'total', 'views': {$sum: 1}, } } ]).toArray()); const stats = mergeAggregations(uploadStats, viewStats); res.status(200).json(stats); })); module.exports = router;