#!/bin/bash #Paste your api key directly after the "=" sign APIKEY=YOURAPIKEYHERE mkdir -p ~/Pictures/ DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") FILE="$HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/$DATE.png" if [ ! $# > 1 ]; then echo "Too many arguments supplied! (Try pantsushot --help)" exit; fi if [ $# == 0 ]; then gnome-screenshot -f $FILE $2; fi case $1 in -h ) echo "Welcome to the pantsushot! Option Description -f Takes a fullscreen screenshot (default behavior) -w Takes a screenshot of the focused window -a Takes a screenshot of a selected area"; exit; ;; -f ) gnome-screenshot -f $FILE $2; ;; -w ) gnome-screenshot -w -f $FILE $2; ;; -a ) gnome-screenshot -a -f $FILE $2; ;; esac URL=$(curl -s -F "apikey=$APIKEY" -F "files[]=@$FILE" https://www.shimapan.rocks/upload.php | grep url | awk '{print $2}') echo $URL | tr -d '[\\\,"\n]' | xclip -selection c