A simple file sharing site with an easy to use API and online panel.
Nie możesz wybrać więcej, niż 25 tematów Tematy muszą się zaczynać od litery lub cyfry, mogą zawierać myślniki ('-') i mogą mieć do 35 znaków.

110 wiersze

  1. var angular = require('angular');
  2. angular.module('KeyCtrl', ['KeySvc', 'AuthSvc']).controller('KeyController', ['$scope', 'KeyService', 'AuthService', function($scope, KeyService, AuthService) {
  3. // Transforms an array of period-separated properties ex. ["file.upload", "user.view", "user.ban"]
  4. // to json ex. {"file": "upload", "user": ["view", "ban"]}
  5. function scopeToObj(scope) {
  6. const res = {};
  7. for(const prop in scope) {
  8. if (scope.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  9. const perm = scope[prop];
  10. const prefix = perm.substr(0, perm.indexOf('.'));
  11. const postfix = perm.substr(perm.indexOf('.') + 1);
  12. if (!res[prefix]) res[prefix] = [];
  13. res[prefix].push({name: postfix});
  14. }
  15. }
  16. return res;
  17. }
  18. $scope.init = () => {
  19. AuthService.whoami(res => {
  20. $scope.scope = scopeToObj(res.scope);
  21. $scope.displayname = res.displayname;
  22. });
  23. $scope.getAllKeys();
  24. $scope.newScope = [];
  25. };
  26. // ------------ Keys ------------ ///
  27. class Key {
  28. constructor(identifier, scope, key) {
  29. this.identifier = identifier;
  30. this.scope = scopeToObj(scope);
  31. this.key = key;
  32. }
  33. }
  34. $scope.getAllKeys = () =>
  35. KeyService.getAllKeys((err, res) =>
  36. $scope.keys = res.map(key => new Key(key.identifier, key.scope, key.key)));
  37. $scope.createKey = () =>
  38. KeyService.createKey($scope.newIdentifier, $scope.newScope, (err, res) => {
  39. if (err) return;
  40. $scope.hideNewKey();
  41. $scope.getAllKeys();
  42. });
  43. $scope.deleteKey = key =>
  44. KeyService.deleteKey(key.key, (err, res) => {
  45. if (err) return;
  46. $scope.keys.splice($scope.keys.indexOf(key), 1);
  47. $scope.hideKeyInfo();
  48. $scope.currKey = {};
  49. });
  50. // Triggered when a checkbox for a permission changes.
  51. // Updates the currKeyScope object with the addition or removal.
  52. $scope.updateNewScope = function(prefix, perm) {
  53. // If the checkbox was checked
  54. if ($scope.scope[prefix][$scope.scope[prefix].indexOf(perm)].isChecked) {
  55. $scope.newScope.push(prefix + '.' + perm.name);
  56. } else {
  57. // Otherwise it was unchecked, remove it
  58. $scope.newScope.splice($scope.newScope.indexOf(prefix + '.' + perm.name), 1);
  59. }
  60. };
  61. // Hide/show new key modal dialog
  62. $scope.hideNewKey = () => $scope.newModalStyle = {};
  63. $scope.showNewKey = () => $scope.newModalStyle = {display: 'block'};
  64. // Hide/show key info modal dialog
  65. $scope.hideKeyInfo = () => $scope.infoModalStyle = {};
  66. $scope.showKeyInfo = key => {
  67. $scope.currKey = key;
  68. $scope.infoModalStyle = {display: 'block'};
  69. };
  70. function downloadData(mime, filename, data) {
  71. const dataStr = 'data:' + mime + ';charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(data);
  72. const anchor = document.createElement('a');
  73. anchor.setAttribute('href', dataStr);
  74. anchor.setAttribute('download', filename);
  75. document.body.appendChild(anchor);
  76. anchor.click();
  77. anchor.remove();
  78. }
  79. $scope.downloadBash = () => {
  80. const data =
  81. '#!/bin/bash\n' +
  82. 'curl \\\n' +
  83. ' -F key=' + $scope.currKey.key + ' \\\n' +
  84. ' -F "file=@$1" \\\n' +
  85. ' https://shrimpa.rocks/api/upload \\\n' +
  86. ' | grep -Po \'"\'"url"\'"\\s*:\\s*"\\K([^"]*)\'\n';
  87. downloadData('text/x-shellscript', 'shrimpa.rocks.sh', data);
  88. };
  89. $scope.downloadSharex = () => {
  90. const data = {
  91. RequestURL: 'https://shrimpa.rocks/api/upload',
  92. FileFormName: 'file',
  93. Arguments: {
  94. key: $scope.currKey.key
  95. },
  96. URL: '$json:url$'
  97. };
  98. downloadData('text/json', 'shrimpa.rocks.sxcu', JSON.stringify(data));
  99. };
  100. }]);