
539 lines
9.6 KiB

use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
my $X_BOX_CHR = chr(0x2573);
my $GRAY_BOX_CHR = chr(0x2591);
my $ALT_US = chr(0x2017);
my $ALT_PIPE = chr(0x2016);
my $PAD_AXIS = " ";
my $PAD_EVEN = " ";
my $PAD_ODD = " ";
my $HEX_1 = '-/--\-';
my $HEX_2 = '| __ |';
my $HEX_3 = '| |';
my $HEX_S1_1 = '-/--\-';
my $HEX_S1_2 = sprintf("|%s%s%s%s|", $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR);
my $HEX_S1_3 = sprintf("|%s%s%s%s|", $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR);
my $HEX_S2_1 = '-/--\-';
my $HEX_S2_2 = sprintf("|%s%s%s%s|", $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR);
my $HEX_S2_3 = sprintf("|%s%s%s%s|", $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR);
my $HEX_S3_1 = '-/--\-';
my $HEX_S3_2 = sprintf("|%s%s%s%s|", $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR);
my $HEX_S3_3 = sprintf("|%s%s%s%s|", $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_2_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR, $SHADE_1_CHR);
my $HL_1 = "|____ ";
my $SUB_CHR = "_";
my $ALT_SUB_CHR = "=";
my $PREF_1 = substr($HEX_1, -2, 2);
my $PREF_2 = ' ';
my $PREF_3 = ' ';
my $TRAIL_1 = substr($HEX_1, 0, 1);
my $TRAIL_2 = substr($HEX_1, -1, 1);
my $TRAIL_3 = substr($HEX_1, 0, 2);
# Pieces
my $MG_A = "A"; # Apprentice
my $MG_I = "I"; # Iron Maiden
my $MG_N = "N"; # Nekomata
my $MG_IT = "It"; # Ittan-Momen
my $MG_H = "H"; # Harpy
my $MG_S = "S"; # Slime
my $MG_RC = "Rc"; # Redcap
my $MG_HS = "Hs"; # Holstaur
my $MG_RO = "Ro"; # Red Oni
my $MG_B = "B"; # Blue Oni
my $MG_P = "P"; # Preistess
my $MG_IM = "Im"; # Imp
my $MG_F = "F"; # False Angel
my $MG_QS = "Qs"; # Queen slime
my $MG_AU = "Au"; # Automaton
my $MG_SY = "Sy"; # Sylph
my $MG_Q = "Q"; # Queen
# Players
my $P1 = "P1";
my $P2 = "P2";
my $DIV = ":";
my %AXIS = (
"A" => 1,
"B" => 2,
"C" => 3,
"D" => 4,
"E" => 5,
"F" => 6,
"G" => 7,
"H" => 8,
"I" => 9,
"J" => 10,
"K" => 11
my %AXIS_RV = map {
$AXIS{$_} => $_
} keys(%AXIS);
# /--\ +1
# | __ |
# | |+1
# \--/
# -1 -1
# UP: 0, +1
# DOWN: -1, -1
# UP: +1, +1
# DOWN: +0, -1
# [Row move, Diag move]
my %MOVE = (
$MG_A => [
[-1, 1], [ 0, 1]
$MG_Q => [
[ 0, 1], [ 1, 0], [-1, 0], [ 0,-1],
$MG_I => [
$MG_IT => [
[ 0,-1], [ 1,-1]
$MG_N => [
[-1, 2],
[ 1,-2]
$MG_H => [
[-3, 2], [-1,-2], [ 1, 2], [ 3,-2]
$MG_RC => [
[-1, 0], [-2, 0], [ 1, 0], [ 2, 0]
$MG_S => [
[-1, 1], [-2, 2], [ 0, 1], [ 0, 2],
[ 0,-1], [ 0,-2], [ 1,-1], [ 2,-2],
$MG_HS => [
[-3, 1], [-2,-1], [ 2, 1], [ 3,-1]
$MG_RO => [
[-1, 1], [ 0, 1], [ 1, 1], [ 1,-2]
$MG_B => [
[-1, 1], [ 0, 1], [ 0,-2], [ 2,-2]
$MG_P => [
[-4, 2], [-2, 1], [-2,-2], [-1,-1],
[ 1, 1], [ 2,-1], [ 2, 2], [ 4,-2]
$MG_IM => [
[-2, 1], [-1,-1], [-1, 2], [ 1, 1],
[ 1,-1], [ 2,-1]
$MG_F => [
[-1, 0], [-1, 1], [ 0, 1], [ 0,-1],
[ 1, 0], [ 1,-1]
$MG_QS => [
[-3, 3], [-2, 2], [-2, 0], [-1, 0],
[-1, 1], [ 0, 1], [ 0, 2], [ 0, 3],
[ 0,-1], [ 0,-2], [ 0,-3], [ 1, 0],
[ 1,-1], [ 2, 0], [ 2,-2], [ 3,-3],
$MG_AU => [
[-1, 0], [-1, 1], [ 0, 1], [ 0,-1],
[ 1, 0], [ 1,-1]
$MG_SY => [
[-4, 4], [-3, 3], [-3, 2], [-1,-2],
[ 0,-4], [ 0,-3], [ 0, 3], [ 0, 4],
[ 1, 2], [ 3,-2], [ 3,-3], [ 4,-4]
# Special cells
my $EMPTY_CELL = "_";
# Shade enum
my $SHADE_3_ENUM = 3;
my $SHADE_2_ENUM = 2;
my $SHADE_1_ENUM = 1;
my $EMPTY_ENUM = 0;
my %SHADE = (
$SHADE_1_ENUM => [$HEX_S1_1, $HEX_S1_2, $HEX_S1_3],
$SHADE_2_ENUM => [$HEX_S2_1, $HEX_S2_2, $HEX_S2_3],
$SHADE_3_ENUM => [$HEX_S3_1, $HEX_S3_2, $HEX_S3_3],
$EMPTY_ENUM => [$HEX_1, $HEX_2, $HEX_3]
my %sc = ();
my %board;
# Display pieces
# I hate this function
sub f_1($$$){
my $p = shift;
my $c0 = shift;
my $hex = shift;
my $s0;
$p =~ s/($P1|$P2)$DIV//;
$p .= "_" if length($p) < 2;
$s0 = $hex;
$s0 =~ s/$SUB_CHR{1,2}/$p/;
unless($p eq "__"){
substr($s0, 2,2) = $p;
if($c0 % 2 == 0){
$s0 =~ s/$SUB_CHR/$BLANK_CELL_CHR/g;
return $s0;
# Display shade
sub shade_cell($$){
my $not = shift;
my $en = shift;
$sc{$not} = $en unless (grep /^$not$/, keys(%sc));
sub shade_t($){
my $not = shift;
return $sc{$not} if (grep /^$not$/, keys(%sc));
return $EMPTY_ENUM;
sub get_shade_chr($){
my $en = shift;
return $SHADE{$en};
sub shade_lookup($$){
my ($r0, $c0) = (shift, shift);
my $not;
$not = cell_index_rev($c0, $r0);
return get_shade_chr(shade_t($not));
# Display lines
sub disp_1($$){
my ($r0, $c0) = (shift, shift);
my $hex;
$hex = shade_lookup($r0, $c0)->[0];
return $hex;
# return $HEX_1;
sub disp_2($$){
my ($r0, $c0) = (shift, shift);
my $p;
my $not;
my $hex;
$hex = shade_lookup($r0, $c0)->[1];
$not = cell_index_rev($c0, $r0);
$p = $board{$not};
return f_1($p, $c0, $hex);
# my ($r0, $c0) = (shift, shift);
# return $HEX_2;
sub disp_3($$){
my ($r0, $c0) = (shift, shift);
my $hex;
$hex = shade_lookup($r0, $c0)->[2];
return $hex;
sub disp_y_axis($$$$){
my ($s0, $s1, $s2, $r0) = @_;
my $n0;
$n0 = length($r0);
$s0 = $r0 % 2 == 1 ? $PAD_ODD : $PAD_EVEN.$PREF_1;
$s1 = $r0 % 2 == 1 ? $PAD_ODD : $PAD_EVEN.$PREF_2;
$s1 =~ s/^ {$n0}/$r0/;
$s2 = $r0 % 2 == 1 ? $PAD_ODD : $PAD_EVEN.$PREF_3;
return ($s0, $s1, $s2);
# Display cell
sub add_cell($$$$$){
my ($s0, $s1, $s2, $r0, $c0) = @_;
$s0 .= disp_1($r0, $c0);
$s1 .= disp_2($r0, $c0);
$s2 .= disp_3($r0, $c0);
return ($s0, $s1, $s2);
sub disp_0($){
my $r0;
my ($s0, $s1, $s2);
$r0 = shift;
# Append the y axis
($s0, $s1, $s2) = disp_y_axis($s0, $s1, $s2, $r0);
# Iterate through the cells
for my $i (1..11){
($s0, $s1, $s2) = add_cell($s0, $s1, $s2, $r0, $i);
return $s0."\n".$s1."\n".$s2."\n";
# Display row
sub disp_row($){
my $row;
my $r0;
$r0 = shift;
$row = disp_0($r0);
# Handle trailing characters
if($r0 % 2 == 1){
# Trim the start of the first line
$row =~ s/$TRAIL_1/ /;
# Trim the end of the first line
$row =~ s/\n/$TRAIL_3\n/
# Trim the end of the last line
$row =~ s/$TRAIL_2\n/ \n/m;
return $row;
sub disp_trailing_row(){
my $s0;
my $s1;
$s0 = $PAD_EVEN.$PREF_1;
# Clear some chars from
# our hex patterns
$s1 = $HEX_1;
substr($s1, 2,2) = " ";
# Append hex pattern to
# trailing row
for my $i (1..11){
$s0 .= $s1;
# Clear one last pair of
# chrs
substr($s0, -2,2) = " ";
$s0 .= "\n";
return $s0;
sub disp_x_axis(){
my $s0;
$s0 = $PAD_AXIS;
$s0 .= join(
$PAD_AXIS, map{
$s0 .= "\n";
$s0 .= $PAD_AXIS;
$s0 .= join(
"", map{
$_ % 2 == 1 ? $HL_1 : $HL_2
$s0 .= "\n";
return $s0
# Display board
sub disp_board(){
my $b;
for my $i (map {11-$_+1} (1..11)) {
$b .= disp_row($i);
$b .= disp_trailing_row();
$b .= disp_x_axis();
$b =~ s/$TRAIL_1$TRAIL_3\n/\n/m;
for my $i (1..11-1){
substr($b, 2+6*$i, 2) = " ";
printf("%s", $b);
# Caclulate movement
sub cell_pi($){
my $not = shift;
return (split(/$DIV/, $board{$not}))[1]
sub cell_pl($){
my $not = shift;
return (split(/$DIV/, $board{$not}))[0]
sub cell_index_rev($$){
return $AXIS_RV{$_[0]}.$_[1];
sub cell_index($){
my ($chr1, $chr2) = (split(//, $_[0]));
return ($AXIS{$chr1}, $chr2);
sub apply_shift($$){
my ($not, $my_shift) = (shift, shift);
my $r0;
my $c0;
($r0, $c0) = cell_index($not);
$r0 += $my_shift->[0];
$c0 += $my_shift->[1];
die "cell index [$r0, $c0]: out of bound exception" if $r0 > 11 or $c0 > 11 or $r0 < 1 or $c0 < 1;
return cell_index_rev($r0, $c0);
sub calc_move($$){
my ($not, $mov) = (shift, shift);
my $r0;
my $c0;
my $x_shift;
my $y_shift;
my $n0;
my $ni;
($c0, $r0) = cell_index($not);
# get y_shift
$y_shift = $mov->[1];
# get x_shift
$x_shift = $mov->[0];
# make x_shift adjustment
$ni = $y_shift != 0 ? ($y_shift / abs($y_shift)) : 1;
# $ni *= -1;
# moving down: $ni == -1 want value of 0
# moving up: $ni == +1 want value of 1
$n0 = ($r0 + (($ni + 1)/2) ) % 2;
$x_shift += int(($y_shift + ($n0 * $ni)) / 2);
return apply_shift($not, [$x_shift, $y_shift]);
sub shade_move($){
my $not = shift;
my $c1;
$c1 = cell_pi($not);
for my $mv (@{$MOVE{$c1}}){
shade_cell(calc_move($not, $mv), $SHADE_1_ENUM);
# sub shade_block(){
# }
# Main starts here!
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
# Creates a hash of the the form
# $board{cell_notation} = piece_enum
%board = map {
} map {
my $l0;
$l0 = $_;
(map {$l0.$_} ("1".."11"))
} map {
my $m1 = "F7";
my $c1 = $MG_QS;
$board{$m1} = $P1.$DIV.$c1;