#5 Shared CGI User

gashapwn atvēra pirms 3 gadiem · 0 komentāri

Currently CGI scripts written by users are executed using the same CGI user (www I think....).

If someone has a usecase where they want data to be read/write for CGI scripts and still secure it from other tilde users... they cannot do this.

This tilde shouldn't host services with highly sensitive data.

But even if someone's writing a service for fun, they should be able to create permissions protected files.

Currently CGI scripts written by users are executed using the same CGI user (www I think....). If someone has a usecase where they want data to be read/write for CGI scripts and still secure it from other tilde users... they cannot do this. This tilde shouldn't host services with highly sensitive data. But even if someone's writing a service for fun, they should be able to create permissions protected files.
gashapwn pievienoja etiķeti
pirms 3 gadiem
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