global log local0 debug maxconn 1024 chroot /var/haproxy uid 604 gid 604 daemon pidfile /var/run/ defaults log global mode http option httplog option dontlognull option redispatch retries 3 maxconn 2000 # Make sure to change user and password # before enabling this #listen haproxy_stats # bind *:25010 # mode http # log global # # maxconn 10 # # clitimeout 100s # srvtimeout 100s # contimeout 100s # timeout queue 100s # # stats enable # stats hide-version # stats refresh 30s # stats show-node # stats auth SOMEUSER:SOMEPASSWORD # stats uri /haproxy?stats frontend haproxy bind *:80 acl tilde_uri path_beg /~ use_backend userdir_httpd if tilde_uri default_backend req_python backend req_python option forwardfor server py check backend userdir_httpd option forwardfor server apache2 check