# lyadmin # ## install ## Setup a clean instance of OpenBSD Login as root Run the below command to automatically provision the tilde instance ``` pkg_add wget && wget 'https://git.lain.church/gashapwn/lyadmin/raw/branch/master/perl-script/provision.pl'; perl provision.pl ``` or ``` pkg_add wget && wget wget 'https://s.lain.la/wrMJw' -O provision.pl; perl provision.pl ``` After the scripts run, haproxy, the Flask app for user requests (lingyind) and apache will all be installed and started. lingyind listens on port 5000 apache listens on port 5001 haproxy listens on port 80 on all interfaces You should be able to open your instance by IP address in your browser and see the home page Make sure to setup HTTPS, setup authorized keys, disable password auth after install ## video tutorial of install ## The below video is about 5 minutes and walks through the install of the instance on Digital Ocean. Please disregard the comment on total price. The cost is probably higher than $100 depending on instance size. I was slightly tired when making this... https://youdieifyou.work/files/vqkiqquzluv.mp4 ## conf ## in lyadmin.conf.json you can change the site name, set your email address and update the list of custom shells available