{%extends "main_layout.html"%} {%block content%} <p> <h3>Rules</h3> <ol> <li>you must 18 or older to use {{ site_name }}</li> <li>since this is multiuser system, show good judgement with the server resources (ie dont start mining crypto)</li> <li>don't damage/delete others work</li> <li>don't upload child pornography to {{ site_name }}</li> <li>don't use {{ site_name }} to distribute malware</li> <li>be smart with your data (fwiw, when i use a shared system like this i assume all data i have on the box is effecitvely comprimised)</li> </ol> </br> <h3>some things to consider:</h3> <ol> <li>relax and try not to take the things others say too seriously.</li> <li>no implementation is perfect. so i encourage you to make your own tilde with different rules and designs</li> <li>On your first login throw something fun in your index.html even if its just placeholder.</li> </ol> <p> {%endblock%}