scripts and tools to administer the public unix / tilde
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54 line

  1. global
  2. log local0 debug
  3. maxconn 1024
  4. chroot /var/haproxy
  5. uid 604
  6. gid 604
  7. daemon
  8. pidfile /var/run/
  9. defaults
  10. log global
  11. mode http
  12. option httplog
  13. option dontlognull
  14. option redispatch
  15. retries 3
  16. maxconn 2000
  17. #listen haproxy_stats
  18. # bind *:25010
  19. # mode http
  20. # log global
  21. #
  22. # maxconn 10
  23. #
  24. # clitimeout 100s
  25. # srvtimeout 100s
  26. # contimeout 100s
  27. # timeout queue 100s
  28. #
  29. # stats enable
  30. # stats hide-version
  31. # stats refresh 30s
  32. # stats show-node
  33. # stats auth metric:blacksheepcomeon
  34. # stats uri /haproxy?stats
  35. frontend haproxy
  36. bind *:80
  37. acl tilde_uri path_beg /~
  38. use_backend userdir_httpd if tilde_uri
  39. default_backend req_python
  40. backend req_python
  41. option forwardfor
  42. server py check
  43. backend userdir_httpd
  44. option forwardfor
  45. server apache2 check