
52 рядки
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use warnings;
use strict;
# script to provision a tilde instance
# This script is intended to be run on a fresh
# OpenBSD install
# gashapwn
# Nov 2020
my $GIT_REPO = '';
my $pwuid;
my $admin_un;
my $admin_home_dir;
# Make sure we're running as root
$pwuid = getpwuid( $< );
if($pwuid ne "root"){
die "script must be run as root";
# Check /etc/passwd for the username created during
# installation
if( ($admin_un) = `tail /etc/passwd | grep -v "nobody:"` =~ /([^:\n]+):[^:]+:[0-9]{4,}/){
printf("admin user will be set to %s\n", $admin_un);
die "create a non-root user & set user passsword before running this script."
$admin_home_dir = "/home/$admin_un";
# grant doas access to admin user
system("echo 'permit $admin_un' > /etc/doas.conf");
# install git
system("pkg_add git");
system("pkg_add python3");
chdir $admin_home_dir;
system("su gashapwn -c 'git clone $GIT_REPO'");
chdir $GITREPO;
system("su gashapwn -c 'python3 -m venv venv'");
# system("su gashapwn -c '. ./venv/bin/activate && pip3 install -r ");