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\ 1991
2017-02-01 22:26:33 -05:00
include unix/socket.fs
\ Helper words
: +s ( addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- addr3 u3 ) \ like s+ but prepend rather than append.
2swap s+ ;
: str-count ( addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- u3 ) \ Counts occurrences of addr2 within addr1.
2swap 0 >r
begin 2over search
while 2over nip /string
r> 1+ >r
repeat 2drop 2drop r> ;
: exchange ( a1 a2 -- )
2dup c@ swap c@ rot c! swap c! ;
: reverse ( caddr u -- ) \ reverse a string
1- bounds begin 2dup > while
2dup exchange
-1 /string
repeat 2drop ;
: sourcedir ( -- saddr su )
\ Returns the directory in which the file
\ invoking the word finds itself
\ relative to gforth's execution directory.
\ Useful for specifying in which dir to find
\ specific files (e.g., public/, views/).
sourcefilename \ get the name of our file
pad dup >r place \ copy the string so we don't
r> count \ modify sourcefilename.
2dup reverse \ reverse and search for first /
s" /" search if \ if found, reverse string to
2dup reverse \ strip the filename but keep dir.
2drop \ no slash,
s" ./" \ same dir execution.
then ;
: file-exists? ( addr u -- addr u bool )
2dup file-status nip 0= ;
: pubvar create 0 , 0 , ;
\ User-defined routing
wordlist constant routes
pubvar reqroute
: set-requested-route ( addr u -- )
reqroute 2! ;
: get-requested-route ( -- addr u )
reqroute 2@ ;
: fuzzy-find-route ( xt -- xt' bool )
\ Takes an xt that accepts a name token
\ and returns a bool.
\ Traverse will run as long as xt
\ returns true.
\ Also takes the addr u of the requested
\ route we're trying to validate.
>r routes wordlist-id @ \ Store xt and specify wordlist
r@ over >r execute while r> @
repeat r>
?dup if
name>int \ Get the xt of the nt.
-1 \ Return true.
then ;
: fuzzy-compare ( nt -- bool )
\ Takes a route name token and returns
\ whether that route name fuzzy matches
\ the requested url
name>string \ Get the string value of the NT.
2dup s" <" search if \ See if the route expects fuzzy matching.
2drop \ Drop search results.
2dup s" /" str-count >r \ Check to see if both routes have the same
get-requested-route s" /" str-count \ number of / occurrences.
r> = if
2dup s" <" str-count 0 do
2dup 2>r
2dup s" <" search drop \ Get position of "<",
swap drop -
swap drop
get-requested-route rot /string \ crop until there in the requested route,
2dup s" /" search if \ search for the next / or end of route,
swap drop -
2dup s" <" search drop \ and replace <...> with the requested route word
swap drop -
+s \ by prepending pre-< to route word
2r> s" >" search drop 1 /string \ and then by appending post-> to route word.
get-requested-route compare \ Check to see if the strings match.
2drop \ Drop name>string.
-1 \ Keep looping.
2drop \ Drop search results.
2drop \ Drop name>string.
-1 \ Keep looping.
then ;
: fuzzy-match ( addr u -- xt bool )
['] fuzzy-compare fuzzy-find-route ;
: find-route ( addr u -- data )
2dup 2>r
routes search-wordlist if
2rdrop \ Exact match found. Drop the dup string.
>body @
fuzzy-match if \ Fuzzy match found.
>body @
0 \ No match at all.
then ;
: register-route ( data addr u -- )
2dup routes search-wordlist if
routes drop nip nip
>body !
routes get-current >r set-current \ switch definition word lists
nextname create ,
r> set-current
then ;
\ Public directory
pubvar public
: set-public-path ( addr u -- )
public 2! ;
: get-public-path ( -- addr u )
public 2@ ;
sourcedir s" public" s+ set-public-path
\ Views directory
pubvar views
: set-view-path ( addr u -- )
views 2! ;
: get-view-path ( -- addr u )
views 2@ ;
sourcedir s" views/" s+ set-view-path \ Needs that trailing slash
\ Handling views
pubvar viewoutput
: set-view-output ( addr u -- )
viewoutput 2! ;
: get-view-output ( -- addr u )
viewoutput 2@ ;
: parse-view ( addr u -- )
\ Get string between <$ $> and invoke `evaluate`.
\ Append to viewoutput as we go.
\ There's probably a better way of doing this
\ but it works for me.
2dup s" <$" search if
2over swap 2>r \ If there is a match for <$, save addr and u.
swap >r dup >r \ Store the match and output anything that
- \ comes before it.
get-view-output +s
r> r> swap \ Then reinstate the match "<$...".
2dup s" $>" search if \ Check to see if there's a closing tag $>.
2 - \ Add the close tag to the search result.
swap drop \ save the end position of $>.
dup >r
- \ Reduce the string to <$ ... $>.
evaluate \ Run user's code (maybe a bad idea?).
r> \ Retrieve our saved end position of $>.
r> r> \ Retrive the addr u from start of loop iter.
rot \ Bring end $> to stack top.
over >r \ Store the real string's length.
- \ Subtract end $> from u to get the pos from top
r> swap \ that we'd like to strip away. Restore saved u.
/string \ Drop top of the string until the end of $>.
0 \ Keep looping.
get-view-output +s \ No closing tag. Just save the full string.
2rdrop \ And drop the stored addr and u
2drop \ as well as both the 2dup we made before
2drop \ searching twice.
-1 \ Exit the loop.
2drop \ No match for <$. Drop the 2dup from before search.
get-view-output +s
set-view-output \ Save string as-is to view output
-1 \ exit the loop
until ;
: render-view ( addr u -- vaddr vu ) \ Accepts a view filename. Returns parsed contents.
s" " set-view-output
get-view-path +s
file-exists? if
exit \ Continue to 404, no view.
get-view-output ;
: <$ ( -- ) ; \ Do nothing.
: $> ( -- ) ; \ Do nothing.
: $type ( addr u -- ) \ User-land word for outputing via views.
get-view-output +s
set-view-output ;
: import ( -- ) \ User-land word for including other view files.
get-view-path +s
file-exists? if
s" "
then ;
2017-02-17 09:10:06 -05:00
\ Query params
pubvar queryString
: set-query-string ( addr u -- )
queryString 2! ;
: get-query-string ( -- addr u )
queryString 2@ ;
\ Request's Content-Type
pubvar RequestContentType
: set-content-type ( addr u -- )
RequestContentType 2! ;
: get-content-type ( -- addr u )
RequestContentType 2@ ;
: filetype: ( addr u "extension" -- ) \ takes a content-type and the extension
create here over 1+ allot place
does> count ;
: get-filetype ( addr u -- caddr cu ) \ takes an extension, looks to find a definition
find-name dup if
s" text/plain"
then ;
s" text/plain" filetype: txt \ txt should always be defined
s" text/html" filetype: html
s" text/css" filetype: css
s" text/javascript" filetype: js
s" image/png" filetype: png
s" image/gif" filetype: gif
s" image/jpeg" filetype: jpg
s" image/jpeg" filetype: jpeg
s" image/x-icon" filetype: ico
\ Internal request handling
: HTTP/1.1 s" HTTP/1.1 " ;
: response-status ( u -- addr u )
dup case \ get status code info
200 of s" OK" endof
404 of s" Not Found" endof
s\" \n" s+
rot s>d <# #s #> +s \ convert status code to string and prepend to info
HTTP/1.1 +s ; \ prepend HTTP/1.1
: content-type ( addr u -- caddr cu )
s" Content-Type: " +s \ Prepend to the provided content type
s\" \n\n" s+ ; \ Append 2 new lines
: set-header ( u addr u -- raddr ru ) \ Accepts status code and content type string
rot response-status \ Set response status
2swap content-type \ Set content-type
s+ ; \ Join
: read-request ( socket -- addr u )
pad 4096 read-socket ;
: send-response ( addr u socket -- )
dup >r write-socket r> close-socket ;
2017-02-17 09:10:06 -05:00
: store-query-string ( addr u -- raddr ru )
2dup s" ?" search if
2dup set-query-string \ store query string
swap drop -
s" " set-query-string \ store empty query string (reset)
then ;
: requested-route ( addr u -- raddr ru )
bl scan 1- swap 1+ swap
2dup bl scan swap drop - \ get the space-separated route
store-query-string ; \ strip and store the query, leave route
: .extension ( addr u -- addr u )
2dup reverse \ reverse the file name
2dup s" ." search \ search for the first occurance of "."
swap drop - \ remove the "." from the search results
s" txt"
2dup reverse ; \ reverse reversed extension
: serve-file-type ( addr u -- )
.extension get-filetype set-content-type ;
: serve-file ( addr u -- addr u )
slurp-file ;
: 404content-type txt ;
: 404html s" 404";
: either-resolve ( addr u -- resolveaddr resolveu )
s" GET" search if
s" html" get-filetype set-content-type \ reset the request's content-type
2dup find-route dup if
>r 2drop r> \ keep xt, drop the route string
execute \ execute the user's route handler
drop \ drop the null xt
get-public-path +s \ see if route exists in public dir
file-exists? if
2dup serve-file \ collect file contents
2swap serve-file-type \ set the file type
exit \ continue to 404
200 get-content-type set-header +s
rdrop exit then ;
: or-404 ( addr u -- 404addr 404u )
404 404content-type set-header 404html s+ ;
: prepare-response ( addr u -- returnaddr returnu)
either-resolve or-404 ;
: start-server { server client }
server 255 listen
server accept-socket to client
client read-request prepare-response client send-response
again ;
\ Userland
: 1991: ( port -- )
create-server 0 start-server ;
: /1991 ( "<path> <word>" -- )
bl word ' swap count register-route ;