\ 1991 include unix/socket.fs \ Helper words : +s ( addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- addr3 u3 ) \ like s+ but prepend rather than append. 2swap s+ ; : exchange ( a1 a2 -- ) 2dup c@ swap c@ rot c! swap c! ; : reverse ( caddr u -- ) \ reverse a string 1- bounds begin 2dup > while 2dup exchange -1 /string repeat 2drop ; \ User-defined routing wordlist constant routes : find-route ( addr u -- data ) routes search-wordlist if >body @ else 0 then ; : register-route ( data addr u -- ) 2dup routes search-wordlist if routes drop nip nip >body ! else routes get-current >r set-current \ switch definition word lists nextname create , r> set-current then ; \ Public directory : pubvar create 0 , 0 , ; pubvar public : set-public-path ( addr u -- ) public 2! ; : get-public-path ( -- addr u ) public 2@ ; \ Query params pubvar queryString : set-query-string ( addr u -- ) queryString 2! ; : get-query-string ( -- addr u ) queryString 2@ ; \ Request's Content-Type pubvar RequestContentType : set-content-type ( addr u -- ) RequestContentType 2! ; : get-content-type ( -- addr u ) RequestContentType 2@ ; : filetype: ( addr u "extension" -- ) \ takes a content-type and the extension create here over 1+ allot place does> count ; : get-filetype ( addr u -- caddr cu ) \ takes an extension, looks to find a definition find-name dup if name>int execute else drop s" text/plain" then ; s" text/plain" filetype: txt \ txt should always be defined s" text/html" filetype: html s" text/css" filetype: css s" text/javascript" filetype: js s" image/png" filetype: png s" image/gif" filetype: gif s" image/jpeg" filetype: jpg s" image/jpeg" filetype: jpeg s" image/x-icon" filetype: ico \ Internal request handling : HTTP/1.1 s" HTTP/1.1 " ; : response-status ( u -- addr u ) dup case \ get status code info 200 of s" OK" endof 404 of s" Not Found" endof endcase s\" \n" s+ rot s>d <# #s #> +s \ convert status code to string and prepend to info HTTP/1.1 +s ; \ prepend HTTP/1.1 : content-type ( addr u -- caddr cu ) s" Content-Type: " +s \ Prepend to the provided content type s\" \n\n" s+ ; \ Append 2 new lines : set-header ( u addr u -- raddr ru ) \ Accepts status code and content type string rot response-status \ Set response status 2swap content-type \ Set content-type s+ ; \ Join : read-request ( socket -- addr u ) pad 4096 read-socket ; : send-response ( addr u socket -- ) dup >r write-socket r> close-socket ; : store-query-string ( addr u -- raddr ru ) 2dup s" ?" search if 2dup set-query-string \ store query string swap drop - else s" " set-query-string \ store empty query string (reset) 2drop then ; : requested-route ( addr u -- raddr ru ) bl scan 1- swap 1+ swap 2dup bl scan swap drop - \ get the space-separated route store-query-string ; \ strip and store the query, leave route : file-exists? ( addr u -- addr u bool ) 2dup file-status nip 0= ; : .extension ( addr u -- addr u ) 2dup reverse \ reverse the file name 2dup s" ." search \ search for the first occurance of "." if swap drop - \ remove the "." from the search results else s" txt" then 2dup reverse ; \ reverse reversed extension : serve-file-type ( addr u -- ) .extension get-filetype set-content-type ; : serve-file ( addr u -- addr u ) slurp-file ; : 404content-type txt ; : 404html s" 404"; : either-resolve ( addr u -- resolveaddr resolveu ) s" GET" search if s" html" get-filetype set-content-type \ reset the request's content-type requested-route 2dup find-route dup if >r 2drop r> \ keep xt, drop the route string execute \ execute the user's route handler else drop \ drop the null xt get-public-path +s \ see if route exists in public dir file-exists? if 2dup serve-file \ collect file contents 2swap serve-file-type \ set the file type else exit \ continue to 404 then then 200 get-content-type set-header +s rdrop exit then ; : or-404 ( addr u -- 404addr 404u ) 2drop 404 404content-type set-header 404html s+ ; : prepare-response ( addr u -- returnaddr returnu) either-resolve or-404 ; : start-server { server client } begin server 255 listen server accept-socket to client client read-request prepare-response client send-response again ; \ Userland : 1991: ( port -- ) create-server 0 start-server ; : /1991 ( " " -- ) bl word ' swap count register-route ;