Operating system for OpenComputers
Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.
XeonSquared 1c647c76fe fix timeout accounting in the scheduler 5 місяці тому
kcfg refactor build system to allow pulling libraries from packages, assuming directories are set up correctly 8 місяці тому
lib cleanup RPC library, make it possible to detect the client hostname when running RPC requests 5 місяці тому
module fix timeout accounting in the scheduler 5 місяці тому
service skip mounting any already mounted filesystems 6 місяці тому
.editorconfig clipboard: Make the clipboard service work under the new service sys 3 роки тому
.gitignore clipboard: Make the clipboard service work under the new service sys 3 роки тому
INSTALL.md early work on OpenOS bootstrapping 6 місяці тому
LICENSE Initial commit 5 роки тому
README.md update to match latest diskpart 8 місяці тому
build.lua add some simple minification filters to preproc, which can shrink the kernel significantly 8 місяці тому
build.sh stamp the kernel variant onto the version string 8 місяці тому
docs-metadata.yml added a title for PDF generation 4 роки тому
finddesc.lua Fix document generation on Windows (using Git Bash) 4 роки тому
gendoc.lua added doc() support for pre-compiled API documentation, wrote a generator for it, and included that in the build script 4 роки тому
luapreproc.lua added type annotations and descriptions for functions where appropriate 4 роки тому
obootstrap.lua early work on OpenOS bootstrapping 6 місяці тому
package.sh added minitel to the default init, updated the package script 4 роки тому
preproc.lua add some simple minification filters to preproc, which can shrink the kernel significantly 8 місяці тому
template.tex updated finddesc to use the new doc library, allowing type annotations and building a directory of documentation 4 роки тому



A lightweight, multi-user operating system for OpenComputers


The kernel

The kernel is composed of a number of modules, found in the module/ directory, as specified by a file in the kcfg directory, base by default. Which modules are included can be customised by changing the include statements in the kernel configuration file; copying it and customizing that is recommended, so you can git pull later without having to stash or reset your changes.

Unix-like systems

The kernel can be built using the preproc library and provided scripts:

lua build.lua kcfg/base.cfg kernel.lua


The kernel can be built from inside PsychOS using the preproc library, assuming you have the kernel source available:


The boot filesystem

A boot filesystem contains several things:

  • The kernel, as init.lua
  • The lib/ directory, containing libraries
  • The service/ directory, containing system services
  • The exec/ directory, containing single-shot executable files

This has been automated in the form of build.sh, pending a real makefile.


Documentation is generated as the system is built with build.sh; a set of markdown files will be placed into doc/, as well as an all-in-one apidoc.md. If pandoc is installed, an apidoc.pdf will also be generated.