2020-06-14 10:12:56 -04:00
PC ORG @ 0x0f + ! ( compiledWord )
( 1. Push current IP to RS
2. Set new IP to the second atom of the list
3. Execute the first atom of the list. )
IY PUSHqq, HL POPqq, ( <-- IP )
2020-06-17 17:44:33 -04:00
L4 @ ( pushRS ) CALLnn,
2020-06-14 10:12:56 -04:00
EXDEHL, ( HL points to PFA )
( While we inc, dereference into DE for execute call later. )
HL PUSHqq, IY POPqq, ( --> IP )
JR, L3 BWR ( execute-B301 )