Mirror of CollapseOS
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

преди 4 години
  1. : _tbl^ ( swap input tbl )
  2. _atbl = IF _dtbl ELSE _atbl THEN ;
  3. : (key)
  4. 0 _2nd! 0 ( lastchr ) BEGIN
  5. _alock@ IF _atbl ELSE _dtbl THEN
  6. OVER 0x80 ( alpha ) =
  7. IF _tbl^ _2nd@ IF _alock^ THEN THEN
  8. SWAP 0x81 = _2nd!
  9. _gti + C@
  10. DUP 0 0x80 >< UNTIL ( loop if not in range )
  11. ( lowercase? )
  12. _2nd@ IF DUP 'A' 'Z' =><= IF 0x20 OR THEN THEN
  13. ;
  14. : KBD$ 0 [ KBD_MEM LITN ] C! ;