
recipes/rc2014/ps2: add schema

Virgil Dupras 5 年前
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@@ -27,12 +27,39 @@ the ACIA.

## Building the PS/2 interface

TODO. I have yet to draw presentable schematics. By reading `ps2ctl.asm`, you
might be able to guess how things are wired up.
Let's start with the PS/2 connector, which has two pins:

It's rather straigtforward: the attiny reads serial data from PS/2 and then
sends it to the 595. The 595 is wired straight to D7:0 with its `OE` wired to
address selection + `IORQ` + `RO`
![PS/2 connector](schema-ps2.png)

Both are connected to the ATtiny45, `CLK` being on `PB2` to have `INT0` on it.

The `DATA` line is multi-use. That is, `PB1` is connected both to the PS/2 data
line and to the 595's `SER`. This saves us a precious pin.


The ATtiny 45 hooks everything together. `CE` comes from the z80 bus, see below.


This allows us to supply the z80 bus with data within its 375ns limits. `SRCLR`
is hooked to the `CE` line so that whenever a byte is read, the 595 is zeroed
out as fast as possible so that the z80 doesn't read "false doubles".

The 595, to have its `SRCLR` becoming effective, needs a `RCLK` trigger, which
doesn't happen immediately. It's the ATtiny45, in its `PCINT` interrupt, that
takes care of doing that trigger (as fast as possible).


Our device is read only, on one port. That makes the "Chip Enable" (`CE`)
selection rather simple. In my design, I chose the IO port 8, so I inverted
`A3`. I chose a 40106 inverter to do that, do as you please for your own design.

I wanted to hook `CE` to a flip flop so that the MCU could relax a bit more
w.r.t. reacting to its `PB4` pin changes, but I didn't have NAND gates that are
fast enough in stock, so I went with this design. But otherwise, I would
probably have gone the flip-flop way. Seems more solid.

## Using the PS/2 interface

recipes/rc2014/ps2/schema-595.png 查看文件

之前 之后
宽度: 1017  |  高度: 425  |  大小: 203KB

recipes/rc2014/ps2/schema-ps2.png 查看文件

之前 之后
宽度: 653  |  高度: 259  |  大小: 81KB

recipes/rc2014/ps2/schema-t45.png 查看文件

之前 之后
宽度: 972  |  高度: 303  |  大小: 151KB

recipes/rc2014/ps2/schema-z80.png 查看文件

之前 之后
宽度: 450  |  高度: 474  |  大小: 126KB
