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devisn GitHub пре 4 година
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
4 измењених фајлова са 325 додато и 0 уклоњено
  1. +30
  2. +15
  3. +222
  4. +58

+ 30
- 0
kernel/zxspectrum/jumps.asm Прегледај датотеку

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
; *** JUMP TABLE ***
; include the addresses of the actual table into user.h for userspace utilities
jp strncmp
jp upcase
jp findchar
jp parseHex
jp parseDecimal
jp blkSel
jp blkSet
jp fsFindFN
jp fsOpen
jp fsGetB
jp fsPutB
jp fsSetSize
jp fsOn
jp fsIter
jp fsAlloc
jp fsHandle
jp fsblkTell
jp printstr
jp printnstr
jp printcrlf
jp stdioPutC
jp stdioGetC
jp stdioReadLine
jp _blkGetB
jp _blkPutB
jp _blkSeek
jp _blkTell

+ 15
- 0
kernel/zxspectrum/kbd.asm Прегледај датотеку

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
; the ZX Spectrum BASIC firmware scans the keyboard for ASCII codes on clock interrupts
; this routine just waits for a key and reads its value
push hl
ld hl, 23611 ; ZXS_FLAGS
res 5, (hl)
bit 5, (hl) ; pressed?
jr z, .loop
ld hl, 23560 ; ZXS_LASTK
ld a, (hl)
pop hl

+ 222
- 0
kernel/zxspectrum/tapeblk.asm Прегледај датотеку

@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
; tape blkdev read-only
; to be included as a kernel module.
; In the glue.asm devices list the PutB pointer has to be unsetZ
; defines:
; tap_buffer = 256-byte tape loading buffer in RAM
; buf_pos = read position in the buffer
; crossing the buffer boundaries require loading or rewinding+loading
; tap_pos = previous read position of the block device,
; then the difference btw current and previous positions, both in EDLH format as throughout the kernel code
; initialized CFS and a placeholder 1-block, 1-byte file in the buffer
; the tape fs is not default, has to be mounted
ld hl, .plh
ld de, tap_buffer
ld bc, 6
.db "CFS",1,1,0,'@'
; it gets the new position in DE/HL, has to return value in A
push bc
push ix
; First of all, is the difference between positions negative or positive?
push hl ; store the position
push de
ld ix, tap_pos ; previous
push de ; working copy, higher bytes
ld e, (ix+2) ; lower bytes of previous position
ld d, (ix+3)
sbc hl,de
ld (ix+6), l
ld (ix+7), h
pop hl
ld e, (ix+0) ; higher bytes
ld d, (ix+1)
sbc hl,de
ld (ix+4), l
ld (ix+5), h
jp nc, .tblk_posdif
; at this point we have the negative difference
pop de ; restore the current position
pop hl
; store it as 'the previous'
ld (ix+0), e
ld (ix+1), d
ld (ix+2), l
ld (ix+3), h
; let's set the buffer position while we're here
ld a, (buf_pos)
add a, (ix+6) ; l
; the difference bytes are negative, so e.g. add 255 = sub 1
ld (buf_pos), a
; no carry would mean underflow in this case
jp nc, .tblk_rewind
; we now have a chance that the higher bytes are FF (due to lower CY)
xor a
dec a
and (ix+7)
and (ix+4)
and (ix+5)
cp 255
jp z, .tblk_readbyte ; a negative difference within the buffer
; we have to rewind the tape and load back to the current position,
; so it's safe to discard the difference and treat the current position as the positive difference
; as we will rewind to zero, at least one additional block is to be loaded
xor a
inc h
cp h
jr nz, .tblk_store
inc de
ld (ix+4), e ; diff
ld (ix+5), d
ld (ix+6), l ; diff
ld (ix+7), h
; purple border means 'rewind the tape and press enter'
ld a, 3
out (254), a
ld a, 191 ; waiting for enter
in a,(254)
jr c, .tblk_key
jr .tblk_skip
; we don't have to set the buffer position, done it already
; at this point we have the difference and know it is positive
pop de ; restore the current position
pop hl
; store it as 'the previous'
ld (ix+0), e
ld (ix+1), d
ld (ix+2), l
ld (ix+3), h
; setting the buffer position for the positive difference
ld a, (buf_pos)
add a, (ix+6) ; l
ld (buf_pos), a
jr nc, .tblk_skip
; now we increase the higher difference bytes due to overflow
xor a
inc (ix+7) ; h
cp (ix+7)
jr nz, .tblk_skip
inc (ix+4) ; e
cp (ix+4)
jr nz, .tblk_skip
inc (ix+5) ; d
; Now, how many tape blocks do we have to load before the target block appears in the buffer?
; it is shown by the 3 higher bytes of the difference
; We've just set them up for the positive difference case.
; For the negative difference case, the L-byte has to be equal to the buf_pos we set earlier
; (ix+7) H, (ix+4) E, (ix+5) D is now the counter for blocks to be loaded
; if it's 0, the block is already at the buffer and we don't have to load anything
xor a
or (ix+7)
or (ix+4)
or (ix+5)
jp z, .tblk_readbyte
; well, let's play the tape
ld a, (ix+5)
ld b,a ; this is the outer cycle
inc b ; as we will djnz
ld a, (ix+7)
ld l, a ; lower byte of the inner counter
ld a, (ix+4)
ld h, a ; higher byte
dec hl ; as we know at this point that at least one block is to be loaded
ld c, 0 ; it's a 16-bit cycle flag used below
xor a
or h
or l
jp z, .tblk_load
ld c, 1 ; hl=nonzero
push bc ; counters
push hl
ld ix, tap_buffer ; we don't need the ix value anymore
ld de, 256
ld a, 255
call t_load
pop hl
pop bc
; counter
xor a
dec hl
or h
or l
jr nz, .tblk_ccheck
ld c, 0 ; on the next cycle, b has to be decremented
jr .tblk_load
xor a
or c
jp nz, .tblk_load
inc c ; next 16-bit cycle
djnz .tblk_load
ld hl, tap_buffer
ld b, 0
ld a, (buf_pos)
ld c, a
add hl,bc
ld a, (hl) ; here it is!
pop ix
pop bc
cp a
push iy
ld iy, IYBAS
; one can not call directly, as RST8 is then called upon break
inc d
ex af,af'
dec d
ld a, 15
out (254), a
call 1378 ; jump into LD-BYTES
ld a, (23624) ; restore border
and 0x38
out (254),a
pop iy

+ 58
- 0
kernel/zxspectrum/vid.asm Прегледај датотеку

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
call 3435 ; ZXS_CLS
ld a, 2
call 5633 ; ZXS_STRM, current stream = 1, main screen
; the ZX Spectrum BASIC firmware puts the character in A into the current output stream by RST 16
; save all
push hl
push bc
push de
push af
push ix
push iy
ld iy, IYBAS ; restore IY for BASIC
; main
push af ; char
push bc ; curflag
push de ; coords
ld a, 22 ; AT_CTRL, screen position, 22x32
rst 16
pop de
ld a, d
push de
rst 16
pop de
ld a, e
rst 16
pop bc
xor a
cp c
jp z, .char
ld a, 18 ; FLASH_CTRL
rst 16
xor a
inc a ; on
rst 16
pop af
rst 16
ld a, 18 ; FLASH_CTRL
rst 16
xor a ; off
rst 16
jp .rest
pop af
rst 16
; restore and return
pop iy
pop ix
pop af
pop de
pop bc
pop hl
