tools/tests: add missing doc about shell tests

Tento commit je obsažen v:
Virgil Dupras 2019-12-12 16:31:52 -05:00
rodič 4f7a05e3b7
revize 948a06cb41

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@ -40,3 +40,10 @@ However, there are tricks.
1. Run `unit/ <name of file to test>` to target a specific test unit.
2. Insert a `halt` to see the value of `A` at any given moment: it will be your
reported error code (if 0, runbin will report a success).
## shell
Those tests are in the form of shell "replay" files. Every ".replay" file in
this folder contains the contents to type in the shell. That contents is piped
through the shell and the output is then compared with the corresponding
".expected" file. If they match exactly, the test passes.