; *** Const *** ; Base of the Return Stack .equ RS_ADDR 0xf000 ; Number of bytes we keep as a padding between HERE and the scratchpad .equ PADDING 0x20 ; Max length of dict entry names .equ NAMELEN 7 ; Offset of the code link relative to the beginning of the word .equ CODELINK_OFFSET NAMELEN+3 ; *** Variables *** .equ INITIAL_SP FORTH_RAMSTART .equ CURRENT @+2 .equ HERE @+2 ; Pointer to where we currently are in the interpretation of the current line. .equ INPUTPOS @+2 ; Pointer to where compiling words should output. During interpret, it's a ; moving target in (COMPBUF). During DEFINE, it's (HERE). .equ CMPDST @+2 ; Buffer where we compile the current input line. Same size as STDIO_BUFSIZE. .equ COMPBUF @+2 .equ FORTH_RAMEND @+0x40 ; EXECUTION MODEL ; After having read a line through stdioReadLine, we want to interpret it. As ; a general rule, we go like this: ; ; 1. read single word from line ; 2. compile word to atom ; 3. execute atom ; 4. goto 1 ; ; During step 3, it's possible that atom read from input, so INPUTPOS might ; have moved between 3 and 4. ; ; Because the Parameter Stack uses PS, we can't just go around calling routines: ; This messes with the PS. This is why we almost always jump (unless our call ; doesn't involve Forth words in any way). ; ; This presents a challenge for our interpret loop because step 4, "goto 1" ; isn't obvious. To be able to do that, we must push a "return routine" to the ; Return Stack before step 3. ; *** Code *** forthMain: ; STACK OVERFLOW PROTECTION: ; To avoid having to check for stack underflow after each pop operation ; (which can end up being prohibitive in terms of costs), we give ; ourselves a nice 6 bytes buffer. 6 bytes because we seldom have words ; requiring more than 3 items from the stack. Then, at each "exit" call ; we check for stack underflow. push af \ push af \ push af ld (INITIAL_SP), sp ld hl, LATEST ld (CURRENT), hl ld hl, FORTH_RAMEND ld (HERE), hl forthRdLine: ld hl, msgOk call printstr call printcrlf call stdioReadLine ld ix, RS_ADDR-2 ; -2 because we inc-before-push ld (INPUTPOS), hl ld hl, COMPBUF ld (CMPDST), hl forthInterpret: call readword jr nz, .execute call find jr nz, .maybeNum ex de, hl call HLisIMMED jr z, .immed ex de, hl call .writeDE jr forthInterpret .maybeNum: push hl ; --> lvl 1. save string addr call parseLiteral pop hl ; <-- lvl 1 jr nz, .undef ; a valid number in DE! ex de, hl ld de, NUMBER call .writeDE ex de, hl ; number in DE call .writeDE jr forthInterpret .undef: ; When encountering an undefined word during compilation, we spit a ; reference to litWord, followed by the null-terminated word. ; This way, if a preceding word expect a string literal, it will read it ; by calling readLIT, and if it doesn't, the routine will be ; called, triggering an abort. ld de, LIT call .writeDE ld de, (CMPDST) call strcpyM ld (CMPDST), de jr forthInterpret .immed: push hl ; --> lvl 1 ld hl, .retRef call pushRS pop iy ; <-- lvl 1 jp executeCodeLink .execute: ld de, QUIT call .writeDE ld iy, COMPBUF jp compiledWord .writeDE: push hl ld hl, (CMPDST) ld (hl), e inc hl ld (hl), d inc hl ld (CMPDST), hl pop hl ret .retRef: .dw $+2 .dw forthInterpret msgOk: .db " ok", 0