#include #include "sms_vdp.h" void vdp_init(VDP *vdp) { tms_init(&vdp->tms); memset(vdp->cram, 0, VDP_CRAM_SIZE); } void vdp_cmd_wr(VDP *vdp, uint8_t val) { if (!vdp->tms.has_cmdlsb) { tms_cmd_wr(&vdp->tms, val); } else { if ((val & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { // palette RAM // curaddr > VRAM == addr in CRAM vdp->tms.curaddr = TMS_VRAM_SIZE + (vdp->tms.cmdlsb&0x1f); } else { tms_cmd_wr(&vdp->tms, val); } } } uint8_t vdp_data_rd(VDP *vdp) { TMS9918 *tms = &vdp->tms; if (tms->curaddr < TMS_VRAM_SIZE) { return tms_data_rd(&vdp->tms); } else if (tms->curaddr - TMS_VRAM_SIZE < VDP_CRAM_SIZE) { return vdp->cram[tms->curaddr++-TMS_VRAM_SIZE]; } else { return 0; } } void vdp_data_wr(VDP *vdp, uint8_t val) { TMS9918 *tms = &vdp->tms; if (tms->curaddr < TMS_VRAM_SIZE) { tms_data_wr(&vdp->tms, val); } else if (tms->curaddr - TMS_VRAM_SIZE < VDP_CRAM_SIZE) { vdp->cram[tms->curaddr++-TMS_VRAM_SIZE] = val; } } uint8_t vdp_pixel(VDP *vdp, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (x >= VDP_SCREENW) { return 0; } if (y >= VDP_SCREENH) { return 0; } TMS9918 *tms = &vdp->tms; // name table offset uint16_t offset = (tms->regs[2] & 0xe) << 10; offset += ((y/8) << 6) + ((x/8) << 1); uint16_t tableval = tms->vram[offset] + (tms->vram[offset+1] << 8); uint16_t tilenum = tableval & 0x1ff; // is palette select bit on? if yes, use sprite palette instead uint8_t palettemod = tableval & 0x800 ? 0x10 : 0; // tile offset this time. Each tile is 0x20 bytes long. offset = tilenum * 0x20; // Each 4 byte is a row. Find row first. offset += ((y%8) * 4); uint8_t bitnum = 7 - (x%8); // Now, let's compose the result by pushing the right bit of our 4 bytes // into our result. uint8_t palette_id = ((tms->vram[offset] >> bitnum) & 1) + \ (((tms->vram[offset+1] >> bitnum) & 1) << 1) + \ (((tms->vram[offset+2] >> bitnum) & 1) << 2) + \ (((tms->vram[offset+3] >> bitnum) & 1) << 3); uint8_t rgb = vdp->cram[palettemod+palette_id]; return rgb; }