.equ RAMSTART 0x4000 .equ ZASM_REG_MAXCNT 0xff .equ ZASM_LREG_MAXCNT 0x40 .equ ZASM_REG_BUFSZ 0x1000 .equ ZASM_LREG_BUFSZ 0x200 ; declare DIREC_LASTVAL manually so that we don't have to include directive.asm .equ DIREC_LASTVAL RAMSTART jp test .inc "core.asm" .inc "str.asm" .inc "lib/util.asm" .inc "lib/ari.asm" .inc "zasm/util.asm" .inc "zasm/const.asm" .inc "lib/parse.asm" .inc "zasm/parse.asm" .equ SYM_RAMSTART DIREC_LASTVAL+2 .inc "zasm/symbol.asm" .equ EXPR_PARSE parseNumberOrSymbol .inc "lib/expr.asm" ; Pretend that we aren't in first pass zasmIsFirstPass: jp unsetZ zasmGetPC: ret testNum: .db 1 s1: .db "2+2", 0 s2: .db "0x4001+0x22", 0 s3: .db "FOO+BAR", 0 s4: .db "BAR*3", 0 s5: .db "FOO-3", 0 s6: .db "FOO+BAR*4", 0 sFOO: .db "FOO", 0 sBAR: .db "BAR", 0 test: ld hl, 0xffff ld sp, hl ld hl, s1 call parseExpr jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h or a jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 4 jp nz, fail call nexttest ld hl, s2 call parseExpr jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h cp 0x40 jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 0x23 jp nz, fail call nexttest ; before the next test, let's set up FOO and BAR symbols call symInit ld hl, sFOO ld de, 0x4000 call symRegisterGlobal jp nz, fail ld hl, sBAR ld de, 0x20 call symRegisterGlobal jp nz, fail ld hl, s3 call parseExpr jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h cp 0x40 jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 0x20 jp nz, fail call nexttest ld hl, s4 call parseExpr jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h or a jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 0x60 jp nz, fail call nexttest ld hl, s5 call parseExpr jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h cp 0x3f jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 0xfd jp nz, fail call nexttest ld hl, s6 call parseExpr jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h cp 0x40 jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 0x80 jp nz, fail call nexttest ; success xor a halt nexttest: ld a, (testNum) inc a ld (testNum), a ret fail: ld a, (testNum) halt